ITS offical The numbers are in and hispanics have offically taken over....
in california there are 32,000,000 illegals included as opposed to 15,000,000 whites and 7,000,000 other..... the san bernadino cOUNty has 1,000,000 hispanics and whites are 700,000
..and those are legal ones folks not including the 12 million uncounted for........
its speading like wild flower and white women are race mixing giving these invaders even more power...with maJor ciTIES LIKE COLORADO ,,N.Y,,, DALLAS,,,PHEONIX,,HOUSTON,,,MIAMI,,LOS ANGELES,,CHICAGO,,,SAN DIEGO,, SAN FRANCISCO,,PHELIDELPHIA,,,SALT LAKE CITY,,,LAS VEGAS,,,TUCSON,,,,NEW MEXICO,,,TEXAS,,,NEW ORLEANS,,,they are everywhere some one do something SHES GONNA BLOW!!!!! take cover boys the s*hit has hit the ciling we are done for ,,,,someone get me the president its WW3,,, THE END OF TIMES IS HERE RUNNNN !!! HIDE YOUR CHILDREN FOLKS THE ALIEN INVADERS HAVE ARRIVED AND THEY AINT TAKING PRISONERS .....HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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