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Politics & Government - 25 May 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

No new refineries in 30 years. Why won't the dems let us drill?

2007-05-25 05:52:29 · 19 answers · asked by ? 2 in Politics

I'll never understand what the issue is. I'm sure these men and women condemed to death didn't give much thought to the comfort of their victims. They're gettin' off easy I think. Even in their death the pain goes on for the victims families. Those who so violently take a life are of no value and we waste entirely too much time and tax dollars making sure they are treated with compassion, fed and housed. Your thoughts?

2007-05-25 05:52:14 · 8 answers · asked by father of 4 husband of 1 3 in Law & Ethics

2007-05-25 05:51:11 · 16 answers · asked by Jim S 1 in Elections

at the time he told 'W' that is was a small private plane that had hit the tower ... Cheney was already in the bunker and 'NORAD'was already getting lost ! he lied to 'W' ....WHY ??? Was he so out of touch with the White House that he didn't have the whole story? any way you look at it ..it stinks !

2007-05-25 05:48:26 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

It's always something I've kind of regretted not doing and have been thinking of a major career change lately. I'm one of those people who complains about the world, but never does anything to change it, so it's time to start walking the walk. My main holdup is my age (32). I know I can still officially join, but I hesitate by the fact that I'll be surrounded by a bunch of punks just out of HS. I do already have a BA, but most of the Officer programs don't interest me so I'm thinking of the Enlisted programs. I'd rather "push the buttons" than "push papers" if you know what I mean. I'd like any advice from someone who has been in my shoes but still joined. Is it weird being bossed around by people 10 years younger than you? What are some of the pros and cons of joining either the Navy or Coast Guard past the age of 30. Am I crazy for even considering this?

Only legitimate answers please (don't just say "talk to a recruiter" because that is obvious). Thanks in advance!

2007-05-25 05:47:05 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

after all what harm can he do?.Whould the armed forces follow his commands or for racist reasons,would the white population gun him down as things have happened in the past?I believe that as Americans you must follow constitution(where all men are equal) Do you?

2007-05-25 05:46:01 · 19 answers · asked by spooky 2 in Law & Ethics

You see it every freakin day: somebody, somewhere, tells someone what God thinks about a variety of different subjects.

Baseball player hits a home run, and guess what? God did it! That's why they point up in the sky.

Somebody reads an archaic book with 1000 of passages that do not pertain to modern society, but soon as they want to use one for their own twisted purposes, they suddenly know what God thinks about it.

Have you ever seen God?

Have you ever talked to God?

Has anyone in the entire world, all 6.5billion of us ever seen God?

Seen Jesus lately?

Quit twisting your religion to fit whatever your personal views happen to be.

If there is a God, then I'm going to take a page out of your book and tell you what he thinks about all this: He's GD tired of men and women manipulating religion for their own purposes.

2007-05-25 05:41:04 · 20 answers · asked by Josh 4 in Politics

Is this fair? Does anyone agree with me?

2007-05-25 05:40:44 · 46 answers · asked by Liberal City 6 in Politics

"I am my bother's keeper."

I'd love to think of America as one big family. Each one of us responsible for our value and the value of our family.

Where do you think our American 'family' is going? Do we welcome new members of our family? Why do we act like memebers of the other politcal party are our enemy? Is our country just another "Disfunctional American Family?"

2007-05-25 05:39:22 · 2 answers · asked by Incognito 5 in Politics

What are the pros and cons of illegal immigration?

2007-05-25 05:38:48 · 13 answers · asked by bob 1 in Immigration

let me know the answers and your reasons for your conclusion thank you

2007-05-25 05:37:55 · 15 answers · asked by Jahpson 5 in Politics

How can you kill the enemy when your mom is watching you on TV???

Would this war have ended after Flujaha if the World Media had not put an end to US Opperations.

2007-05-25 05:37:51 · 5 answers · asked by ShortBus43 2 in Politics

2007-05-25 05:36:58 · 21 answers · asked by george e 3 in Elections

Even though its not overty so. Many black people are forgotten by the government.
Katrina is a recent example of this...

what are your thoughts on this?
should more be done to enforce equality?

2007-05-25 05:36:57 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

Specifically Afghanistan, Bosnia, Rwanda etc. or any of the peacekeeping missions in the last 20 - 25 years. Any info would be appreciated, this is for a book project about the effects of these deployments.

2007-05-25 05:36:37 · 3 answers · asked by Big Bear 1 in Military

Dwight Eisenhower, Edward Brooke, Everett Dirksen, John Lindsay, Tom McCall, all fine Republicans, were all pro-environment and pro-choice and today they would be shunned by the anti-choice, go-ahead-and-poison-the-environment-Republican Party. How did it go wrong? How did it go crazy? How did it ever come to support sending jobs overseas, running gargantuan deficits, and starting pointless wars?

