According to a new report, "1 in 10 schools are 'dropout factories' ".
" 'Dropout Factory,' a high school where no more than 60 percent of the students who start as freshmen make it to their senior year. That description fits more than one in 10 high schools across America. "
This is just more proof socialism does not belong in a capitalist society. This year the U.S. government plans to spend over $1.2 trillion on social programs.
The primary function of the U.S. government is not provide welfare. According to the founding fathers of this country, the primary purpose of the U.S. government is maintain a military and the secondary purpose is to regulate commerce.
It is a fact there is more money spent on social programs than on the military. There are federal social programs, state social programs, county social programs, and city social programs. Their costs add up to trillions of dollars yearly.
17 answers
asked by
a bush family member