I don't understand the point of the war in iraq. please do not get mad because my opinion is different, but I really would like to know what good it is doing to either of our countries.
some people say the reason we're in a war with iraq is because of the 9/11 terrorist attack. okay, didn't al quadea attack us? not saddam hussein, wasn't it osama bin laden? from afghanistan? i understand that saddam hussein was a bad person and should have been gone, but if we are in a war because of terrorism, why would we fight iraq when they were not the ones who attacked us.
i'm just naming numerous things that i heard were the reasons for this war. another was because they were looking for weapons of mass destruction in iraq, but they couldn't find any. if there is no weapon, then why do we continue to fight.
another reason i heard was because we wanted to help the iraqis. okay, how exactly are we helping them? they don't have a stable military, so basically we're just killing them off? (c)
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