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Politics & Government - 23 April 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

Today Bush said "I will strongly reject an artificial timetable (for) withdrawal and/or Washington politicians trying to tell those who wear the uniform how to do their job," .

Minus the 'artificial timetable withdraw' part sense it is a "and/or" statement, he is part of the "Washington politicans" in my view, so he should back off on telling those in uniform what to do. Right?

2007-04-23 12:51:05 · 3 answers · asked by ruggedwarrior_love 2 in Politics

My friend recently had a baby with a drug addict. He was just informed he has no legal rights because he is not the child's legal guardian (because he and the mom are no longer together). He has been looking after the child on his own for 5+ months and he and the mother are no longer together. Is this true? If so, what steps can he take to obtain these rights and to gain custody of his daughter?

2007-04-23 12:49:44 · 7 answers · asked by Matt B 1 in Law & Ethics

THE republican candidate in twenty-twelve?

2007-04-23 12:47:24 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Canada has been letting a lot of people in for the past 30 yrs

Some speak English some don't most speak it so badly they can't be understood without a lot of patience although they often claim they speak it fluently

I personally belive that if you can't speak the launguage fluently then you are a danger in the work place

You must be able to give and recieve instruction clearly and quickly or you become dangerous to others -

I don't see the problem with inacting a law that says

Before you come here you must pass this written and oral test in either English or French or I am sorry but you can't come here

If you can only pass the test in French then you have to settle in Quebec and thats that .

Who believes this would be a good law ?

What stops immigration Canada and the government from such a seemingly common sense thing ?

2007-04-23 12:47:05 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

American parents adopting American children only, not from foreign counties. Please cite your sources. Thank you.

2007-04-23 12:47:04 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

for separation of state and capitalism? If not, what else could we do to wrestle control of our nation back from the corporations?

2007-04-23 12:43:17 · 12 answers · asked by American Spirit 7 in Government

"The five boy justices on the Supreme Court who voted to take away our reproductive freedom last week were treating us like silly girls who can’t be trusted to make our own decisions..."


Please don't comment until you read it.

2007-04-23 12:42:16 · 5 answers · asked by Sangria 4 in Government

I'm a US citizen, actually I live in Mexico so I get my mexican citizenship. A week ago French embassy told me that I can get french citizenship because my family is french, will I have problems with my US citizenship?

2007-04-23 12:41:48 · 13 answers · asked by Herman 4 in Embassies & Consulates

Is it illegal for your father to let you drive [just to learn] when at the age of 14 if you are in an abandoned parking lot and it is completely safe? is that legal? if the police caught you what would he do? My dad learned to drive when he was 12. I am 14 and i want to drive soooo bad. He sai he would let me drive soon. But in a safe area.

2007-04-23 12:41:16 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

What can I expect my time Active to be like? Will I have time for family? I plan on choosing my MOS as Ground Infantry Officer or Pilot. But What should I expect from both? Im having alot of trouble making this decision to join because of the commitment to friends and family I have.

2007-04-23 12:40:50 · 12 answers · asked by John Doe 1 in Military

2007-04-23 12:38:51 · 12 answers · asked by kriffe123 1 in Government

Russia is now requiring their media to portray the U.S. as their enemy. Why is most of our own media ignoring this, along with the fact that Russia is snuggling up with Iran, who is in bed with Al-Qaeda? I would think it important for America to know who we're up against.

2007-04-23 12:37:35 · 10 answers · asked by suzyq 3 in Politics

Are the evils of socialism and anti-US sentiment worth persuing that far?

2007-04-23 12:36:01 · 9 answers · asked by Mordent 7 in Politics

I mean why wouldn't the countries with heaps of money give a little more than what they are giving now that way poor developing countries would be able to focus on spending their money on things that they need

2007-04-23 12:35:06 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

Who's fur impeaching the President and Vice President? And why?

2007-04-23 12:29:26 · 22 answers · asked by ♥ Myfaeia Arae Colath ♥ 2 in Government

I think so.

2007-04-23 12:26:38 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

I just need to know, the court date passed, well, Ok my rent is due on the1st of the month, I haven't paid it yet, but I am paying Friday the 27th, how long do I have before my landlotrd can legally kick me out.

2007-04-23 12:26:18 · 6 answers · asked by badass6927 1 in Law & Ethics

Why not put it behind a candidate with a chance?

2007-04-23 12:18:33 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

The Va Tech Shooting Should Serve As A Nationwide Call To Arms
By Dave Gibson (04/22/07)

The shooting spree orchestrated by Seung Hui Cho and the incredible carnage wrought by that one man, was a tragedy that did not have to occur. Regardless of his motive, had one or two students or teachers been armed--his murderous orgy in Tech's Norris Hall could have been stopped before 32 innocent lives were lost.

Last year, a Va. Tech student was disciplined for carrying a gun on campus, even though he possessed a concealed weapons permit. Va. Tech officials were quick to point out that their school was a "gun free zone." That assertion has not only proven to be naive but deadly as well.

In January 2006, House Bill 1572 was introduced in the Virginia General assembly. The legislation would have allowed students who possess a concealed weapons permit to carry their guns anywhere on campus. Most schools in Virginia have policies against students and faculty carrying guns on campus, Va. Tech is of course one of those schools. Unfortunately, the bill failed to pass through the Committee on Militia, Police, and Public Safety.