2007-05-25 05:36:06 · 13 answers · asked by jxt299 7 in Politics

proof of eligibility to work in the uk (Asylum and Immigration Act 1996)

I am from the UK and I can not find my bith certificate which I needed for ID for a job.

I have found old wage slips with my National Insurrance Number on so now I was wondering if my uk marriage certificate would be ok. I dont see it on the list but hopefully its still accepted.

2007-05-25 05:35:29 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

if a person was harassing you and hitting your car while u was waiting to leave a parking late and they moved infront of your car and you hit them. (there was a cop nearby who saw the harrasment from two men and only laughed about the situation) can you get any jail time, etc?

2007-05-25 05:31:36 · 11 answers · asked by ace30815 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

We see all the posters talking about War profits companies are making.

Does anyone have any facts to back up such alligations ?

I did some checking on KBR profits and found that they made :

In 2004 KBR lost 303 million dollars.

In 2005 KBR made 240 mill on sales of 10.1 bill, profit 2.4%

In 2006 KBR made 168 mill on sales of 9.6 bill, profit 0.94%

Now that doesn't seem like much war profit to me.

Not when you consider the NY Times made something like 26% profit last year.

So help us out, show us before and after profit figures from companies you think are profiting off the war.

2007-05-25 05:30:30 · 6 answers · asked by jeeper_peeper321 7 in Other - Politics & Government

regarding law

2007-05-25 05:29:33 · 3 answers · asked by cavtaylor 1 in Law & Ethics

Please, please, Oh Father,. we pray for this family, for your ever lasing comfort and love, we pray for this young man, who valiantly gave his life for his country. Father, help us to forgive the evil, that perpertrated this heinous crime upon this man and his family, and Father, may you keep him close in Your Heart, and give this family, the strength they need to make it through each day...Please, join me in prayer, my friends, for this family, and the other soldiers, and Father, shine down on all of your children, and do not let satan destroy faith in you...In Christ Jesus name, Amen..

2007-05-25 05:28:53 · 16 answers · asked by MotherKittyKat 7 in Military

Is ti a good regime and the rest of the world is evil ?
Are those neo-Israelis the children of the sun and the choosen people by Allah, Ometeotl, Jah, Jehova, Yahve and Deus?

are they just wannabe's using biblical passages to justify their radicalism and terrorist tendencies?

2007-05-25 05:27:19 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

A War will stop the world´s commerce and all the economic recovery in the last years for many countries.
The rebuilding of Capitalism in China and East countries will collapse, China will not be able to export to the world and its peasants and huge working class will become unemployed and will insurrect.Stovk Markets will plummet, US pension funds will go bankrupt.
In Latin American countries, their economies, now doing good with export of all kinds of commodities will fall in default.
The gargantuan US debt of 3 trillon Dollars will show the World that US currency is just a painted paper.
It will be easier to fuel class struggle in all the World!
Do you know what was the slogan used by Lenin in 1917 , "Bread and Peace!".
In 1916 Bosheviks were just 8 , not more than that, in the words of Lenin , " all the Bolsheviks cant fill more than 2 cars...!"
I love criss, that´s how we breed....

2007-05-25 05:26:06 · 9 answers · asked by Señor Spok 1 in Military

Isn't it very strange that a wacky Iraqi cleric, and the leading Democrats in Washington have the same view in our involvement in Iraq? Why do people like Ms. Pelosi, Mr Reid, and Goddess Hillary Queen of the PC, hate the United States just like Mr Al Sadr? Listen the message, it is the same view. You voted for them, wake up and smell the coffee.

2007-05-25 05:22:41 · 10 answers · asked by mntazzy 2 in Politics

Would you be ok with it if they were allowed in freely BUT:
1. Could never recieve benefits (medicaid, SS, welfare etc.)
2. Never had to pay a cent in taxes

If you answer NO then you are also against OUTSOURCING AND FREE TRADE.

Agree? why or why not?

2007-05-25 05:19:02 · 18 answers · asked by Salami and Orange Juice 5 in Politics

I believe it will happen, and I believe they have nukes. I think they (Iran) view this as a holy war, so it's "do or die" for them.

That scares me...and I think it should scare everyone on this planet. The fall out from a nuclear war will affect the entire planet.


2007-05-25 05:16:04 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

What's the Liberals' next plan to help Al Qaeda and place our Republican soldiers in danger?

2007-05-25 05:14:55 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Is there any sign on bonuses for active reserves, im thinking of joining and there websites dont really show pay or sign on bonuses any info would be great.

2007-05-25 05:14:32 · 10 answers · asked by J-Boog 1 in Military

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