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Immigration - August 2006

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Immigration

2006-08-22 05:45:20 · 14 answers · asked by vivadeftones 1

I was watching a new release movie last night and the FBI warning in the beginnig was in Enlish and THEN IN SPANISH. I was so PI$$ED OFF. What does the movie industry think? The Mexicans come over here illegally and then they are going to obey the FBI warnings? I'm 26 and was born in the US. Yeah, I know I'm lucky but the Mexicans are going to change our society for the worst if we don't do something NOW.

If there are 2 products that are the same and one has directions in Spanish and one doesn't, I WILL NOT buy the one that has Spanish on it even if it is cheaper. How about you?

PS I am a right wing consevitive RUSH baby!

2006-08-22 05:36:39 · 35 answers · asked by sell insurance 2 1

Minorities dominant in Phoenix
Tucson also joins census list of cities where non-Anglos make up majority

Jon Kamman
The Arizona Republic
Aug. 22, 2006 12:00 AM

Minorities are now in the majority in Phoenix and Tucson, census data reveal.

The state's two largest cities experienced dramatic growth of their minority populations from 2000 to 2005, and a leading demographer said Monday that they can expect more of the same.

"It represents the new wave of urban growth for the West," said William Frey, an authority on population and migration trends for the Washington, D.C.-based Brookings Institution. advertisement

"What used to be just a California experience is now spreading throughout the West."

Denver also ended 2005 with a minority population slightly larger than non-minorities.

With Phoenix, Tucson and Denver joining the ranks of minority-predominant cities, the list now includes 31 of the nation's largest 50 cities.

Among medium-size cities, Yuma and Avondale have had minority majorities since the 2000 census or earlier.

Valley professionals who deal with minority issues say that although minorities are not a homogeneous group, the new balance is good for communities in general.

"I hope people see it as a positive," said Conrado Gomez, an assistant clinical professor of education at Arizona State University Polytechnic. "It's just the way things are going to be."

Anita Luera, vice president of the Valle Del Sol behavioral health center and director of its 20-year-old leadership-development program aimed at Hispanics, said there is little fundamental difference between the two populations.

"People shouldn't be afraid of it," Luera said. "Minorities are the same as majorities in wanting to have better lives, schools, education and safer communities."

Gomez said the heightened minority numbers will be felt mostly in two areas: politics and education.

"More Hispanics and non-Whites will be going into politics. I hope people understand that's the American way," he said. Education will have to adjust, he added.

"What is studied in school also has to reflect that population so those students can see themselves in their studies," Gomez said.

"Minority" for statistical purposes means everyone except Whites who are not of Hispanic ancestry. This includes Native Americans, Blacks, Asians and Pacific Islanders, people who designate themselves "some other race" and the Hispanic ethnic group, regardless of race.

The latest figures are the product of a survey in which roughly one in every 40 households in the nation was contacted throughout 2005.

Although more than half of the residents within the city limits of Phoenix and Tucson are minorities, the predominance of Anglos in other communities gives Maricopa County a minority component of 38.8 percent and Pima County 41.9 percent.

The Phoenix-Mesa-Scottsdale metropolitan statistical area, which encompasses all Maricopa and Pinal counties, is 38.9 percent minority.

The Valley city with the smallest proportion of minorities is Scottsdale, with 14.3 percent.

Minorities are one-third or less of the populations of Chandler, Gilbert, Mesa, Peoria, Surprise and Tempe.

Frey said that Arizona, more than other places, faces a sharp age difference in racial and ethnic components.

Minorities, with higher fertility rates, larger families and younger workers, are concentrated in the younger population, while many middle-age and senior residents are Anglos, he said.

"You have both a generation gap and cultural gap, so to speak," Frey said.

He said minorities who migrated en masse to California in the past decade, swelling its population to minority-majority status, are now heading inland, while more are coming to the West from other parts of this country and abroad.

2006-08-22 05:34:41 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

Are we too split as a country to realize that illegal immigration is going to ruin this country? They are a plague on our society that does nothing but suck as much money as they can and leave. Lets build a wall, put some guns on the top and ship every one of them back ASAP!!!!!

2006-08-22 05:29:26 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

There are over 3 million illegal aliens in this country and most of them have criminal records. Why are we allowing this to happen?

2006-08-22 05:22:38 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

I wouldn't move to a country I hated, or to a culture I refused to belong to.

2006-08-22 05:02:48 · 25 answers · asked by pumpmar 2

Why do illegal immigrants have rights? They are not citizens of this country yet they have all these rights. I have literally been told Sorry we cannot hire you because you do not speak spanish. BUT if you tell an immigrant sorry I cannot hire you because you do not speak english, well, YOU are gonna be in alot of trouble. These criminals come here, rape our social systems, live like pigs, and keep the economy down. The employers of these people are even worse because they use them to line their own pockets. We spend billions of dollars on programs designed JUST to aid illegal immigrants when really what we should do is send them back where they came from. They spit in every soldiers face who ever fought for this great country while they enjoy the freedoms those men gave us. Immigrating to the USA is not a RIGHT it is a gift. WE allow you to come here. Mexico is a dumpy place full of crime and corruption and it's citizens should battle that and better their own country.

2006-08-22 04:37:01 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

Just look at that stupid illegal immigrant in Chicago, holed up in a church because she got caught without her papers. Present U.S. anchor baby "policy" is an abuse of the 14th Amendment. This amendment was ratified in 1868 to protect the civil rights of native-born black Americans, who had recently been freed from slavery and whose rights were being denied.Most of the countries of the world do not have automatic birth citizenship, including free nations like Australia and the U.K. Just because a child is born here that should not automatically guarantee that person becomes a citizen -- especially when the parents broke the law to get here in the first place.

