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Law & Ethics - November 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Law & Ethics

What is the differnce between public and private sector?

i would like a detailed answer, if possible


2007-11-03 01:13:03 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

Employers aren't allowed to know the details of medical information of their employees. However, can employers have their doctors request medical information from their employees doctors which may result in a second opinion of what kind of care and treatment their employees should receive?

2007-11-02 22:07:21 · 3 answers · asked by rascoe627 1

2007-11-02 21:44:26 · 1 answers · asked by Ntapechela 1

There are a few in my neighborhood and I won't call the cops on them.

They don't bother me and my family.

I go to work, take care of my kids and live my life. They don't bother me and I don't bother them. I get my money at work they get theres there way. I don't care, it does'nt affect me.

If the cops catch them then they catch them but why do people got to be little snakes and rat people out?

They must have no life.

2007-11-02 21:28:26 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have received one email in which a person have proposal for me. He seeks my consent to present myself as the next of kin to the deceased, so that the proceeds of his (deceased) account can be paid to me and afterward we can share the amount received.
but I don’t know who is this person and deceased one.
Tell me what should I do???

2007-11-02 19:53:32 · 15 answers · asked by shama 1

specifically owning handguns?

2007-11-02 18:23:14 · 18 answers · asked by superman 4

Registered Lottery No 220949

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Mr.Kennedy Spencer
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2007-11-02 18:13:41 · 9 answers · asked by hano h 1

Only when we are under total and constant taped surveillance will we be good individuals.

2007-11-02 18:03:30 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I received some toll violations that sum up 470 dollars and it is in both of our names because she owns my car. He told her that she can put those toll violations with her bankruptcy but I thought that was illegal because the violations came from the state of Illinois.

Is he right or wrong?

2007-11-02 17:53:29 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

hi does any1 no the legal age for sex in the uk?: for example: a 14 year old with an 18 year old is this legal with both there concents?? thanku for all answers xxx good luck and God bless xxx

2007-11-02 17:51:30 · 4 answers · asked by nib60 2


The threat to institute a criminal prosecution against another party in order to force that party into a contract is almost always duress.

2007-11-02 17:45:45 · 2 answers · asked by anaxandraa 1

2007-11-02 17:34:17 · 5 answers · asked by kamelåså 7

I need to file a motion concerning my child who resides in MA (I'm in California) and am wondering if this can be done from California. I am on limited funds, and cannot afford to fly out there to file the motion then go back the next month for the court date. Any info would be appreciated. Thanks

2007-11-02 17:32:05 · 2 answers · asked by Coco 1

2007-11-02 17:07:04 · 6 answers · asked by 2 wierd 2 live but 2 rare 2 die 1

Currently my wages are not being garnished but I think that in the future they might be. I don't want to tell her but she says she has a right to know.

2007-11-02 16:47:36 · 18 answers · asked by Scott M 1

that we will not get paid for that extra hour we have to work. The rumor is pretty legit due to they did this in the past. The reason being is because we will get that hour back in the spring time, but I don't even know if I'll still be on night shift by then. Is this legal or illegal by law? I would asume it is illegal but just throwing it out there for anyone that can clear it up. Thanks

2007-11-02 16:40:55 · 11 answers · asked by USARMYINFANTRY 3

To the genX, Y, Z. How do you feel about boomers collecting SS benifits? I made a contract with my government and employer 30 plus years ago to invest a percentage of my weekly income to be set aside for my retirement. I did this in good faith and am not some hippy socialist that waited for others to take care of me. This was a long term insurance that when I was too old to work, I would have some minimal income to keep me from winding up on the streets and starving to death. I have taking enough care that I will hopefully never come to that, SS or not, but why am I begrudged the expectation that I should recieve what I have diligently invested in? I still had to make wise choices and forgo many whims and luxuries to gaurentee my own old age future. I am curious why I see so many younger people that do not think I deserve to collect my investment.

2007-11-02 16:11:44 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am 23. I graduated from college in May and have a really good job working as an investment manager. In June i met an older lady, she told me she was 52. I never was an "older lady" man but she was really nice and very attractive so i pursued a relationship. When we had sex she told me she was too old to get pregnant and she was on the pill anyway so there was no need to wear a condom. Yesterday she informed me of a bunch of things: first, she's preg. 2nd, she's not 52, she's 42. 3rd she got pregnant on purpose by me because she thinks i'm really attractive and i have a good future career ahead of me financially. Also, she was actually taking fertility drugs to facilitate getting preg.

Is there anything i can do legally. She totally lied to me in so many ways, now needless to say we're broken up but she says that i still have to financially support her. Is this true even though she lied about everything to me!!

