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Politics & Government - 22 June 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Shunned by the U.S. government as a terrorist organization, the Islamist group Hamas scored a publicity coup this week by defending its policies in Gaza with opinion pieces in two of the country's most influential newspapers on the same day.

The New York Times and The Washington Post gave space to Ahmed Yousef, a senior Hamas figure, on Wednesday to argue that the United States should not interfere in Gaza, where Hamas took control after six days of bloody fighting against Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah fighters.

See link to read the rest of the article - http://www.reuters.com/article/topNews/idUSN2248322920070622?feedType=RSS

Question - What are your thoughts on this ?

2007-06-22 14:05:27 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

2007-06-22 14:03:37 · 12 answers · asked by johnywinslow 3 in Politics

Does anyone know if lolicon is illegal or legal in the united states ? to thoses that don't know what lolicon is: it's japanese animated P0rn that dipicts "young" looking characters (in a cartoon sense).

2007-06-22 14:02:29 · 2 answers · asked by John D 1 in Law & Ethics

It's ok, since most have mustaches

2007-06-22 14:01:36 · 7 answers · asked by ? 2 in Politics

Cops say legalize drugs ask me why?
Prohibition does not prevent cannabis use by children or the mentally ill, the vulnerable populations whom we supposedly want to protect. Instead, cannabis prohibition makes it more difficult for parents, patients, society, and doctors to control cannabis use.

The Drug War makes honest education about cannabis impossible, and leaves cannabis users marginalized in ways that make their lives more stressful. This stress is unhealthy for everyone, but it is certainly most damaging to people with schizophrenia.

Cannabis prohibition is not merely a failure; it is a counterproductive fraud that is harming those whom we claim we want to protect. There are currently more teens in treatment centers for marijuana in comparison to those admitted for alcohol.
Only an idiot would have to ask why alcohol is not the no#1 problem
after all alcohol is perfectly legal ( If you are 21.) That is due to responsible people handling alcohol by way of the carding

2007-06-22 13:57:14 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

I really want specific contacts, and any experience would be great. Some of you are very knowledgeable and have been very helpful to others- My nonprofit idea is based around tearing down abandoned and falling down buildings on private land, and using the land for a more ecological purpose.

2007-06-22 13:54:35 · 1 answers · asked by Ty 3 in Civic Participation

Cops say legalize drugs ask me why?
Cops say legalize drugs ask me why?
Prohibition does not prevent cannabis use by children or the mentally ill, the vulnerable populations whom we supposedly want to protect. Instead, cannabis prohibition makes it more difficult for parents, patients, society, and doctors to control cannabis use.

The Drug War makes honest education about cannabis impossible, and leaves cannabis users marginalized in ways that make their lives more stressful. This stress is unhealthy for everyone, but it is certainly most damaging to people with schizophrenia.

Cannabis prohibition is not merely a failure; it is a counterproductive fraud that is harming those whom we claim we want to protect. There are currently more teens in treatment centers for marijuana in comparison to those admitted for alcohol.
Only an idiot would have to ask why alcohol is not the no#1 problem
after all alcohol is perfectly legal ( If you are 21.) That is due to responsible people handling alcohol by way of the carding and id system.

Contraband markets make no age disgression.
Since the crackdown on tobacco there are 75% fewer teens trying or using tobacco.
However when it comes to cannabis and other illicit substances it’s a whole
other ball game.
Control, regulation and better education work prohibition dose not.
Or as John Walters of the ondcp (Office for national drug control policy) calls it “ a war on drugs” (Sorry John but it's true look at the Netherlands)

America loves a war even if it is on it’s own people.

One of several reason they don’t legalize drugs is not because of the harm of drugs,
But people would lose more money in the long run.
Some of the people behind the support of this irrational so called war are
The tobacco industry, the alcohol and distilled spirit industry ( people simply don’t drink as much, or decide not to drink at all with cannabis meaning a decline in there sales.
The pharmaceutical corporations can not make money on whole or raw cannabis, but they can charge an arm and a leg for there synthetic Marinol (dronabinol) CIII.

The textile and paper industry would lose out from hemp production, sinse hemp dose not need to go through all the various processes that ordinary tree products would. Also it’s possible to get two harvest in in one season.

However people don’t know the difference between industrial hemp and smokable cannabis, yet they are able to distinguish between the two in other country’s like Germany, the UK , Netherlands and even Canada, but our `DEA agents are so dumb they cant tell the difference between a stalk and a bush.

The petroleum industry would be affected, sinse almost everything that can be made from petroleum can be synthesized from hemp oil, everything from bio fuel to even plastics. If North America would use a third of it’s land for hemp production we could create enough biofuel to supply an area the size of Canada.

Now also for a moment consider how many people are incarcerated over just cannabis who are currently in the prisons and jails.
If cannabis were legalized and all inmates serving time for cannabis were freed there would be an over abundance of empty cells, and millions of guards in this country would be no longer needed.
The prison building industry would almost be obsolete ( and if all drugs were legalized that would mean even more empty cells.
So the prison system must have some means of gaining more inmates.

Not to mention other areas such as treatment centers, probation.etc

or HIDTA high intensity drug traffic areas where money is fed in to law enforcement,

(they would miss there green $$$)

Drugs , not even alcohol are the cause of the fundamental ills of society, rather than checking people for the presence of drugs, they should first test people for stupidity, ignorance, greed and love of power.