If you have time, read this short article by an American living in Mexico on the subject:

2006-08-22 04:32:58 · 22 answers · asked by baq2calli 2

my neighbors are horrible i want them gone, it's summer and i have to keep all my shades and winddows shut. i want to let in some fresh air it gets stuffy. but their kids drive me crazy they just sit and scream all day and look into my apartment..i don't want to talk to my manager anymore b/c then the people know it's me and will make up a crazy story and call the cops on me...I have 8 months left on my lease. i just want them to get deported, i think the kids where born here but the parents weren't they barely even speak english.

they are from somalia

2006-08-22 04:28:15 · 11 answers · asked by enigma 4

Check this punk out..

Post: Why do you think our Goverment ani't doing anything about?
The illegal immigation problem an The border problem
My Reply: learn to spell d*&k less loser
His Reply: Im not a loser you ***.
My Reply: Your just tryin to be a bad *** on-line come out to the chi & get punked.
His Reply: i can kick your *** you little punk
very funny cause i am grown ok so my reply to him was:
Ohhh look at your bad *** talking trash to a girl....hahahhha what a punk *** *****. I am a chick and i will still phuck u up white boyyyyyyyyyyy.

Now who here thinks this guy is a pu%%y?????????????????

2006-08-22 04:06:59 · 40 answers · asked by ? 4

I read an article that states the Oregon Republican GOP passed a resolution that would deny citizenship to any child born on U.S. soil to any illegal immigran and LEGAL immigrant who is not yet a citizen. First of all I the child is Born on U.S. soil, second of all, I thought it was about ILLEGALS, so why deny to those who are here legaly but not yet citizens such as Permanent Residents? They have their own SSN, they work and pay taxes just like any American, they are here LEGALLY so they are obeying the laws. So why did the GOP of Oregon passed this Resolution?

2006-08-22 03:54:40 · 30 answers · asked by Fiesty Redhead 2

Made it a law theat its a fed. offense to be in the U.S.A illegally.So why ani't they doing anything about it?

2006-08-22 03:39:27 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..........They must leave! Exclaimed Hazleton mayor,Louis J. Barletta and with a 1000 dollar a day fine imposed on landlords,revoke business license for five years, illegals are becoming scarce.Local "ethnic" restaurants say business is down up to 75% Adios Muchachos!!!!Oops I spoke spanish, $100 fine!!!!!! HEEEEHEEEEHEEEE!!

2006-08-22 03:37:26 · 24 answers · asked by ROBERTA 1

The illegal immigation problem an The border problem

2006-08-22 03:35:57 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

when to draw the line?
how? and how many?

2006-08-22 03:31:48 · 36 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm a teacher working in poland.
a nepalese student who holds a u.s passport asked me what " applicant not the same as class entry" means. this is a section at the bottom of the photo i.d page.

any ideas ? thanks

2006-08-22 03:12:08 · 1 answers · asked by svenhassel 1

Joe and his G. Hi I've noticed you've been in a dreary gloomy, depressed mood. You seem like you need a pick me up or a friend besides your guitar and cats so I have decided to be your friend and dedicate this song to you. There are some questions in it so feel free to answer.

I see you from a distance, from beyond the fence you've made. I don't know your feelings about your barracade. Or have you been invaded? Is this the reason why you hide? I know just how you're feeling. I know. Let me inside. Open the gate up. Open the gate up. Hurry. Open the gate up up up. Hurry. Hurry hurry. Hurry. And do it right now. Do it right now. Do it right now. Do it right now. Hurry.

What do you think of my dedication (part one) people? Isn't it sweet?

lyrics credit; Gwen Stefani (no doubt) Beacon Street Collection track one

2006-08-22 01:13:06 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

And who can shake it more?

2006-08-21 23:23:12 · 48 answers · asked by Anonymous

My husband (an american) passed away 7yrs ago. I had never bothered myself in getting an american citizenship, and I still feel the same way. I'm fine with my own citizenship. The thing is: my under-aged daughter is now thinking of finishing high school in america. I don't oppose her at all but we don't know anyone there and I don't want to dump her at some bording school and leave her in a foreign land all by herself. She feels the same.

So we've decided to move to the U.S as soon as my contract ends (which will be quite soon). The problem is I would obviously need to get a job to support the two of us. But, like I said, I'm not an american. My husband didn't know his family cause he was an orphan.

I'd like to know, is there a way I can get a work permit being the only parent of an under-aged american citizen?

Please help. I'm really desperate.

2006-08-21 23:20:33 · 8 answers · asked by Au Naturelle 1

..but they don't hesitate to use words like "cracker" and "trailer trash" and "redneck" and gringo" etc. etc. What hypocrites! I get stupidity like this on a daily basis. Here is just one example... this was by CRACKER WHACKER .read one line and realized YOU ARE A STUPID TRAILER DUMP INBREED WHO GET YOUR INFORMATION FROM PROPAGANDA TV!!!!

That GOTH-like AVATAR is a reflection of the limit on your intillect....very very

2006-08-21 22:43:47 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is this the way forward or just another PR stunt?

2006-08-21 21:52:29 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

many of the products you use/wear comes from mexico. most of the best weed smoked by you, family members and most high ranking officials you elected comes from mexico. there is lots to thank mexico for. be greateful that we share all of this with you.

2006-08-21 21:40:36 · 15 answers · asked by QUE PASA?? 3

for even simple jobs.

whats your view on this?

2006-08-21 21:39:18 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

And also a lot of these foreign cars here without tax discs and no insurance - what do we do about it? The police don't seem to be doing much.

2006-08-21 20:46:26 · 25 answers · asked by Mum-Ra 5


2006-08-21 20:16:02 · 28 answers · asked by QUE PASA?? 3

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