acccording to the new's papers he could get 50 years or more if convicted? hell I didn't think it was a serious charge to spy on America any more as the only thing they do to Israeli spys is to send them back to Israel, even the ones who gave our secrets for the silent propeller for our Los Angles subs or for giving our radar secrets for our guided missiles to Russia, or the unregistered Mossad agents who were celebrating the bombing of the W.T.C. they held them for about 3 months in jail and then sent them home, why??? the F,B,I, SAYS THEY FAILED THE LIE DETECTOR TESTS GAVE BY A F.B.I. SPEALIST, some how this picture don't make sense, as the F,B,I, also stated this M,O,S, fit the Mossad much better than it doe's O,B,L, in fact the F,B,I, don't even believe O,B,L, was involved , and said how could a rag head sitting in a cave some where in the mountains ever get enough information to pull some thing this big off,also why were there no Jew's in the W,T,C,
2 answers
asked by
james w
Law & Ethics