Most libs do, you guys don't listen. I hate when you guys make assumptions. I am a product of a very bad place where more people were on welfare than weren't. I do not support welfare in the state that it is in, and most libs don't support it in the current state.
2007-07-30 09:04:27
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
They do support your effort to keep more of your own money! Unless you are part of that top 10% of the earners in this country (You would have to make in the millions annually)that have received personal tax breaks and Corporate welfare for their companies, you will benefit much more from the Democrat's plan rather than the GOP's plan.
The Democrats want to take the Corporate welfsre and the tax cuts away from the rich and give tax cuts back to the middle-class and services back to the poor (They do not make enough money to pay taxes because even if you are working a 40 hr. work week at minimum wage, you would still be classified as poor under the tax code. Probably because it is impossible to live off of minimum wage for a 40-50 hour work week!)
What we really need is for our politicians who are the "People's Voice" to not receive more pay than an average pay for a citizen (This would be computed by throwing out the top 10% and the lower 10% of the citizens, and then averaging the rest. That average would be their salary. They would get no benefits that every other citizen gets. (The only exceptions would be airline tickets in coach to get to and from Washington. and Secret Service Protection when necessary). They would get the same retirement that every other retired citizen gets. If that is only Social Security, then so be it. If Corporations are required to give retirement packages, then they would get a comporable package as well.
This coupled with doing away with lobbying and lobbyists and forbidding any politician from accepting a job from any Company that benefitted from the legislation they passed should make politics less appealing to people who do not have the skills to do anything else and perhaps we may actually get representation.
I was quite poor when I was younger too. I also was fortunate that I had the intelligence to figure out how I could save for an education. Many people do not, or they do not have the self-esteem to feel they can better themselves.
You should Thank God (Or whatever you want to thank) that you had the self-esteem and the intelligence to figure a way out.
2007-07-30 16:30:05
answer #2
answered by B. D Mac 6
Well they think that if they collected all the money and managed it for you, you would not have had to work your a** off.
That's the part that they find so objectionable, the work your a** off part. They think that if they take all the money and squeeze it out equally we can all quit work and there will be no more homeless, sick nor ignorant people. We would all suddenly become well and smart. We could all spend our time in more sophisticated endeavours like the arts and litierature instead of toiling for the 'man'.
What they fail to grasp is that the gains from America’s economic growth driven in large part by your hard work and that of people like you have been widely shared throughout society.
Low- and middle-income families, not just the wealthy, have seen their standards of living improve dramatically. Family incomes have risen well above where they were a generation ago, and most Americans now enjoy luxuries that in the past only the well-off could afford. Almost all Americans now have better health, education, housing, and consumer goods than they did even a decade ago.
What they find repugnant is that the wealthy were able to advance along in the process too. As long as there is just one knuckle-head out there who can not plan for his future independently the wealthy should not make another nickle and if they do it should be confiscated. Who are the wealthy?
Well, if you ask Charlie Rangle, he'll tell you anyone who owns a clock radio and you should have that taken away so your mind is not poisoned by Mike Savage.
2007-07-30 16:21:19
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
So? You didn't want a hand out from the government.. . .. do you want a medal for that?
Do you think you are better than those who need financial assistance?
Your statement about ". . . . not transfer it (your money) to other people that chose a different path than me." you have horrible grammer, by the way. . . .
makes you sound like an arrogant, bitter ole coot.
My son is in the military & currently serving in the middle east. He is more of a compassionate, giving person than you are. He cares about the poor and less fortunate.
The libs can't support your attitude. They're too selfish and cold too.
Quit trying to make people think you're a hero, who deserves to be selfish, and quit whining about having to serve your own country! What an obnoxious attitude you have. You really do not sound like a REAL marine. You sound more like someone who would run to Canada to get out of being in the military.
2007-07-30 16:25:47
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
i'm sure there is a way for you to understand this.
imagine when you were poor. you had two minimum wages jobs, you have a wife that also has two jobs and you can barely make it month by month. Suddently you dont feel so good and start feeling bad. You go to the doctor and find you have liver cancer. you do have an insurace policy from one of your jobs, but in order to live you need a liver translpant, your insurance will need to drop huge amount of cash to the hospitals hands. For that your insurance denys that surgery. There is basically nothing you can do. Don't you wish your government should pay for this? Shouldn't the government have the obligation to take care of their own? Shouldn't the government try to keep America healthy? Now, if this means an extra few dollars from the poor's paycheck and a few extra more from the rich, wouln'd this be worth it?
