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Immigration - June 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Immigration

I have had a few people ask me this and feel for what ever reason I owe this to them I have explained it thousands of times. Why is everyone so concerned about why I care about the illegal aliens?

2007-06-17 16:23:07 · 17 answers · asked by gidget lil bit 4

I see none except now the Fed. wants to give Amnesty to 4x as many illegals.

2007-06-17 15:52:58 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

what would have happened to all those hippies in 1960's who left USA illegally if the Canadians had sealed the border.

its ok to run from your obligations during Vietnam war but its not ok if someone else runs from their country to find a better life?

2007-06-17 15:38:48 · 13 answers · asked by Pro Bush 5

I want to know what you guys have to say on the illegal immigrant's children whose only crime was getting dragged into the US...the children had no say whether they were going to become illegal or not. So would you deport them when all their education was from America and grew up surrounded in American culture and customs, where they probably have no chance of growing up to be anything in their native countries?

2007-06-17 14:53:28 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

If they have a job, fly our flag and respect,assume, adopt and learn all the American traditions. will you be OK with them here?

2007-06-17 14:33:46 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why is it so important that you want to force THEM to learn English. In my business I just don't speak with any body who I can't understand. If THEY NEED to speak with me THEY bring a translator. let the NEED be the enforcer and forget about your "racial resentment"

2007-06-17 14:11:32 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

If so, which would be less expensive, deporting 12,000,000 people or amnesty for those not guilty of a crime other than trying to illegally get work?

2007-06-17 14:09:36 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

I came across an Asian lady on the internet, and she desires to get married. Has any person enjoyed or suffered an incident of this kind? What are the caution signs, if any, to watch for to see if she is sincere or not?

Thank you,

2007-06-17 14:03:48 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

I hear people talk about, Build a wall, Arm that wall, set up patrols, deport them all... etc.
We say this while at the same time poloticians and corporate america is saying,"Come to america we will give you free health care a job a place to live etc..."
THEY should take care of the bill!
Fine businesses corporations who employ them.
Fine apts and others who rent and sell to them.
Fine banks who give them accounts.
Fine credit card companies who give them cards.
Stop hospitals from giving them free health care.
A wall wont work, deportation wont work.
The only thing that will work is cutting off their supply of money.

2007-06-17 13:58:29 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

let me ask you this questions before you answer!!
who would be doing the construction working?
who would harvest the food, pick the food?
WHo would work in the food companies packing,.. foods? when many americans are lazy and will not do it now, now imagine if they would do it when there isnt a ny immigrants in the USA? make sure you think before answering this question

2007-06-17 13:50:49 · 16 answers · asked by Unknown 2

In Arizona we would not pass the MLK holiday until it were reworded. My question is, what would be a better bill to pass? One is going to pass regardless of what we want, you all know this. Our VOTE doesn't count that's why they won't let US the American people vote on this issue. So, what would be a good enough bill to pass? 1) Let only those here to work and pay a fine to stay? 2) Enlist into our military and be willing to fight for the country you want so bad to be in? 3) Build a great wall of China at our borders? 4) Not allow amnesty at all (yeah right) 5) Start using our influence in the word to force Mexico to start utilizing their resources and making Mexico a better place for it's people (i.e. what we are trying to do in Iraq) 6) Just roll over and play dead until their all here and then claim Mexico, clean it up and take it over while turning it into a world power and renaming the USA-2

2007-06-17 13:47:01 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

What are my legal obligations if we split up & never get married?

2007-06-17 13:30:45 · 2 answers · asked by feedmethai 2

2007-06-17 12:34:07 · 5 answers · asked by Mr. Bodhisattva 6

They have tremendous oil resources and a booming tourism industry. The problem is that their government is corrupt. Why don't they overthrow their corrupt leaders and fix their own problems. If they spent half the energy trying to fix their problems as they do trying to get into the US they might get somewhere.

Let's talk about the real problem and the real issue here. The Mexican government. It is time that they are called on the carpet for this problem.

2007-06-17 12:13:03 · 21 answers · asked by songndance1999 4

I asked a question yesterday and received several good suggestions. After 2 months the passport office is asking for 3 public record forms of ID since my birth certificate name is different from my present name. (married name). My new question is: Do I have to send in the originals? And if I do send originals has anyone ever had them NOT be returned? They now have my original birth certificate. If I send them my marriage license, income tax forms, social security card, or drivers license will I get them back with no problem? Thanks again for the great answers yesterday. I was born in Iowa and lived here 100% of my life.

2007-06-17 10:26:48 · 3 answers · asked by kingsley 6

Can I demand mexico give back my land that they now occupy? I mean my cave man ancestors originally occupied this land therefore it belongs to me.

