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I have put up the question: "Have you noticed that People who tout the Government's explanation of 9/11 don't put their email up." I am not interested in stalking people, nor do I want to invade their privacy. I am only interested at getting at the core of the truth concerning 9/11! When a well educated man, by all indications, answers close to 70 questions on 9/11, why can't that person put up his email and stand behind his statements? Mine is there! Disclosure and transparency is what makes Americans sleep well at night. Not some faceless entity that we all know is the bete noir to our democratic form of government. I am not interested in harassing this gentleman. I am only interested in creating a dialogue for all the unheard voices that cry out for accountability! Please look at my question. Please feel free to join in.

2007-05-30 17:56:24 · 22 answers · asked by ? 3 in Politics & Government Politics

Please read the question: "Have you noticed that People who tout the Government's explanation of 9/11 don't put their email up." You can find this under my profile. C'mon gang let me hear your thoughts. This is not about You or I. This is about accountability concerning 9/11! Please read my rebuttals to the answers. They are sourced 100%.

2007-05-30 18:07:04 · update #1

People, I do not engage in "conspiracy theory." I leave the theory to hacks. I do engage in cognitive pattern associations pertaining to facts. Just like any true police detective and investigator who looks at a crime scene. Not only have I read the literature, I have made it a point to meet with those involved in disclosing the facts of 9/11, such as: William Rodriguez (the last man out from the WTC complex and awarded the Medal of Freedom from Bush), General Benton Partin (Explosives expert who proved the OKC bombing happened inside the Alfred P. Murrah Bldg.) Colonel Donn de Grand Pre (who wrote to Vice Chairman Peter Pace concerning the REAL operations on the day of 9/11), Jim Marrs who wrote the book JFK and 9/11 Inside Job. Please read my questions and answers on 9/11. Let's be Americans and do what our founding fathers had wanted all along. Make government a servent to the people.

2007-05-30 18:26:10 · update #2

Cynthiat, do you have children? Should we not care about our future generations? Should we just "move on" and forget about the dead civilians on 9/11 and the over 3000 dead soldiers. How many times have we just "moved on" and the same events keep reoccurring because we stick our heads in the sand? This is not about putting an email up. It's about you taking responsibility for your actions and your government's actions. I have no children. However, I fight for your children and their children's children. I humbly ask that you investigate and secure your god given right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. We must fight for this everyday. It is never given.

2007-05-30 18:44:29 · update #3

RayN, if you don't believe I think much of myself, then why did you answer me? What does that make you?

2007-05-30 18:49:24 · update #4

Oianzinh, please do what I have done concerning 9/11. If you don't know what Bete' means, look it up like a good investigator and not rely on the corporate controlled media to give you an explanation. Don't get lazy. It is for this reason that the 9/11s have happened in the past. Instant answers only means instant oppression. George Washington said it best--"An ignorant populace is a populace enslaved. I need you to look. From one American to another!

2007-05-30 18:56:30 · update #5

Peace Warrior, obviously you didn't read my additional comments. Not only have I read the material, I went and got confirmation from the sources. I have a made it a point to back up my opinions instead of broad stroking generalities. If you go to my profile and review my questions and answers you'll see sources. Please, make sure you read the rebuttals to my questions listed above. It is so easy to cynical. It is very hard to humble.

2007-05-30 19:05:13 · update #6

Jeeper, In June 1997 the U.S. Air Force Base in Eglin, Florida issued a 56-page 'Case Study' on the Murrah bombing that stated: "It must be concluded that the damage at the Murrah Federal Building is not the result of the truck bomb itself but rather due to other factors such a locally placed charges in the building." Source: OKC The Final Report by Charles Key and Waking Up From Our Nightmare by Paul & Hoffman. Jeeper, have you seen the actual local news reports of the police carrying out at least 2 bombs on the stretchers? What about the terrorism expert on television making the statement that with these unexploded bombs, "we will have the ID numbers to track the bombs." Check out You Tube. Go back and do your research. You are being deceived. Just because you have "A" source that says one thing, you need to get corroboration. Right? Remember, the facts and the truth get distorted for ulterior motives. Now go do your homework and then get back to me. God Bless.