Va. Tech Vice President Larry Hincker gave the following statement shortly after the aforementioned measure died in committee: "I'm sure the university community is appreciative of the General Assembly's actions because this will help parents, students, faculty, and visitors feel safe on our campus."

I wonder if Mr. Hincker has the courage to sit down with every family who lost a son or daughter last week and explain that statement?

As much as the liberal dictators are interested in trying to understand the painful life that supposedly led someone to commit murder, they are equally uninterested in trying to understand how a well-armed citizenry can make these mass murders a thing of the past.

In 1997, Mississippi teenager Luke Woodham killed his mother and then drove to Pearl High School where he killed two students and wounded seven more. Assistant Principal Joel Myrick ran a quarter of a mile to his vehicle and returned with his .45 pistol. Myrick confronted the teenaged killer and detained him while waiting for police to arrive. Woodham was attempting to leave the high school and planned to drive to the local middle school and continue his killing. Myrick's actions saved the lives of many children that day.

In 2002, a Nigerian student named Peter Odighizuwa shot and killed three people at the Appalachian School of Law in rural Virginia. His shooting spree was ended when fellow students Todd Ross and Ted Bessen went to their cars and retrieved their own guns. The pair returned and ordered Odighizuwa to drop his weapon and held him until police arrived.

This past February at a Salt Lake City mall, an armed off-duty police officer shot and killed a young Muslim terrorist named Sulejman Talovic. The officer (Ken Hammond), prevented a massacre as Talovic was found with a backpack full of ammunition, a shotgun, and a pistol. Before Officer Hammond ended the shooting spree, Talovic murdered five people.

Currently, Utah and Oregon are the only states in the union which allow teachers and staff to carry weapons in their schools. It is no coincidence that there has never been a school shooting spree unleashed in either of those states.

In 1975, handgun ownership was banned in Washington D.C. Since that time, violent criminals have over-taken our nation's capital. From 1976-2005, an astounding 8,278 murders have taken place in that city and guns were used in almost all of them. Well-armed thugs will always take advantage of an unarmed populous.

What the mentally ill liberals deem a 'gun free zone,' is actually seen by violent criminals as a 'free fire zone.' Cowardly thugs are always encouraged by gun control laws. Never forget that laws only apply to the law-abiding!

2007-04-23 12:16:38 · 20 answers · asked by GREAT_AMERICAN 1 in Politics

2007-04-23 12:10:42 · 24 answers · asked by J.C. 2 in Politics

Over 60% of Americans oppose Bush And His Policies, 30% think he is right (are these hard core Repulicans?) 10% don't know what to think, what do you think?

2007-04-23 12:07:20 · 17 answers · asked by Old Guy 4 in Politics

We all know God told GW to invade Iraq and any of us who has disagreed has been branded to hell for eternity.

2007-04-23 12:05:49 · 22 answers · asked by Gemini 5 in Politics

2007-04-23 12:05:13 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

2007-04-23 12:05:03 · 21 answers · asked by Emma J12345 2 in Law & Ethics

Judge for yourself: Part II

Question: Should we just report violations on all anti President GWB questions till moonbat libs back off!?

My answer: Well, I guess they will not blame "Imus", cause he is one of their own... ...heard now the GOP is being blamed somehow, for his comments.... ....Liberalism is truly a "mental" disease"!

By the way I was punished with - 12 points for my answer... Do we live in Russia or What?

I wouldn't be surprised the "supposed Mediator " is Liberal and H***, you think?

I guess we now have to speak in code..
..I could of used M***** disease!

2007-04-23 12:03:28 · 7 answers · asked by Rada S 5 in Elections

I'm going to be running for Sophomore Class Representative
Our school mascot is the eagle and my name is Giles. I don't want this to be sentimental, but probablly something funny.

2007-04-23 12:03:18 · 7 answers · asked by Yourself 1 in Elections

I was active for 3 years but it has been 4 years since then and I don't fit into them, I'm not fat, but I'm not at my bootcamp weight either lol. I am though within navy standards.

2007-04-23 12:02:45 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

should we do away with the senate and the house and only have the president and lets do away with the U.S.Spreme Court as well..time for a dictarorship..the libs love them..just look at Cuba and Iran...a Christian country ran by a christian..prais the lord..thank you Jesus...

2007-04-23 11:59:49 · 20 answers · asked by jeary 1 in Politics

May fifth (cinco de mayo) is a national holiday in Mexico. Do you know why? Back in the year 1862, a French army of 6,000 well-armed men invaded Mexico, led by General Laurencez. The excuse was that Mexico owed money to their country and could not pay it right then. But they were also allied with the Mexican conservatives to overthrow the liberal government of President Juárez and found an empire. General Ignacio Zaragoza faced these forces in the city of Puebla with only 4,000 poorly-equipped men with little training. Laurencez was so sure of his superiority that he attacked the Mexican army head on as a sign of his contempt. This mistake cost the lives of one thousand Frenchmen on that battlefield. Zaragoza defeated them and make them retreat. Although this did not stop them, and the Empire of Maximilian was founded in our country, the event had great impact. Each year, we commemorate that battle on the fifth of May.

2007-04-23 11:56:37 · 5 answers · asked by angeleyes 1 in Military

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