2007-06-17 09:39:34 · 15 answers · asked by jcab20055 2

2007-06-17 09:29:17 · 24 answers · asked by Fedup Veteran 6

You miss the point Not all "illegals" are violent.
I have never said I support any violent person at all

2007-06-17 06:44:28 · 19 answers · asked by gidget lil bit 4

I'm getting tired of hearing Democrats complain about the President's failed plan for immigration reform. Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't the President get forced to push through Teddy's plan in order to get the funding for our troops in the war zone? Wasn't it the Democrats that were crying for an Amnesty Program and a path to legal status for the 12 million criminals? Maybe I lost the big picture when I went on vacation, but I don't understand how the President can be criticized for the Democratic plan of Ted Kennedy on Immigration reform failing to get enough support.

If anyone knows of resource sites that clearly state the party positions on immigration reform, please enlighten me...I would like to know what the differences are in the two major parties approach to the non-secure border problem and the treatment of the criminals that are here and the treatment of the employers of those criminals and the complete failing of our homeland security to enforce immigration law.

2007-06-17 06:17:54 · 4 answers · asked by Jim 5

Why is this the only answer I ever get from people. My best friend who is African American agrees my me in every sense of the word regarding illegal immigration, but let me guess, he's racist right? What wrong with people. Maybe I should dump my hispanic girlfriend then, or at least tell her that I'm racist because after 5 years she hasn't seen it. But everybody here seems to know me better than her. Can you advocates of amnesty come up with any else besides being a racist or that WHITE people are lazy, and nothing would ever been done if it weren't for mexicans. They ARE hard workers and not bad people and they are just trying to make a better life for themselfs, but I still have a problem with the ILLGEAL part of immigration. And yes my family migrated here as well, but LEGALLY through Ellis Island, I know for a fact because I've seen their names in the book their, I grew up in New York City. So please come up with something else besdies the racist card, it's old!

2007-06-17 05:52:34 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

Leaks towards their family, children and friends? Therefore The anger and hate is multiplied and yet It stops nothing and they keep coming?

2007-06-17 04:45:05 · 19 answers · asked by gidget lil bit 4

2007-06-17 03:17:17 · 2 answers · asked by ARYA G 1

when America has been mostly white for over 200 years, all of those immigrants assimilated into American society and learned English, a majority Asians have assimilated and learned English, along with many other ethnic groups...but when it comes to Latinos we should make an exception to the rule...

2007-06-17 01:15:59 · 31 answers · asked by turntable 6

S My brother is marrying some Jamaican girl....?
for a passport!!

I told him not to and it is perjury, but he says he needs the money!!

I think he is going to get £1500.00

When I went to registered mine and my fiances wedding, I looked at a notice in the office.. saying something about false information could lead to prosecution.

I told him not to, on the grounds that he will meet a girl and fall in love. I told him all abou the consequenses but he will not listen to me!

I am 24 my brother is 21, what is the worse that can happen.

Sorry if I did not make myself clear, my brother is British and this girl he is marrying wants citizenship in the UK!

I told him that the registar will ask questions to test if they know one another. Again he will not listen to me.

2007-06-16 23:25:30 · 18 answers · asked by Rebz 5

I want to relocate to Canada and am planning to go via www.canadavisa.com . Now, this agency helps me to apply for Permanent Residentship. They say it will take upto 14 months for my application to succeed. Two questions:

1. Is it possible that by applying via such agencies, our application time reduces to 14 months (instead of 65-69 monthsa as they say it takes if applied directly).

2. How do I get a job in Canada while I am in my country and my PR application is under process? Do the employers accept applications online?

3. Do recruitment agencies in Canada help if we want to apply via them while we are still in our country?

I really need some help and guidance. And am grateful for all those who will share their information with me. Thanks!

2007-06-16 23:07:27 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ok, some of you don't want the bill passed for various reasons.Why,what will change if it gets voted down?NOTHING.You are granting silent amnesty by protesting the bill.Are you all willing for this to continue and just gripe about it?I have given several questions on what to do to make a bill.Most of you agreed at some point or other.Well the questions were all taken from the bill.So why did you agree with me but not the bill which is where I got the ideas?Is it that hard to trust the government?Or is it because you thought you had a say in it the way I put the questions?Please help me understand your reasoning.

2007-06-16 22:59:46 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

Yes, I think they are.

2007-06-16 18:48:02 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Hard working, tax-paying Americans are being marginalized by our government when it comes to immigration. The people have spoken, yet the government ignores us. Where was the President when it came to Social Security reform? At the first sign of trouble, he backed off. Now I am supposed to lay down and wait for more social program recipients to flood my country and turn it into a third world cess pool like their own country? I think not. When are we as Americans going to do something about our government?

2007-06-16 16:48:48 · 10 answers · asked by The Patrioteer 4

I am in my 60's and have applied for my first passport. Today, 2 months after applying I received a letter from the Dept of State. I live in California. Because my birth ceritificate name is different than my married name they asked for: 3 public records that include my current name, date and "Place of Birth." I have been looking thru many documents that I think will work OK, But....not one of them lists my "Place of Birth." Now what do I do??? I was born in Iowa and have lived in California for over 60 years.

2007-06-16 16:39:50 · 4 answers · asked by kingsley 6

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