2007-05-31 03:00:01 · update #7

Jeepers, as for the ANFO bomb being the Only explosive at OKC bombing. Here is a New York Times Article dated May 20, 2004. I will write out the article verbatim: WITNESS SAYS EXPERT LIED AT BOMB TRIAL. McALESTER, Okla., May 19 (AP) --- An F.B.I. whistle-blower testified Wednesday at the state murder trial of Terry Nichols that a government scientist lied when he said ammonium nitrate crystals found on debris from the Oklahoma City bombing had been embedded by the force of the blast. The whistle-blower, Frederic Whitehurst, testifying for the defense, said and F.B.I. forensic scientist he had trained, Steven Burmeister, also lied when he testified that the crystals came from the kind of fertilizer believed to have been used in the bombing. Mr. Whitehurst said there was not enough evidence to support either of Mr. Burmeister's conclusions. "He is my student," Mr. Whitehurst said. "And I trust him like a brother. But he lied under oath. He lied." The bomb destroyed the--

2007-05-31 04:50:44 · update #8

--Oklahoma City Federal Building on April 19, 1995, killing 168 people. Mr. Whitehurst said he questioned Mr. Burmeister's truthfulness after reviewing transcripts of his testimony at the 1997 federal trials of Mr. Nichols and Timothy McVeigh, who was executed in 2001. Prosecutors have said Mr. Burmeister's testimony is crucial in proving that Mr. Nichols helped Mr. McVeigh gather components and build the bomb. Mr. Whitehurst's reports in the 1990's of shoddy work in the F.B.I.'s laboratory led to widespread changes at the agency. The Justice Department inspector general's office investigated the laboratory for 18 months and criticized it for flawed scientific work and inaccurate testimony in major cases, including the Oklahoma City bombing. Mr. Whitehurst's testimony focused on a shredded piece of plywood recovered two days after the bombing that the authorities believe came from the cargo container of the Ryder truck that delivered the bomb. The debris, found in a parking lot--

2007-05-31 05:09:03 · update #9

--across the street from the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building, is the only direct evidence of the explosive used. Mr. Whitehurst said that he saw the crystals through a microscope after Mr. Burmeister discovered them but it was impossible to say whether they were embedded or the result of contamination. Mr. Whitehurst said ammonium nitrate could have been in the parking lot for several reasons.
Well Jeeper, what about that study concerning the ANFO bomb causing all that damage? It looks like you have a problem with your so-called forensics.

2007-05-31 05:22:07 · update #10

Jeeper, you're being plain obtuse. I noticed that your time differential 1997 to 2004 keeps getting closer to the present date?! Did you even bother to read or comment about the New York Times article that I wrote verbatim? Why did you DUCK this very important key piece of evidence? Did you bother to look on You-Tube regarding the initial local TV coverage of BOMBS being taken out of the Alfred P. Murrah building? How does a terrorism expert appear on a local "live" news broadcast and say that the BOMBS found will give clues to where they were manufactured? Tell me, why was the rubble from the Murrah building piled up against another building across the street? Why were pillers closer to the truck blast still standing, when those further away were destroyed? Why was the building destroyed, buried and fenced in by armed guards when State Senator John Decamp (Nebraska) and others wanted a forensics test done? Who was in charge of both the OKC bombing and the 9/11 cleanup?

2007-05-31 09:40:19 · update #11

Don't you find it interesting that Controlled Demolition was employed for both cleanups? Don't you find it interesting that the debris has either been buried (OKC) or that the WTC debris was shipped off to China immediately? The very same China that was admitted into the World Trade Organization on the day of 9/11! How can an ammonia nitrate fuel oil bomb explode and people within a block radius be able to breathe? They can't! I can see it now. It will be 2008 soon, and more evidence will come forth in 2007. Will you try to explain away the difference in years versus the reality? Do your homework! Interview Partin! Ask John Decamp, Ted Gunderson (retired FBI), Mike Shannahan. Ask the surviving office workers inside the Alfred P. Murrah building about what they saw that day. I know, I know! Your Ryder Truck will have to get bigger and bigger to explain the blast. Just like the media's explanation regarding the truck. It's 2007 Jeeper. Time is ticking.

2007-05-31 10:00:43 · update #12

22 answers

Conspirators, critics and anyone who drums beats an issue must be able to reveal or at best post his email address on this site so that those interested to argue on issues will be given opportunities.

2007-05-30 18:01:25 · answer #1 · answered by FRAGINAL, JTM 7 · 2 1

General Benton Partin analysis of the Oklahoma Federal Building bombing was proven inaccurate in 2006 by the University of New Mexico School of Mining.

UNM has one of the largest explosive research and testing labs in America.

In 2006, they recreated the Rider Truck bomb, using information provided by Tim McVeigh in his debriefings.

They placed column's made exactly like those used in the Federal building, and duplicated the scene as far as possible.

Sensors were placed in the truck, in the column's and the surrounding area to measure the force of the blast.

Their measurements showed that enough force was created to bring down the building, and the force level was substantially higher than General Partin's analysis thought the force should be.

So to answer your question, because people who continue to spout these theories, use out dated information, never going back to re-research their questions, to see what has been proven false sense the questions first arose.

They spout nonsense about no bodies being found in the pentagon rubble, when the DC firefighters will tell you different.

