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Politics & Government - 12 November 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

1- did u know him before his visit?
2- how did u understand his speech?
3- did he change your opinion about france? what was your opinion of france?

thanks very much 4 your answer!!!

from a french girl

2007-11-12 02:51:40 · 5 answers · asked by MOI 5 in Government

By near the bottom I mean near the bottom for westernized and first world countries. The sad thing is we are competing with countries like Croatia and Cuba in categories like Infant Mortality and overall health.

2007-11-12 02:49:13 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

...opting instead to blame Democrats or the Clintons, it's pathetic. What say you?

2007-11-12 02:44:13 · 12 answers · asked by Resurrected 2 in Politics

That would be 1 Kings 9:21

Gee, the moral authority of your religion just keeps piling up, doesn't it? Has it ever occurred to you to actually worship something good, kind and benevolent?

2007-11-12 02:42:36 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

the flag should be blue down
white and red up
heaven . us with stars , and united nation

2007-11-12 02:42:20 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

i had a misdemeanor hit and run on my motorcycle, i guess i had scratched a car with my saddle bag and did not notice and the camera on the street light got my license plate #'s. so long story short, i apply for this great job. get the job and have to wait for a background check 2 weeks later it shows up on my background check that there is a warrant issued for hit and run which is totally untrue! i drove 100 miles to the court and proved it was untrue with the clerk got paperwork sent it to the background check company and disputed their claim. the problem is.... is that this great company has already made up their mind dispute or not!!! can i possibly sue someone for this great misrepresentation

2007-11-12 02:41:58 · 2 answers · asked by popangel17 2 in Law & Ethics

Forbes recently posted the salaries of the top 10 executives. The #1 has an annual sarlary of $686 Million dollars. The #10 guy got $98 million dollars. The President of the United States salary is $200 thousand. The president's current salary would put him at number 785 on the list of the 800 highest paid corporate chief executive officers.

Now does this seem right to you? CEOs are responsible for one company and they make that much more than the President of the US?

Many professional athletes have salaries larger than the President and they only play a game. I haven't looked it up but how many pro athletes have larger salaries then the President. I know it's a lot. The President gets held responsible for everything that happens and he doesn't have control of very much.

Should THIS be something Congress should be looking into? And what should they be doing, if anything?

2007-11-12 02:39:01 · 12 answers · asked by namsaev 6 in Government

It is almost amazing to me that many of the leads are identical regardless of the news "outlet".

2007-11-12 02:37:26 · 7 answers · asked by alphabetsoup2 5 in Politics

has any body seen this movie...chk it out on googl or youtube

2007-11-12 02:32:20 · 7 answers · asked by what's up 2 in Other - Politics & Government

Vietnam ended in defeat. Iraq is headed that way?

2007-11-12 02:31:20 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

They now have no smoking in bars in Minnesota where I live, they are trying to make it illegal to smoke in your own apartment here now. They are talking about raising taxes on tobacco to pay for the new health care bill that just got passed. Isn't it time for a million smoker march on D.C. to smoke Congress, The Senate and House out? Why do the non-smokers have to be like the christians who force their beliefs on everyone?

2007-11-12 02:31:11 · 13 answers · asked by davidaronis2000 2 in Law & Ethics

2007-11-12 02:29:49 · 4 answers · asked by Help me 1 in Military

2007-11-12 02:29:26 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

2007-11-12 02:28:38 · 4 answers · asked by Duminos 2 in Politics

I have given them his address and his email address and yet he never hears from them and they still ask me how he's doing! I want to scream at them to go ask him themselves!!!!

2007-11-12 02:28:28 · 16 answers · asked by Bitsy 3 in Military

Sort of like cheating on an exam?? What does this say about whether she will be candid with the voters?

2007-11-12 02:27:36 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

A bunch of jailed dogs we would be

2007-11-12 02:27:24 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

DEMS 1961; "Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country."

DEMS 2007; "Besides Free Healthcare, what other things can my country give me for Free? Bush is Hitler and our troops are killing innocent Civilians in Iraq. America is bad".

2007-11-12 02:25:26 · 18 answers · asked by DANCER 2 in Politics

If there's a Christmas Party given by a company are you responsible for people drinking if it's at a Hotel?

2007-11-12 02:21:16 · 9 answers · asked by MEL T 7 in Law & Ethics

My close friends and my family are appreciative all the time, but it seems like the only time veterans are thanked is when there's a holiday to remind people. Most people only want to know if you killed someone and/or "what was it really like over there?" Are my fellow Americans really that selfish, forgettful, and uncaring? I know there are those individuals that are not like this, but the average American seems blissfully ignorant. Thank you, fellow veterans and thank you to all the people who DO support veterans every day, not just for an extended weekend in October.

2007-11-12 02:19:18 · 30 answers · asked by Frosty 6 in Military

Would you support the Team who took out an American President (or Congress) in the event of treason, then called for a new election?

2007-11-12 02:18:50 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections

Do you think a vote for Hillary is actually a vote for Bill Clinton

2007-11-12 02:17:48 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections

What I am asking here is, when you are charged with "Criminal Possession of Marijuana"(CPM) in QueensNY, does that include Drug Paraphernalia(DP) or is it a different charge altogether?

I had no weed, my friend did(less then 25g), but we were in the car together. A officer mentioned drug paraphernalia, but I didn't clearly hear him. On my Desk Appearance Ticket it says c/p/m, which should be criminal possession of marijuana. It says nothing about DP. Its ONE charge.

The "probable cause" for the officers to stop and search me was because the car windows were fogged up due to the cold weather and me and my friend talking.

I had no weed, my friend has 2 g of weed and a pipe. They unlocked my glove compartment and found my pipe. Basically, all I had was a glass pipe, with residue, but surely not enough residue for a CPM, it should be considered Unlawful PM.

Me: Pipe with residue
Friend: Pipe with residue, 2 g of weed.
Offense: CPM.

Why CPM, and not DP or UPM. Is this an error?

2007-11-12 02:17:35 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

2007-11-12 02:17:11 · 24 answers · asked by Moody Red 6 in Politics

A) She believes she was President
B) She wears the pants in the relationship so was President.
C) Mental issue that should be addressed.
D) She actually was while Bill was serviced by Monica
E) Feels jealousy that Bill was and she hasn't been
F) Hillary is actually Bill after surgeries to switch places
G) Hillary switched in the 90s, but now Hillary again.
H) Hillary killed Bill ran country in disguise/ Bill is actor
I) I am having too much fun with the word AGAIN
J) AGAIN is a code word for "I am a Liar"
K) Hillary actually Loves Bill so she considers them ONE
L) Bill let Hillary push the red button on their last war
M) Hillary's daydreaming
N) Bill let her think she made his decisions
O) Bill let her make the decisions
P) Hill has issues
Q) Queen for a day
R) Lacks self respect
S) Still thinks she is
T) Thought she was
U) understood Bill wrong
V) venom impairs memory
W) Wacky Witch
X) -rays reveal Hill is Bill
Y) stands for "you didn't know?"
Z) Comedians love her

2007-11-12 02:13:58 · 10 answers · asked by Texan~to_the-Max 5 in Civic Participation

And, I've destroyed the principles of the USA which the world used to admire.

2007-11-12 02:10:14 · 16 answers · asked by Dirk von Pelvis 1 in Other - Politics & Government

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