2007-06-22 13:53:59 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

claiming that Mexicans are entitled to invade America? I was on the fence. These people and other recent encounters have pushed me to the anti immigration reform side. Having said that, I do not support the Minutemen organization and I don't support violence against illegal immigrants.

2007-06-22 13:51:46 · 19 answers · asked by vegaswoman 6 in Immigration

would the USA have helped them against teh soviet union?

2007-06-22 13:49:33 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

Does anyone know where I can find out if something is legal or illegal without having to physically talk to a lawyer?

2007-06-22 13:48:36 · 6 answers · asked by John D 1 in Law & Ethics

I think this is another useful question that every civilian like me should learn. I personally feel the training you get from drivers ed is simply not enough for the roads. Any suggestions from an LEO would be greatly appreciated.

2007-06-22 13:45:59 · 4 answers · asked by Brutus 3 in Law Enforcement & Police

I know that a lot of people are against the Death Penalty, but what about when it comes to people such as Charles Manson? I don't think he's ever apologized for the chaos he caused nor has he sought help or is trying to seek help for his issues while in prison. He's refused all rehabilitation courses, refused eval classes, and so on. He was denied parole on May 23rd. he's up for parole again in 2012. I believe that if he gets out, he may go on another rampage? What do you think? Shouldn't he have just been given lethal injection or something to that extent? He seems like the most vile creature ever.

2007-06-22 13:43:56 · 17 answers · asked by Miley 4 in Law Enforcement & Police

In my opinion, CNN and especially MSNBC delight in showing Iraqi violence because they want Americans to think badly of President Bush. And that strategy has succeeded.
Bill O Reilly

Whats wrong with him? Now you can't even report the news isn't that what journalists do? Sorry Fox but Yes war is hell.

2007-06-22 13:43:24 · 18 answers · asked by Enigma 6 in Politics

The United States has more different methods of judicial killing than any other country in the history of the world. They've all got two things in common; they're painful and unreliable. Any anaesthetist and anybody who's ever had a general anaesthetic knows that it's easy to kill somebody painlessly. If it's really necessary to kill people to demonstrate that killing people is wrong, why not do it with laughing gas, halothane or entonox?

2007-06-22 13:41:53 · 12 answers · asked by zee_prime 6 in Law & Ethics

I answered this Y!A question:


by asking how you can know if someone has blocked you.

I got a thumb down for my curiosity.

I'm serious - how does anyone know if someone else is blocking them?

2007-06-22 13:40:13 · 5 answers · asked by ? 6 in Politics

Can a judge order the following 1. require an 8 year old female to talk to the non custodial parent on the computer with a web cam. 2. order a custodial parent to send the minor child across country on a plane to visit the parent without supervision of such parent and 3 order the custodial parent to teach the child sigh language to talk to her non custodial parent because he is deaf although he can read and write.

2007-06-22 13:37:10 · 2 answers · asked by gamafoo 4 in Law & Ethics

Just think about it!

If the House of Representatives and the Senate had been comprised of 50% female Republicans in August of 1963, would LBJ have been successful in getting the Gulf Of Tonkin Resolution passed?

Remember Ronald Reagan's famous recommendation, "Trust but Verify."?

In the absence of a CRITICAL MASS OF TESTOSTERONE, would LBJ have failed to get a sufficient consensus in both Houses to pass the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution?

I feel quite deeply that the more women we get into government, the less likely we are to mistakenly get involved in bogus wars like Vietnam and Iraq.

The CRITICAL MASS OF TESTOSTERONE that has traditionally existed in our government leaves us predisposed to make the kind of major errors in judgement we obviously made that led us into Vietnam and Iraq!

I think that a much larger percentage of women in government at all levels will prevent us from wasting blood and treasure the way we did in Vietnam and are currently doing in Iraq.

2007-06-22 13:26:13 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

Ever since I got interested in politics a few years ago, I can't help but look at everything from a political view. Especially in TV, advertisements, movies, music and media. Things I never noticed that had political leanings to them until I became more politically involved! Things I use to like, but when I saw the extreme political leanings to one side, turned me off to those things!

2007-06-22 13:25:36 · 7 answers · asked by Bunz 5 in Other - Politics & Government

or are you just more privileged than others. higher on societies social classes pyrmid.

2007-06-22 13:23:28 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

My opinion is yes. All of them should be deported and forced to apply for a resident visa through their own country. I hope everyone agrees. I don't care wether your hispanic, russian, chinese or wherever your from, go home and do it legally.

2007-06-22 13:22:42 · 27 answers · asked by mar036 3 in Immigration

Some douchebag came in to pay a $285 speeding ticket in Court today, and our Administrator politely told him the change had to be rolled in rolls, or take the money and have the bank change it.

2007-06-22 13:20:52 · 4 answers · asked by detlev_73 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

do u think it will take a civil war in america to get our government to represent the interest of the american people? Meaning things like, closed boarders, deport illegals, end immigration, no foregien flags, language -english only, no gay marriage, deport the ACLU, ect?

2007-06-22 13:20:20 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

I want our country back this is so fustrating. Is the anyone in DC that willing to drop the hammer on illegals?

2007-06-22 13:12:51 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

What do you think will be the outcome for the final passage of this immigration bill next week. Do you think it will pass.

2007-06-22 13:12:43 · 18 answers · asked by Vanessa S 1 in Immigration

And getting battier than a herd of drunkin James Bonds

2007-06-22 13:11:36 · 7 answers · asked by and socialism 4 in Politics

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