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Politics & Government - 7 April 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

2007-04-07 11:11:07 · 18 answers · asked by Ricky 3 in Politics

Why aren't more people calling for separating marriage and the state? Most states currently only allow a male and a female to wed. Why don't we separate states from our private relationships. This way people can marry who and/or what they want. There's a huge stink right now about gay marriage. Why are they appealing to authority where there is none? What right does the state have to declare what their relationships are? This recent gay marriage movement ignores and alienates plural marriage, communal marriage and marriage to non humans.

I say remove any marriage laws, thus allowing anyone to marry anyone or anything they want, and call that marriage/union/relationship, whatever they want.

2007-04-07 11:06:51 · 13 answers · asked by Celebrate Life 3 in Other - Politics & Government

Susie puts an ad in the paper as follows: "$500 reward for the return of my calico cat." Johnny finds the cat and returns her to Susie, but Susie refuses to pay Johnny $500. What is the result if Johnny sues Susie for the money?

a. Because the ad was merely a solicitation of offers, there was no contract until Susie accepted Johnnies offer to find her cat, which she never did.
b. Johnny may not recover the money becasue he did not contact Susie before he began his search.
c. Because Johnny did not pay Susie to keep her offer open, Susie is free to revoke and need not pay Johnny anything.
d. The ad was an offer for a unilateral contract, which Johnny accepted by returning the cat. Susie is therefore bound to pay Johnny the $500.

2007-04-07 11:05:27 · 5 answers · asked by glock310 3 in Law & Ethics

if so, when?

2007-04-07 11:01:03 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

phone number? I would like him to come here and give a speech on global warming. I am sure that blowhards hot air will warm up the atmosphere to a more comfortable level.

2007-04-07 10:59:16 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

During WWII

We attacked, invaded and occupied Japan because it was japan that attacked the US 12/07/1941

That's as black and white as it gets.

Why black and white?

Because the government that attacked the US was the SAME one that we fought against.

But my understanding is that congress found "No credible link" between Saddam and Bin Laden in the 911 commision report.

Given this US Congressional conclussion, ON WHAT SOURCE of infrormation do the war proponents counter this congressional rational.

I DONT WANT A TON OF INSULT AND DISRESPECT FROM SOLDIERS - like in my first question, I JUST [[ HONESTLY ]] want to find out what you know, HOW it is you are so convinced about:

the connection between Bin Laden and Saddam and 9/11.

What website can I go to?
What book can I read?

I DON'T NEED ANY MORE INSULT AND DISRESPECT, (my original post) I JUST NEED ANSWERS, SO IF YOU ARE GOING TO SPIT ON ME [AGAIN] at that point you are just an amimal with a machine gun

2007-04-07 10:57:29 · 29 answers · asked by Lisa Jacobs 1 in Military

Or is "My Pet Goat" as far as he will ever get?

2007-04-07 10:46:41 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Is it because of the skimpy outfits she wore in Barbarella?

2007-04-07 10:46:14 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Fixed election- So I guess Mondale should have won too, and McGovern, and Cater for term 2 and Dukakis.
Look at who you run- laughable people like Kerry and Gore- How could you NOT lose?

2007-04-07 10:46:05 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Any website or book references would be nice. I want to know the real agenda of each party not what we see in the candy coated finish they show us. I realize this is a difficult question but any insight would be greatly appreciated.

2007-04-07 10:44:24 · 8 answers · asked by CaTcHmEiFuCaN 4 in Other - Politics & Government

A Missouri Voca Rehab worker tells me that if a person on SS Disability becomes self-employed, the individual would no longer be "disabled" if he or she worked more than 40 Hours Per Month. While I believe I can be productive 80 to 100 hours per month, I see no way I could ever afford insurance after Medicare. There must be more to know than this. Advise from specialists is what I need... like a disability lawyer or an SS expert... from Allsup in Belleville, IL for example.

2007-04-07 10:44:10 · 3 answers · asked by James S 2 in Law & Ethics

Who would take payments for drug poss. charge

2007-04-07 10:41:06 · 5 answers · asked by karlaltdscope 2 in Law & Ethics

I couldn't help but notice the extremely lame posts, bad spelling & punctuation, and the Stepford Wife-ish characteristics of the posts this afternoon.

