I am 23. I graduated from college in May and have a really good job working as an investment manager. In June i met an older lady, she told me she was 52. I never was an "older lady" man but she was really nice and very attractive so i pursued a relationship. When we had sex she told me she was too old to get pregnant and she was on the pill anyway so there was no need to wear a condom. Yesterday she informed me of a bunch of things: first, she's preg. 2nd, she's not 52, she's 42. 3rd she got pregnant on purpose by me because she thinks i'm really attractive and i have a good future career ahead of me financially. Also, she was actually taking fertility drugs to facilitate getting preg.
Is there anything i can do legally. She totally lied to me in so many ways, now needless to say we're broken up but she says that i still have to financially support her. Is this true even though she lied about everything to me!!
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