2007-07-30 16:13:06
answer #5
answered by calle trece 3
Liberal talking point #1:
"We are only taking from the top earners who won't miss it as much as the middle class"
Liberal talking point #2:
"The middle and lower class deserve this helping hand because they weren't as fortunate as the wealthy."
Liberal talking point #3:
"Corporate America has been ripping off the tax system for decades and it's time to give back to the working families"
Bottom line. It's wealth redistribution. Plain and simple. Just like state lotteries are a poor-man's tax. Anyone that thinks that by virtue of having more money than the next fellow, a person somehow "owes" it to have his money stolen and given to someone that hasn't earned it, ain't worth a nickel in my book.
I earned everything that I have in my life. I've had lucky breaks, true.. But I've made sacrifices to get where I am. I've done things that people aren't willing to do. That's why I deserve every single cent of what I make. I've earned another right, as well. I've earned the right to decide if and how much charity to give.
It is not, and should never be, government's job to legislate charity.
2007-07-30 16:13:56
answer #6
answered by macDBH 2
i don't think that anyone on any side of the political spectrum would argue that we should just give money to people...there are people on welfare who do work and still can't get ahead...and then there are those who don't and unfortunately those are the ones that give everyone on welfare a bad rep. The system is extremely flawed and social workers aren't paid enough to go around and actually check to see whether or not these people are working or actively seeking employment...
I'm sure at some point you could have qualified for assistance, but whether or not you chose to use it was up to you.
And unfortunately we don't get to choose how our taxes are a former Marine, you may not have any problems with the government spending billions on a war, but there are those who do and they can't just decide not to have their tax dollars put towards it. i don't liek the idea of my taxes going towards someone's HBO either while I'm working my butt off, but do I have a problem helping those that really need it?? No, truthfully, many people on welfare aren't aspiring to stay on it forever and for some it is shameful to admit that they need the help.
It would cost the government more of your hard earned tax dollars to fix the welfare system than it does for them to spend on the current one...
2007-07-30 16:16:58
answer #7
answered by jaimelleonard 4
You sound like someone still on the government teat . Get a real job that is payed through hard work and not taxes and maybe I could respect what you say .
Speaking from where you come and no doubt what you support liberal people will not only be against you now but always .
Besides you do not pay taxes anyhow .
Your lucky we have wars and have made criminals out of ordinary people or you would have no work .
Well if you can cal what you do work .
You till no soil to produce food ,you do not package or deliver it nor stock it on shelves or check it out and bag it .
You do not cut down trees or work in a mill preparing lumber or dig coal from the ground or even make a car .
Nope you are employed by the generosity of the people who actually work and pay taxes that are then allocated out to individuals such as yourself who have but one mind set and that is you made it on your own .
Well the same way a butcher of baby seals made his income is how I feel about people like you . A butcher of man and now probably his jailer .
2007-07-30 16:16:25
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
No doubt you have a degree in BS. Stating that liberals believe in handouts is propaganda. What is believed is that when a person is down and out there is nothing wrong with giving them a hand up. Education being the key. Welfare should not be a lifestyle. I too have worked hard to get where I am. I have no problem with helping those that aren't as fortunate as myself. Doesn't Jesus speak of helping the poor,feeding the hungry, and being there for the elderly? At least that is what I was taught.
Slodana-I stand by your right to have such an opinion.
2007-07-30 16:09:31
answer #9
answered by gone 7
I grew up poor, and am barely scraping by now, even with a college education... but hell will freeze solid before I take a government handout.
Don't make generalizations.
2007-07-30 16:36:24
answer #10
answered by tiny Valkyrie 7
I believe in giving a hand-up instead of a hand-out. Libs believe in welfare and keeping the poor dependent on government---so they will vote for the tax and spend democrats.
ps delphi: Jesus taught that each of us should help our brothers and sisters in need. He never said that the government should get involved.
2007-07-30 16:21:15
answer #11
answered by slodana2003 4