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Politics & Government - 18 October 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

Between the Better Business Bureau, Federal Trade Commission, FBI, and CIA, can't something be done to locate and prosecute these scammers in the world?

2007-10-18 10:40:07 · 9 answers · asked by bluewavesguy44 2 in Law & Ethics

I'm interested in seeing what people think about the United States' foreign policy when it comes to the Middle East. Spare no one...except for the troops, because it is their choice to serve that gives us the freedom to talk about this in the first place...God Bless the troops and their families for their sacrifice.

2007-10-18 10:38:03 · 12 answers · asked by Phillyfan 3 in Politics

Try to pass bills that supposed to help "poor kids" bills that are so off the wall that need to be VETO by the Republican president during presidential election time. So now the Reps don't care about the poor or the children. what a bunch of infantile tactics...Only a moron will not see that…I hope Americans have more brains then Dems are giving them credit for.

2007-10-18 10:34:40 · 6 answers · asked by Villa 1 in Elections

and going to Iraq to fight in their family's war, aren't they?

2007-10-18 10:33:28 · 12 answers · asked by Ted F 1 in Politics

My friend has just got back from a holiday in Turkey, where she met a Turkish lover. I want my friend to be happy (which she is very at the minute) and I am glad she is so happy right now... however if he is not true I know she would be really unhappy and I would be so gutted for her. She has been single for a while and I dont want him to take advantage of her for immigration purposes, she is now on about marrying him (she was only with him for 6 days). He told her he tried to get to the UK twice before but they just took his money (£2000) and wouldn't let him have a visa. Is that common in Turkey? Any feedback would be appreciated... I may sound like a killjoy but I really don't want my bestfriend having her heart broken.

2007-10-18 10:32:18 · 7 answers · asked by blunder babe 2 in Immigration

Who thinks (S)Hillary Clinton will follow her "husband" and go for more gun control?

The media is hyping up these shootings like they have never gone on before one can only wonder if a gun grabbing president will be "elected" in '08?

2007-10-18 10:30:57 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

I moved to America when I was 2, I am 16 now.. And I wanna go back to Britain because I dont wanna be here anymore. I never wanted to move anyway. We moved over here because my dad got in trouble with social services, and we basically ran away from them. None of my family knows why we came here. My dad is abusive now, and so is my mom. She said we cant go back atleast until im 18, because I havent finished high school here, so the school wouldnt let me stay.

She wont let me move in with my real dad. Should I tell my grandprents and dad what happend? And would moving effect my schooling in england? What should I do?!

2007-10-18 10:29:31 · 6 answers · asked by Shisuren 2 in Immigration

2007-10-18 10:27:24 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I am writing a poem for english about how cats feel about war. I just need to know an approximate number of cats that are killed each year in Iraq. thx soooo much
p.s. need answer a.s.a.p.!!!!

2007-10-18 10:25:26 · 16 answers · asked by sarah 2 in Military

I have heard a couple of people saying there is, but I can't find any corresponding information about it on any of the Navy's websites. So, for anyone who is in the Navy, is there a banquet or something of the sort for the graduation from basic training? Thanks.

2007-10-18 10:20:46 · 4 answers · asked by slightlycycho836 2 in Military

anyone on this site feel we're being WATCHED?

2007-10-18 10:16:26 · 11 answers · asked by charlie the 2na 3 in Other - Politics & Government

As far as I know she does not have the character or experience for a president, she does not stand strong behind any issue, other than Iraq which she voted on favor, it seems to me that she sticks her finger up for every issue and try to go with the flow or the majority.....Even a dead fish swims with the flow!

2007-10-18 10:14:48 · 20 answers · asked by Villa 1 in Elections

Our car did not get impounded thankfully.

2007-10-18 10:14:48 · 6 answers · asked by melionlvr 1 in Law & Ethics


2007-10-18 10:13:28 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

2007-10-18 10:13:27 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Are the vehicles no longer strong enough to carry two of them at a time?

2007-10-18 10:12:41 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

I recently bought an online game account for over a bit over $400. With paypal, if your experience a problem with the seller within 45 days you are entitled to a refund. Now, 45 days have passes and no problem happened until day 46. I have filed for a refund but was declined because it was passed day 46. Is there any way I can get my money back? Can I contact his local police station and possibly prosecute him? ? ? Please respond to this, thankyou very much in advance.

2007-10-18 10:11:04 · 2 answers · asked by HiddenTruth 3 in Law & Ethics

I often hear people justify radical Islamists fury with us with complaints of American foreign policy. Most of us are well aware of NUMEROUS American foreign policy blunders but, that awareness does nothing to counter the hot water we as a nation are in now.

On a smaller scale this is similar to really making a dangerous psycho mad (say you cut them off in traffic, flipped them the bird etc.) and you are at fault but, when they come after you to hurt or kill you and your family, you’re not going to throw up your hands and say, “hey man, fire away because I deserve it” are you?

I say no and I would like to think that most of you agree that regardless of Americas past and present foreign policy mistakes in the Middle East in particular we can all agree that we must be prepared to defend ourselves.

2007-10-18 10:10:41 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

If you think so, who's doing it. It's aimed at youth.

2007-10-18 10:05:49 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

I live in Texas.

2007-10-18 10:04:52 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

What do you think?

2007-10-18 10:03:55 · 3 answers · asked by kuzya 1 in Law & Ethics

i think abortions rong
can any body think of a reason to have an abortion?

2007-10-18 10:01:50 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

we just wondered if there was any difference between someone being "innocent" and "not guilty" (in a legal sense).

2007-10-18 09:55:15 · 40 answers · asked by Helen H 2 in Law & Ethics

My child will be 18 in less than a month. He was residing with his father, however, for the past 3 weeks he has been living with a friend because he and his father are coming to fisticuffs. I live in another state. My son is in his senior year in high school and would like to finish at his current school.

I am currently paying child support in excess of $700 per month but my ex isn't supporting our son in any way. I have found an apartment for my son to live in and am willing to pay his rent/expenses until he graduates. I cannot do this while I'm paying child support.

Should I file a motion for change of custody (we have joint custody now) or a motion to terminate child support? Can I ask the court to have my ex pay some sort of child support to help cover our son's expenses.

I cannot afford an attorney and will be doing this pro se. Thanks for any answers.

2007-10-18 09:54:50 · 4 answers · asked by CL H 2 in Law & Ethics

I need to apply my knowledge of porperty to current news item or legal event regarding property.
Then search the internet for recent legal news story involving property.
then need a short summary of story from internet and the link where the story can be fouund.
And I need to answer these questions:
1: What form of porperty ownership is claimed by the parties?
2: Why does the opposing party claim he/she is entitled to the property?
3: Hhow would you decide the true ownership of the property and then, respond to the reflection.
can anyone help this student out. all help is aperated. :)

2007-10-18 09:53:49 · 1 answers · asked by vlmcmasters 1 in Law & Ethics

I got arrested for dui 2002, charges were dropped, but i had to complete some classes and i did not so 3 years ago i got arrested for a warrant because i was stopped while i was sitting in the metro smoking marijuana got a ticket for that anyways the warrant was for not going to those classes will this effect my guard card status now. ever since then i been a good boy

2007-10-18 09:53:44 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

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