2007-11-02 15:43:44 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

Well the morning brings another disgusting spectacle of a corrupt Bush political appointee accepting bribes. I guess the theory is, grab it while you can cause you are never, never coming back. I would be most curious to know if Commissioner, Nancy Nord declared the value of her bribed trip to Hilton Head Golf resort. The law that we underlings live under says that if we failed to do that the next all inclusive paid trip we would take would be to a Federal detention facility. Beyond that, I do believe that both the offering and the taking of a bribe to and by a Federal Employee is a crime. I guess we know why the Justice Department had to rely on the Washing Post to bring this little problem to light. On the flip side at least we now know what the head of the Consumer Product Safety Commission was doing while hundreds of thousands of lead painted toys were being offered for sale to America's children. Lead poisoning is incurable and debilitating for life. Great job Nordie!

2007-11-02 15:39:41 · 1 answers · asked by sSuper critic 2

I don't understand the difference

2007-11-02 15:18:49 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have been stuck in a crappy job for over 5 years. Everyone is rude, poor morale, company could careless about there own employees even though we are making products for military men and women. Bosses are cool one min and the next they are a bunch of cock blocks.

I have been looking fot other jobs. Sent out lots of resumes, I have never had this much trouble looking for a job EVER! I belive that my present job of 5 years is giving me a bad referacne. Because I am a good employee and they dont want to loose me, and they dont want to train someone new. I want out and dont want to quit before I find a new job.

What should I do? How do I catch my boss at giving me a bad referance? Alot of my co workers said that she gives people bad referances to keep from loosing them. HELP!!

2007-11-02 15:10:18 · 11 answers · asked by southernstyle352 3


A person in my family lost her boyfriend in an accident and he left behind a 1 year old child he was 22 and lived in New York. He also worked for a little while before passing. I was wondering can her child since she is 1 years old get his ss benefits? They were not married they were dating.

2007-11-02 15:06:19 · 4 answers · asked by lostinlove1919 4

My grandmother made two amendments to a trust. But it appears that neither were notarized. When the trust was created in 1992, each of her two sons were getting a home. But each of the two amendments removed them both and put on a grandson and a great-granddaughter as beneficiaries instead. In her last Will and Testament, she has the grandson and great-granddaughter getting a home. Which one is valid or which will hold up if contested?

2007-11-02 15:05:57 · 3 answers · asked by elcampeon17 1

In the United States, a person convicted of a crime may, in some circumstances, petition the court to have their criminal record expunged (totally erased, as if it never existed), and I'm wondering if Canadian law has a provision that is identical or comparable to that. Thanks in advance.

2007-11-02 15:03:33 · 1 answers · asked by No Shortage 7

he swears it's not his, and it was in the side pocket (the north face bookbags with the water bottle pocket). at his court hearing, if he's found guilty, what can happen? plzz helpp i need to knoww!

2007-11-02 14:42:36 · 14 answers · asked by Marley Fan 2

My dad was my co signer on my car and now he has decided he wants it back. he threatend me to day and said that he was going to report my car stolen? can he do that? he says that he pushed me off the title but when i call the dmv I am still on the registration. if he reports it stolen will they take me to jail even though my registration says my name on it? help

2007-11-02 14:35:52 · 8 answers · asked by dandj 1

I have frequented a local pizza place for around 3 years now (while at college). I usually go with a friend and we split a pizza and each get tap water. Today, a rather rude woman was behind the counter and she said that due to cost cutting, the restaurant will no longer provide tap water, you have to buy bottled water instead, even though the beverage dispenser is behind the counter and you can clearly see the water tab. Must a restaurant provide tap water for free, or is it merely good business?

2007-11-02 14:30:37 · 8 answers · asked by mr_master2 2

A doctor gives a person a rectal exam (like with physicals). That doctor deliberately applies pressure to the rectal artery by pushing very hard straight in on purpose. The blood is cut off and the patient passes out unconscious. At they very worst (a doctor gets his rocks off having power over his patients) what would you call this crime (if it was deliberate) is it some form of rape or something else? Is it malpractice. Also if this client was suffering from depression at the time of this molestation, does her depression (person was clinically depressed prior to the event) and shame give her the right to toll the statute of limitations in that case if she couldn't bring herself to sue for malpractice at the time and the statutes have expired by nearly a year? All answers please.

This would be a 'Intentional medical malpractice suit' if her depression was accepted as mental incompetence.

2007-11-02 14:27:06 · 7 answers · asked by the truth and nothing but 1

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