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Politics & Government - 30 July 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

2007-07-30 09:08:19 · 17 answers · asked by Stealth 2 in Elections

Ok do I have to go to Carlitos Hideout at the end? Because All Isabella says is "Forget about me ...Save Yourself" So do I have to go to the hideout? Also If Im going to the hideout will I encounter any special Forces?. Because there is a cut scene that sows the military leaving.

2007-07-30 09:05:57 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

thats what he said. i know 9/11 was a terrible day, but should it have meant ignoring the constitution?? there have been worst days in our history but i dont think we had to throw out the constitution. matter of fact the most dangerous time in our history was after the revolutionary war surrounded on our own continent with 4 different hostile countries, and our answer in that situation was creating the constitution with all of its parts and provisions. so i dont believe in those who try to make 9/11 be so unprecedented and dangerous that it oks laws such as the patriot act and actions which this administration sees as necessary to protect us.

2007-07-30 09:02:44 · 15 answers · asked by nick p 1 in Other - Politics & Government

The whole idea of wealth transfer seems so without merit and at least to me, repulsive by it's very definition. Now that I have worked my a$$ off and served my country in the Marines, received a B.S. degree and worked in my profession for quite a few years and am finally making some good money I really would liek to keep more of it to spend how I see fit, not transfer it to other people that chose a different path than me. Why can't the libs support my effort to keep more of our own money?

2007-07-30 09:02:02 · 27 answers · asked by Steelhead 5 in Politics

How can it possibly help our economy as a nation to have illegal workers here taking jobs from Americans? I have seen this topic several times today, and I had to read the moronic comments by some people that actually believe illegal workers are a good thing. These criminals (illegal immigrants) sneak across a national border, and then they get jobs from people/companies for less than the going rate. The criminals (illegal immigrants) have no taxes, social security, or medicare taxes with held from their checks (in many cases they are actually paid cash). The criminals have no seocial security numbers or tax payer ID numbers (TIN), so paying any form of tax beyond a sales tax is not going to happen. These criminals then are able to draw food stamps and other forms of welfare such as WIC, and they also get medicaid to pay for their families in many cases. The jobs they take used to be done by Americans, but Americans must be paid min. wage. These companies just want to cut overhead!

2007-07-30 09:02:02 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

websites, books, links, video, or personal knowledge.

2007-07-30 09:01:59 · 4 answers · asked by Tubby 2 in Politics

My neighbors uncle put in his sprinkler system . When we were having our driveway poured we called and told them what day they would need to have all of their lines marked. They didn't mark it till a few days after the driveway was poured. Now my neighbors uncle said we buried the sprinkler heads and sent us a 600 dollar bill. When we asked him for an actual itemized bill he called us and threatend a lein against our house. he would just yell and scream and not answer any of our questions. What happens if we dont pay? We want an itemized bill showing what we are paying for. Also, our driveway is right on our property line so if anything the heads could be on our property

2007-07-30 09:01:06 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

Is it just pure laziness, or lack of knowledge, or do they feel like they really can't make a difference!!!!! There is almost nothing I hate more then talking to someone who complains all the time about how things are, but don't even go out and vote for those people that can change how things are, and who really will make a difference.

2007-07-30 08:59:15 · 14 answers · asked by Bill 2 in Politics

well.. I say to you Mr. Carter..

what about the other 86 percent who KNOW where it is

and why should we care about them Germans anyways.. esp after what they did to us at Pearl Harbor back in 73..

2007-07-30 08:56:09 · 19 answers · asked by death_by_stereo 3 in Politics

i recently saw a movie named loose change and i didnt even think that 9/11 was a conspiracy but after watching that movie it made me think

2007-07-30 08:54:30 · 13 answers · asked by Joe Willson 3 in Politics

What happens when 25% of the population does not speak english well enough to function in our society and we must label everything in two languages .
How do you feel about a movie dubbed in Spanish being shown at theaters here in America .
This is the present not the future .
A nation divided will never stand .

2007-07-30 08:54:14 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

2007-07-30 08:52:35 · 14 answers · asked by Joe Willson 3 in Politics

I'm not going to start prophesizing or anything, but i guess i'm just asking; do you agree or disagree to the following:

We and britan are the only real big democracys left out there. And islam is the fastest spreading religion out there. This spells disaster. So how do the islamic facists go about getting rid of us, theeir threats? they do not crash planes into trade towers, no. They slowly elect their people into out government. This is a serious issue because it is a creeping one. If he claims to be converted, that is the first step. Once we pass step # one, we're in it for the whole ride. Because then we elect a muslim who is just a little bit towards islam. Step by step, moving from bottom to the top of the government, we have islamic leaders. The sad thing is that we already have a man like this who is trying to become the top dog. Barack Obama. Another sad thing, is that in order to stop this kind of islamic election, we have to completely ban every muslum from office.

2007-07-30 08:51:25 · 13 answers · asked by Jared C 2 in Elections

2007-07-30 08:50:08 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

OK, Liberals always accuse Conservatives of telling others how to live their lives, but I find it tends to go the other way:


Now Pharmacists are no longer allowed to practice their religion? Excuse me, but I seem to recall a little thing called the 1st Amendment. Let me see.....

