Simple. They are filled with hate. Yes, sometimes it IS that simple.
2007-04-30 07:32:31
answer #1
answered by yupchagee 7
I am a liberal and very new to YA. I have not got around to spewing my liberal hate yet. I don't really hate right wingers, some of my best friends are republicans. Yes I live for the chance to impress as many people as I can with my hateful tirades on free speech. Those hateful attempts to keep gay people from being the targets of violence. Yeah we liberals are so rude unlike those sweethearts Limbaugh and Oreilly. We liberals can learn so much from the fair and open minded patriotic republicans. Thank you for such a fairly worded question. And bless you for being a God fearing American.
2007-04-30 07:49:42
answer #2
answered by Vida 3
Probably the exact same reason conservatives do the same thing. Don't put too much store into it, you probably just never pay any attention to the conservative hate questions out there because you tend to agree with them more than the liberal hate questions, which no doubt tends to make you turn a blind eye to it.
2007-04-30 07:36:56
answer #3
answered by SomeGuy 6
John not only do they post them but they will report you if they disagree with a rational view point. Their reason is, it ffelt good at the time as they were enjoying a high from illegal substances
2007-04-30 08:47:39
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I am a liberal and I do not post hate filled questions or answers. You are more then welcome to go through my questions and answers to decide for yourself, but I'm a pretty good girl=)
You have to admit that there are two sides to every coin and not all the Conservative questions are exactly nice...or fair and balanced=)
2007-04-30 07:30:54
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Of course, you present no examples. This "hate" nonsense is just another childish neo-con debate tactic taken from their pseudo-christian buddy's handbook. When all else fails, claim persecution. It is no more valid than the "yes, I did something wrong, but the other guys did something bad too, so I should be excused" argument.
By the way, before you go rushing to your crying towel, I don't hate you. The truth is that I don't find you or your ilk important enough to waste my emotions on.
2007-04-30 08:38:35
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
As a Republican, I never said Liberals supported Black Panthers. Black Panthers support liberals.
2016-05-17 10:10:14
answer #7
answered by else 3
I know this will sound like I am making excuses for them, but they are seriously ill, psychologically speaking.
They are suffering from paranoia. This irrational hatred is eating them up inside, ruining their lives and when the focus of their hatred goes away, then someone else will have to take its place.
There is a reason that human beings experience suspicion, distrust and hypervigilance. That reason is because there is REAL danger in the world. Our ancestors in the caves knew this to be true. They lived with continual danger just to survive every minute of every day. Those who did not have the psychological capacity to perceive the danger in the environment surely died out long ago.
But this important psychological trait which senses danger and strives to protect the ego; and which is accentuated in children and early in life, is appropriately balanced out by the development of the rational faculty--the intellect.
The tools of the paranoid are denial, distortion, and projection. These psychological tools are almost always pathological when used to cope with the real world. For the user these three primitive psychological defenses permit a [hopefully temporary] rearrangement of external reality so that an actual, often unpleasant or painful reality may be avoided; for the beholder, the users of these mechanisms frequently appear crazy or insane. These are known as the "psychotic" defenses, common in overt psychosis, in dreams, and throughout childhood.
Denial is a refusal to accept external reality because it is too threatening. There are examples of denial being adaptive (for example, it might be adaptive for a person who has a terminal illness to use some degree of denial). But for the most part, denial is only useful as a short-term strategy, to permit a person to come to terms with reality. As a long-term strategy to protect self-identity, it is potentially lethal--since the person or group that uses it extensively is blinded to the real danger that might be out there.
Distortion is a gross reshaping of external reality to meet internal needs. Hinchey's bizarre accusations against the evil genius Rove are a perfect example. It is more acceptable to believe that some evil person has tricked you, than it is to believe that you behaved stupidly.
Delusional Projection occurs when an individual or group have delusions about external reality, usually of a persecutory nature.
It is easy to see how all these psychological manipulations work together to keep a person or a group insulated from reality. In truth, we witness such behavior all around us (and it is certainly not exclusive to one side of the political spectrum--though the political left has almost exclusive rights to it at this point in history).
Physiologically, anyone using these psychological strategies have some of short-circuit in their brain. That includes both those who are truly mentally ill with major psychiatric disorders; as well as those who, for psychological and psychosocial reasons, desire their brains to simulate mental illness in order to avoid reality. The only difference between the two is that the latter group have a potential to rediscover reality without any particular medication or treatment. A rediscovery may be painful; it may require a lot of soul-searching and an ability to face the unpleasant truth about themselves or their belief system, but insight and growth often are difficult processes.
How does reason balance suspicion? You say to yourself: is this feeling paranoid? Do I have facts to back up my suspicions, or do I only feel that it is so? Are these facts? Or, are they distortions, because I really really want to believe this is true?
How do you tell a fact from a distortion? 9/11 was a FACT. Millions of people experienced it directly; millions more watched it unravel indirectly. There are mounds of evidence and data that it was planned and funded by Al-Qaeda and carried out by Islamic terrorists. These are FACTS. The widespread belief among Muslims that the Jews are behind 9/11 and that they did it so that the blame would fall on Muslims is a DISTORTION, which comes from DENIAL of the facts; and represents a PSYCHOLOGICAL PROJECTION. It is a PSYCHOLOGICAL PROJECTION because many Muslims want desperately to believe that Islam is a peaceful religion and prohibits such acts, despite what is said in the Qu'ran, and what is practiced in the real world.
Likewise, the widespread belief on the political left that the Bush Administration and the US government is behind 9/11 and that they did it so that they did it because--- oh who the hell can possibly understand all the frivolous reasons they cite-- is also a DISTORTION, which comes from DENIAL of the facts; and represents a PSYCHOLOGICAL PROJECTION. It is a PSYCHOLOGICAL PROJECTION because many on the left want desperately to believe that their socialist ideology/religion stands for peace and that Republicans/Conservatives/Neocons are behind all the evil in the world, instead of their utopian fantasies, despite all the horrors their fantasies have produced in the real world.
Do not hate them for they know not what they do, just vote them out of office next election.
2007-04-30 09:23:40
answer #8
answered by rmagedon 6
One man's hate is another man's legitimate q&a.
The answer is, I answer with truth, not hate. I admit that I have a low tolerance of hateful people and ignorance, so you may be a bit confused when reading my responses....
2007-04-30 07:33:27
answer #9
answered by tombollocks 6
I never noticed that. But I don't read every question. Like this might be the first question I read of yours even though I have noticed your questions in the past. It would be an interesting study.
Go Team Red Go
2007-04-30 07:49:50
answer #10
answered by ShortBus43 2
They don't. And, what makes you think that this question is anything more than a hate filled accusation. You pair liberals with the word hate five times in six sentences.
2007-04-30 07:48:59
answer #11
answered by Anonymous