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Politics & Government - 30 April 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

The conservatives seem to preach Jesus and yet they are against

Universal health care
A social safety net
A fair tax syestem
A higher standard of living for the poor the welfare bums and so on

How is it that the conservatives who thump that bible so hard justify any of their stances on war and some detail like stem cel research when they make and buy bio chemical weapons and nuclear warheads at a rate that no other nation could hope to attain

Are the conservatives who make these so called moral stances just a bunch of liars and hypocrites - that do not "love their nieghbor as themselves ?

2007-04-30 10:06:50 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

Clinton was impeached and what did it matter? So if they did impeach Bush..what does that do to him that he should worry about? What is the purpose of impeachment and what serious impact does it have? What did it have on Clinton? Seems to have had none.

2007-04-30 10:03:48 · 11 answers · asked by nobodiesinc 1 in Government

that a failed war in Iraq is not helping to fight terrorism? That whether or not we lose in Iraq has no bearing on terrorist attacks in America? The statement "If we leave Iraq, they will follow us home" is ASININE! do you really think all the terrorists got together and said, lets fight America in Iraq, and not attack them at home? Do you think all the sleeper cells left America the day we invaded Iraq? Do you really think terrorists are not planning attacks on this country RIGHT NOW? If you really do, please tell me the secret to being that ignorant. I would have though you would have to be in a coma, but you people can still type!

2007-04-30 09:58:25 · 13 answers · asked by bushisamoron1212 1 in Politics


2007-04-30 09:54:11 · 6 answers · asked by Coulters Moustache 1 in Politics

I was going like 7 mph over, and the only reason I was even speeding was because I had to get my dog's medication to him before the training school/kennel that he is at closes. If he doesn't get his medication he could get very sick, possibly even die. (I didn't bother telling him this, because I know it doesn't matter. I admit that I was speeding, and I am not trying to make excuses.) The cop was very rude and unprofessional, and I was already having a pretty HORRIBLE day. Last week one of my closest friends died. On top of that, I was fined 70 dollars, and I am pretty much broke. I spent all of my money sending my dog to the training camp that he is at!!! How long do you normally have to pay your traffic ticket? I need to put in some extra hours at work to pay for this, so it will take a while. This sucks. : (

2007-04-30 09:53:06 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

My son will be returning from Iraq in a month. It's just for a mid-tour leave, but we are noticing changes in his behavior already. Are there any veterans that can help us to understand what to expect and what to do to ease his mind and heart?

2007-04-30 09:52:47 · 12 answers · asked by Geenahh 3 in Military

So those ignoramus's that use this logic actually think as long as we are in Iraq, there are no terrorists here? No sleeper cells? No terrorists trying to hurt America here? They all decided "What the hell, lets fight America in Iraq, and leave them alone at home"? Are you people F'ing kidding me? is it going to take another attack here before you realize losing a war in Iraq is not helping us?

2007-04-30 09:48:32 · 14 answers · asked by bushisamoron1212 1 in Politics

We have been bombarded by the media by labling people liberals or conservitives, why?

What has happened is split beliefe structure in our country, the media loves it because we watch just here our side make a statement.

But really what is our side, or to be me more accurate what is your side?

Are you a liberal, a conservitive, or an American?

2007-04-30 09:46:38 · 29 answers · asked by onesinnergirl 2 in Other - Politics & Government

I often wonder with both sides claiming to represent the "common man" who really does?
I fail to see either side doing much of anything to make it possible for the common man to do much of anything in America. I make above minimum wage and still just barely make enough to scrape by without extras. I don't owe huge amounts of money to anyone but I'm talking about the basics. The democrats seem to want to give money away to people who don't want to work at all, so if you work full time you're screwed.
The Republicans don't even want to figure out a way to fix healthcare so that if I get into a car addident tommorrow I don't have to beg the police officer not to call an ambulance because I'd rather deal with my severed arm myself than justify the fact that I will be 200,000.$ in the hole for the rest of my life on my meager wages.
Ehh I get frustrated. Thoughts? Opinions?

2007-04-30 09:43:14 · 20 answers · asked by skelleton_dance 3 in Politics

People a green card is just a proof of being a permanent resident. It being expired has no effect on your legal status. This is clearly stated by the USCIS. Not renewing your green card does not make you an illegal but is still unwise to do. It is the same as if a US Citizen had an expired passport. It is just pieces of paper that are proof but not the gospel itself.

2007-04-30 09:36:22 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

What constitutes victory, and what constitutes defeat in this war?

2007-04-30 09:34:47 · 25 answers · asked by Ghost Rider 1 in Military

I dont know if you've heard abuot these guys, but basically they blame the goverment for putting explosives at the twin towers and blaming them for all of 9/11

now I've seen all of the loose change documenteries and I've been to about 30-40 different websites about them

and I'm still not convinced

I do believe the goverment used 9/11 as an excuse to go to Iraq, and Its true that the goverment has sponsored terrorism in order to get what they want

But I dont believe these conspiracy theorious

what do you think?

