Thanks for any intelligent answers. I believe there are reasonable good people on both sides on the debate of Iraq. With that said here is my question:
In your judgement while evaluating the motives of President Bush on his decision to invade Iraq I would like hear from you of the posssible motives he harbors to do such a thing.
We all agree Saddam was a very bad man, rape rooms, torture chambers that would make the Nazi's cringe. He has used wmd's against his own people and his own people. 112 scientist that escaped Iraq all say he had or was working on massive WMD's, 67 nations went on record to say the same thing. If Bush knew all of this was a lie, he risked his name, his Presidency, his legacy for something he knew was a lie. He had to fool the world to believe something that he KNEW we would find out was a lie when we found NO WMD's.
Please explain in a rational way his possible motives for starting the war in Iraq?
Thanks for any responses!!
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