Or about WTC 7 not being damaged in the attack, when the entire face of wtc 7 was destroyed by debris from wtc #2,

I'll admit, there are some valid questions, but when people mix in outlandish statements that are knowingly false with the rest of their questions, then who is going to take them seriously ?

Case in point, your quoting of general partin, when his analysis was proven false in 2006.

Now i don't believe he lied, or made anything up. I just believe the information we had on fuel oil based explosives when he made his analysis, were inaccurate.

And an actual physical testing, proved it.


You give stuff from 1997, 2004 to disprove a test done in 2006 ?

They video taped the test and the testing procedure. It has already been shown on tv.

Thats my whole point, you refuse to listen to NEW evidence and keep quoting the same ole garbage over and over again.

2007-05-30 19:37:00 · answer #2 · answered by jeeper_peeper321 7 · 1 1

Is this where your conspiracy theory has taken you? Complaining about email addresses? I for one don't want people I don't know emailing me.

Not everyone believes the government account of 9/11 as a whole. But that doesn't mean they had men planting bombs, destroying buildings, shooting missiles into buildings, hiding aircraft, shooting down aircraft and whatever else.

It's proper to question. That's true patriotism to me, don't ever let the government get comfortable. But ridiculous accusations and theories are another thing.

Here's my question... How could the Bush Administration be smart enough to plan, execute and cover up such a massive conspiracy? They're just not that smart, they couldn't even come close to covering up their Iraq conspiracy. Is it so hard to believe that the shady answers, hurried clean up and shoddy investigation are a product of an administration eager to get 9/11 out of the way, placing blame and capitalizing on the political benefits and fear it created?

2007-05-30 18:15:57 · answer #3 · answered by Incognito 5 · 1 1

You need an education

First you learn, then you teach

If you don't learn, your teaching will be unreliable at best

The 3,000 on 9-11 is but a drop in the ocean compared to what the United States of Corporate America has inflicted upon the world the past 75 years in the name of foreign policy and national security.

If you really want to learn I'll recommend some books

but if you're just spewing forth right wing rhetoric to hear yourself vomit up propaganda then you've got that down.

2007-05-30 18:55:38 · answer #4 · answered by Peace Warrior 4 · 0 1

Although you probably aren't a stalker, putting up an email address is probably likely to attract others who just want to harass people on BOTH sides of the issue.

I agree, faceless entities are risking nothing to spout off. However, in this day of computer piracy and manipulation, I could easily imagine someone giving that email to a spammer or some other miscreant.

For now, I believe the way to go is to join a movement and get people to join your cause. The way this country is going, there will be a LOT of people who will be a force for change and accountability.

2007-05-30 18:03:37 · answer #5 · answered by Truth 5 · 4 1

I have my email up...even with the hate mail i get. I agree with you. If they can dog things, then they should be able to take the heat. I stand firm in my beliefs, and I'm not about ready to let it get shot down, because of some liberal, who thinks this war, 9/11 and Bush is a joke. 9/11 happened, but instead of pointing fingers to where the fingers need to be pointed. Ppl automatically point at the leader. Its so easy to do that. For one, he can't defend himself against every person in this country. As i have said before in one answer, so many speak of the 3rd World War. To be honest with you i really don't' think that is going to the the issue. With the way that the country is going, its going to be the next civil war.

2007-05-30 18:06:35 · answer #6 · answered by Squeakers 4 · 3 1

I do not know why you cannot get an answer. I generally do not get involved in 9/11 truths debates. I find it virtually impossible to change the way anyone thinks about 9/11 regardless of the data that is presented to them.

2007-05-30 18:04:16 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

Because the question has already been up a thousand times and people are tired of hearing about it. I think you are beating a dead horse. I have my email up and still don't care to hear anymore about it. Also, I sleep well at night knowing our government is really NOT that corrupt.

2007-05-30 18:25:15 · answer #8 · answered by JudiBug 5 · 0 1

I have all forms of contact posted on my profile...and let me tell you I get more hate mail than any other kind, people claiming they want to debate me while beginning the email with "Why are you so stupid" or " I can tell your uneducated" then proceed to tell me that my opinion is not wanted and that I deserve to die...I have never in my life sent such an email, not even in response to one. Every single hate mail I get comes from people who scream like banshee's about free speech...that's why people don't want to post their emails...they gave their opinion, the end...you do not have the right to pursue them outside of the question and answer area to tell them how wrong they are!

2007-05-30 18:10:14 · answer #9 · answered by Erinyes 6 · 2 1

I answer first, and if the answering makes me think of or makes my day, then i will famous person. i comprehend...that's choosy of me, sorry. o.o yet this way I finally end up pointing my followers and contacts to the *solid stuff* you comprehend? ^__^ Or a minimum of i attempt to. yet have a famous person besides in basic terms for being affected person and awareness. ^_^

2016-11-23 20:34:19 · answer #10 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

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