The War For Your Mind
You may not realize it, but in addition to the wars in Afghanistan and
Iraq, there is another war being waged by radical Islamists -- a war for
Your mind that would make Nazi propaganda chief Joseph Goebbels proud.
Thanks to the hard work and dedication of the good folks at the Middle East
Media Research Institute (MEMRI), this subversive campaign was recently
Exposed. Nevertheless, it continues and the damage is almost impossible to
The effort involves a “media jihad” of Islamists overseas using the
Internet to undermine American morale and support for the war. MEMRI has
Discovered talking points and action items on Islamist websites directing
Their followers to infiltrate American Internet forums and chat rooms with
False propaganda.
Just consider some of these excerpts:
-- “There is no doubt, my brothers, that raiding American forums is among
The most important means of obtaining victory in the fierce media war...
And of influencing the views of the weak-minded American …This American is
An idiot and does not [even] know where Iraq is…”
-- “Obviously, you should post your contribution... As an American... You
Should invent stories about American soldiers you have [allegedly]
Personally known (as classmates... Or members in a club who played baseball
And tennis with you) who were drafted to Iraq and then committed suicide
While in service by hanging or shooting themselves...”
-- “Also, write using a sad tone, and tell them that you feel sorry for
Your [female] neighbor or co-worker who became addicted to alcohol or
Drugs... Because her poor fiancee, a former soldier in Iraq, was paralyzed
Or [because] his legs were amputated... [Use any story] which will break
Their spirits...”
-- “Your concern should [only] be introducing topics which... Will cause
[them to feel] frustration and anger towards their government..., which
Will... Render them hostile to Bush... And make them feel they must vote to
Bring the troops back from Iraq as soon as possible.”
It is clear from these detailed instructions that our enemy understands the
Power of the media, and learned well a key lesson of Vietnam – America did
Not lose on the battlefield; it lost on the home front.
But if the last American retreats from Iraq in a helicopter from the
Rooftop of our embassy in the Green Zone, the jihadists won't be satisfied.
They will be emboldened, and from their new safe haven in the heart of the
Middle East, they will renew their strikes on America with increased
Unfortunately, that is something the “cut and run” caucus in Congress
Evidently does not comprehend. If it did, it would not be insisting on
Timetables for “phased redeployments,” telling our enemies that America no
Longer possesses the resolve to “pay any price, bear any burden, meet any
Hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, in order to assure the
Survival and the success of liberty.”
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