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof"

Prohibiting the free exercise thereof. Now, if someone's religion tells them they cannot sell morning-after pills (and, when they started this profession, they weren't required to, so don't say "they should have had another profession), and you make a law telling them they have to, isn't that "prohibiting the free exercise thereof"?????

I am sure you Liberals are OUTRAGED that their first Amendment rights are getting violated, right???

2007-07-30 08:49:29 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

I am for the defense of our homeland,don't get me wrong.Logic dictates compromise is much the more to economical advantages.

2007-07-30 08:49:19 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

An opponent without even airplanes and helicopters? and no central leadership?

How long would that take?

2007-07-30 08:45:10 · 16 answers · asked by anonacoup 7 in Politics

If so, what caused you to realize you had a problem and needed help?

2007-07-30 08:44:21 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Could a communist country or dictator/government interested in destroying the USA utilize Mind Control technologies (scalar wave technology) on government officials as well as other vulnerable situations such as illegal immigrants for purposes of manipulation and destruction of the country?

2007-07-30 08:39:00 · 16 answers · asked by sunnygirl7 2 in Politics

What rights do i have if I'am sopena by the Da on a domestic violence case aginst my huband of 13 years. And i have nothing more to say to them or the court.

2007-07-30 08:34:35 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

The United States is not now, nor is it likely to be, socialist any time in the foreseeable future.

The Democratic Party is frequently accused of pursuing a "socialist agenda" but this just isn't so. They aren't a Socialist Party. Certainly not like the actual Socialist Parties of Western Europe.

Several times I've seen the assertions that "socialism doesn't work" and "every place it's been tried, it failed". Well, these same Western European countries that have been ruled by Socialist Parties would disagree with these assertions.

So would any objective analyst.

Can it be that some people use the word "socialist" as a catchall term meaning "anything I don't like" --?

2007-07-30 08:33:10 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

did they not break the laws of the united states whether you agree witht the laws or not?? in my mind those are all acts of treason. I get so disgusted when ollie north who sold weapons to iran to fund a covert war in nicaragua a national hero. When stupid people such as hannity and other ultra conservatives (ultra because they never admit their party makes bad decisions and mistakes that hurts us all) call him a hero its a terrible thing to have to explain to the younger folks who ask daddy didnt he break our laws.

2007-07-30 08:31:44 · 11 answers · asked by nick p 1 in Other - Politics & Government

I have a business that which is located in an industrial/business park. Behind the property is a trail that people use for cycling, running, walking, skating and any other general fitness activity you can think of.

The problem is, that even though we are on private property, people come and park in our lot and take up my businesses parking to use the trail.

Though there is an old small sign in the entrance saying no tresspassing violators will be towed, people claim that they saw no sign.

Why would they need to see a sign in the first place? As fatr as I knew, parking lot's are private property unless they state otherwise. Whenever I looked for parking, I looked for signs that said "public parking" or municiple parking". Has the situation changed? Is it now legal to park anywhere you see empty space?

My landlord said he'd put up new signs, but he never does. And he doesn't like me to put my own up. Is there anything I can do to stop the parking problem?

2007-07-30 08:29:20 · 9 answers · asked by Unknown_Usr 4 in Law & Ethics

authorized. I am a self payee and so i was really surprised with the bill (it was for $450). I am 20 weeks pregnant..anyways I called the doctors office and the receptionist told me that the doctor does a drug test on every pregnant patient of his. I am just really pissed off because he did the test behind my back, I have nothing to hide and would've appreciated it if he would've just told me he was going to do it. Should I pay the bill or dispute it?

2007-07-30 08:26:08 · 10 answers · asked by Avatar111 1 in Law & Ethics

Recently someone posted this question:
"Do you believe retarded people and those with major genetic diseases should not be allowed to procreate? Make a case for either side."

Unfortunately, everyone who answered said that they should not. Do you realize that this was Hitler's idea too? Sterilize the "unfit", the "human weeds"? He euthanized whole hospitals full of mentally disabled people. That is the logical conclusion if you take such an idea to its ultimate end.

2007-07-30 08:21:12 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

If someone asks you, "Have you ever done cocaine?", if the truth is No, then you say "No".

If the truth is Yes, but you can't get yourself to admit it, and you're afraid to tell a bald-faced lie, you take issue with the question even being asked. You say, "I'm not going to play that political game." and refuse to answer. That's exactly what Bush did.

What's so hard about saying, "I never did cocaine"? Bush can't seem to.

Additional evidence: Bush, while in the Air National Guard, put himself on the Voluntary N0-Fly List the night before a mandatory drug test. This meant he wouldn't have to take the test.

Put the puzzle pieces together, people!

2007-07-30 08:20:29 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

It was scary i just left a rock gig and they stormed into the girls loo and kicked in some of the doors the only reason i was safe was cos i hid at the top of mine so they didn't see me and my dad came to pick me up and he's built like a 6ft2 lorrey driver and was armed with a metal chair he was carrying and he stormed in their and shouted at them and they backed down, anyway all cos my mate wanted the loo and i didn't even want to go! i just thought i'd share it with you was kind of shocking i could had been seriously harmed but i'm 18 and my dad won't always be their to save me!

2007-07-30 08:19:43 · 17 answers · asked by ? 6 in Law Enforcement & Police


2007-07-30 08:19:26 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

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