To put it in perspective, if any democrat was in office as president of the United States; and did the right thing to finally confront the elements who’s purpose is to destroy this great country. He / she would have do deal with the exact politics as the current Adm. Bill Clinton knew this when he was president, and in all honesty just didn’t want to go down that hard road. To think, Islamic fascist would not have us in their cross hairs if it were not for Bush is just absurd. Why do these extremist religious fundamentalist countries hat President Bush? He did what the president of the USA is required to, under his duties of the constitution. So yes he acted and confronted them. Honest debate can be had on how his Adm. Is handling it, but for all these democrats that seem to have this delusion of grandeur from arm chair quarter backing they have all the right answers is just and I am sorry for using this word but just plain stupid. How would any democrat deal differently with Iran’s part is Iraq? Hindsight is indeed 20/20. I may very well have to put aside some very strong personal beliefs come 08 and make my vote for the best chance we have as a nation to rebuild our standing in the world, will that be republican or democrat? I am not sure yet, I personally shall take a very hard a close look at the whole. I hope every American will do the same.
26 answers
asked by
Working Stiff