During the 2000 and 2004 Elections, the Bush campaign repeatedly used the terms "Compassionate Conservatism", "Born Again Christian", "Faith", and "Morals" to get poor Republicans (particularly the ones in the South and the Bible Belt) to vote for Bush. However, after Bush got all of the poor Republicans' votes, he cr*pped all over them by ignoring their problems.
A couple of my old poor Republican Army buddies who were stationed with me in Fort Campell got screwed on their military benefits, and they had to do repeat tours in Iraq when they were facing financial, family and other various problems. Nobody in their Chain of Command cared about them. It seemed like Bush, his administration, and the higher-ranking military officials were willing to ship the troops off to Iraq regardless of what the their situations were. They constantly get screwed.
So, do the "elitest" Republicans even care about poor Conservatives?
It seems like the only thing they want are their votes.
14 answers
asked by
Mr. Main Event