2007-04-07 10:40:45 · 13 answers · asked by Gemini 5 in Politics

Insurgents are rag tag....Have basic weapons....Wear blue jeans and tennis shoes....and fight for free.....The USA military is the most powerful on earth...Have the most advanced weapons....get paid big time....and yet can't beat the rag tag insurgents. Will the USA soon eat crow and feel shame? ( Like they did in Vietnam )

2007-04-07 10:37:17 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

Just looking to see what you all think of that. Links, copy and paste if you like. Like views. Thanks.

2007-04-07 10:36:24 · 8 answers · asked by Fox_America 5 in Other - Politics & Government

2007-04-07 10:35:05 · 14 answers · asked by Alison L 2 in Other - Politics & Government

Thank you Mr. President for our first class economy, pulling us out from the Democrat recession. Thank you for restoring honor and principle to the White House, and we are gratweful for your boldness and vigilance against terror..

2007-04-07 10:35:03 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

What the US army is hiding in Iraq?

Question Details: In US culture, the "dude" has to take the girl out, in his car, to "get laid". In Iraq, how do the rescourceful Americans get around the problem?? Do they try to pick up Iraqi girls in their Militay Humvees? Do they try to dodge the curfew in much the same way that a girl's father might impose a cerfew?? What type of sexual adventures are the soldiers having over there?? Then they come back here and act like all this time they were fighting a war, or somthing like that. I bet when the Iraqi girls' brother punches the US soldier in the face for "violating her honor" he probably tells people that he got injured fighting an insurgent. Sometimes you gotta wonder what those crazy kids are doing in that giant sand box over there. I bet they have little BBQ parties on the beach, with beer, and "Babes", but you never hear about it because its all "Black Ops". They act like there is a war, but I bet they are just trying to hide all their screwing around over there.

2007-04-07 10:33:24 · 8 answers · asked by Indian Princess 1 in Military


2007-04-07 10:32:26 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

2007-04-07 10:31:38 · 18 answers · asked by mymadsky 6 in Politics

2007-04-07 10:30:25 · 10 answers · asked by mikiegirl04 2 in Law & Ethics

Despite the west sinking billions into this continent, Africa remains a total shambles. Perhaps the British ran it better under the Empire.

2007-04-07 10:30:08 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Would this change the American view of the war and 'mission accomplished'?

2007-04-07 10:29:43 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

about today's controversial social issues?

Some would say, "well the inerrant word of God."

But seems to me the "word of God' can be interpreted any which way. In 1840s America, the Southern Baptist Church was created out of support for slavery. Prior to the modern era, many conservative preachers opposed equal rights for women because they said it was "anti-Biblical." The christian conservative Bob Jones University had anti-interracial dating rules up to the year 2000. They, along with many christians of the past, interpreted the Bible into opposing interracial marriage.

So lots of people in the past have used the Bible to support their bigot beliefs. People today are doing the same thing with gays and gay marriage. They are absolutely sure the Bible is against it, just like the Southern Baptist Church was absolutely sure the Bible condoned slavery.

2007-04-07 10:27:37 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Does this guy never smile? I've seen maybe one normal-looking picture of him in my life. Otherwise he's either glaring, growling, or twisting up his face for some non-apparent reason.

2007-04-07 10:27:10 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

From my view when A Liberal fights against terrorist its with words and the terrorist are of the hook again and being praised but when Bush fights the terrorist he called hitler saten warmonger every name in the book and the libs are trying to tell the terrorist that your off the hook again it gets all my nerves.

2007-04-07 10:25:44 · 18 answers · asked by Jeremy P 2 in Politics

About 20 years ago, I got done for speeding and the Copper LIED. About a year ago, I crashed a van and the Copper was BIASED.

Now, I avoid dealing with the police. I saw a road accident happen and just drove on. Has anyone else suffered the same problems?

2007-04-07 10:25:27 · 40 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

No big deal. Ask any American the names of the dead soldiers. Very few know. Ask any American about the American Idol show. All know the names.

2007-04-07 10:21:40 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

even more than anything else in the whole entire world!!!

Do they secretly wish we could bring back some good old testament fashioned God decreed slave labor?

2007-04-07 10:20:59 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

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