2007-04-30 09:32:46 · 16 answers · asked by houston713ivan 1 in Military

Have a friend who is moving to Texas from Mass and would like to give her a charm bracelet or sumthing! She is a 911 dispatcher.. thanks in advance

2007-04-30 09:31:59 · 5 answers · asked by scottishmistinmass 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

i parked across the street from where i usually park, it's directly across the street and i got a parking ticket for being in the wrong lot. there's no signs that even says the names of the lots or which color your permit has to be, the only way to know is to go online and look at a confusing map of the areas surrounding the campus. the ticket is $30 and i'm thinking of appealing it but i don't know what grounds to appealing a parking ticket are.

2007-04-30 09:29:54 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

2007-04-30 09:26:18 · 2 answers · asked by jaion1rt 1 in Law & Ethics

My daughters father has abused her through out her life, for many years I have kept her with therapists and kept her visits with dad to supervised. He has now gotten a judge to give him physical custody, claiming I moved (I didnt), we had a hearing where I proved I was still living in the same house, my daughter had repeated her accusations of her dad sexually abusing her to the CASA (victim assistant) worker, she testified that she didnt believe my daughter eventhough the therapists believed her and she had been consistant for years. Now the CASA worker says I should only have supervised visits & that is the only way the truth will come out. Is it me or is this b!!@@ an idiot? How is putting the child in the custody of the person she said abused her EVER A GOOD IDEA???? I dont know what to do, I am feeling lost & cant afford an attorney, plus Indiana doesnt appoint attorneys so I just plain dont know what to do for my daughter...I havent seen her in 6 months! ADVICE?

2007-04-30 09:22:15 · 14 answers · asked by prayers4emma 2 in Law & Ethics

us=united states
explain ur thoughts

2007-04-30 09:20:07 · 15 answers · asked by Harsh 1 in Military

I got an email claiming i was left 400,000 + i thought it sounded like a scam.. it i got curious. I always ignore emails BUT this one mention a couple things that were true'.
it came from:

The Chambers of Richard Ferguson QC,
Carmelite Chambers
(Advocate & Solicitors)
#9 Carmelite Street,
London EC4Y 0DR,
London , Uk.

I got curious since it mention that i had been left money' to do a certain business ( which i had previously been involved in )

First i checked out the website of this firm.
Then called the office, the person answering says she's not sure why the deceased willed money to me or even knew me personally other than a newspaper article or he owned a copy of my book - shes not sure.

Anyone ever heard of this deal. ?

2007-04-30 09:19:26 · 9 answers · asked by billybadazz 3 in Law & Ethics


2007-04-30 09:18:00 · 15 answers · asked by ? 6 in Government

Honestly why can't we focus on keeping the Muhamed Attas out this country instead of sending troops to stir up even more hatred over there? I consider myself a liberal and don't have a problem with immigration as a rule. Also yes I know Saudi Arabia is our ally, my question refers to the majority population not the government.

2007-04-30 09:15:31 · 13 answers · asked by Vida 3 in Other - Politics & Government

America doesn't seem to care about its state of citizen neglect by letting all kinds of illegal alien programs available to allure illegals over. I am disable and recieve 600.00 a month to live on, but yet illegals are getting all kinds of free progams to assist them. America can't even take care of what they have properly now. America needs to wake up because one day it will wake up in the poor house wondering how it got there in the first place. I'd like to sue the U.S. government for citizen neglet! What are your thoughts? No I'm not concerned about being politically correct either, and if you are, I will expect you to be politically correct when someone is robbing you or taking over your home by invasion and leaving you homeless.

2007-04-30 09:15:31 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

does the existence of such a consensus represent a triumph of democracy or the narrowing of debate?

2007-04-30 09:14:31 · 2 answers · asked by sunshine 2 in Military

wasn't it just a bunch of Bush's Bullsit?

The Great Deceiver speaks!

No wonder they call him the Devil!

2007-04-30 09:10:20 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections

If that is the new goal of the war, how will we know when it is accomplished? What would we do to make sure it stays stable? Would we leave a permanent military base there as we did in Germany and Japan?

2007-04-30 09:07:50 · 7 answers · asked by Buffy Summers 6 in Politics

zinon in the ancient greece said " anarchy means order"

2007-04-30 09:05:33 · 10 answers · asked by el_mini 1 in Other - Politics & Government

They don't seem to be singing about the Amber waves of grain or purple mountain's majesty

Why is that???

2007-04-30 09:05:00 · 12 answers · asked by ? 2 in Politics

Sorry I am really stupid about this......Can you get a Bachelor's degree in Law? Or can you get a degree in any subject, then get your Master's in Law? How does that work? I live in Indiana, know of any good law schools?
(Serious answers only)

2007-04-30 09:04:38 · 10 answers · asked by davidnicolewilson 2 in Law & Ethics

fedest.com, questions and answers