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Politics & Government - 26 January 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

My Previous question was basically President Clinton was put in the public eye about his private life and yes, he did lie and therefore he was impeached, but wouldn't President Bush's lie about weapons in Iraq be considered grounds for impeachment?

2007-01-26 10:51:08 · 26 answers · asked by Jenn 2 in Government

and get rid of the jokers who are getting in the race.I dont see one great person yet.

2007-01-26 10:47:03 · 12 answers · asked by John N 2 in Politics

2007-01-26 10:45:40 · 16 answers · asked by poetic_lala 5 in Elections

I plan on renting a small iland and claiming the it is a hostile towards the usa. The US will the invade while I retreat and bunker down. They will proceed to blast the crap out of the island, when i'll surrender. After which my brother will ask for relief money and bail me out of jail!

2007-01-26 10:43:44 · 6 answers · asked by chapman_red 2 in Other - Politics & Government

I heard recently that getting into a pilot position in the air force is quite difficult. I am currently in a program that the Air Force Auxiliary teaches called CAP (Civil Air Patrol).

Details: I'm 5'4" (still growing), 120lbs, 14years old, had childhood asthma when I was 4 but grew out of it, 20/20 vision in one eye in the other 20/30, so I guess my question is this good enough? My main concern is my eye site. What do you think? What else can I do to improve my chances of getting into the USAF?

Helpfull information only please..

2007-01-26 10:41:14 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

Is this an omen?

Is this an overall downward trend in conservative politics (combined with President Bush's pitiful approval ratings)

Would you like to see Obermann and O'Reilly debate?


2007-01-26 10:39:48 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Michael Medved - Denis Prager - Laura Ingraham - Mike Gallagher - Michael Savage and Rosenberg and many more all happened to be Jews ----

all of them started attacking Jimmy Carter and his new book at the same time AIPAC waged a war on him---- so do u think they get direct instructions from AIPAC because they are jewish-----

I mean Jimmy Carter are very conservative , and he is not afraid about any political ambitious no more--thats why he says the truth in his book , not worry about false anti-semitic accusations----which AIPAC are famous for ---to destroy any polotician who do not agree with its agenda

2007-01-26 10:37:45 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Conservative,Labour , Libreals, or the looney party. The why things are going lets just all go looney.If your a pensioner go out and rob next weeks shopping from a supermarket,don't worry they won't put you prison because theres no room.If you owe council tax beware there find room to put you in prison just to make an exsample of you,If your a rapist, your all right mate,we all make mistakes, no room out you go,Looney party thats what Mr Blairs goverment should be called

2007-01-26 10:33:45 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections

I am thinking to marry her in scotland to avoid the paperwork. Does this give her any right to stay in the UK with me? I am considering going back to china with her and then apply for a marriage or fiancee visa once there to re-enter the uk but I am concerned that because she is currently here with an expired visa she will be rejected any future requests to enter the UK. As a worst case I would move to china with her but I am worried we will never be able to come back. Hope someone can help me who may know a little more or actually have experience of this - Thanks.

2007-01-26 10:32:52 · 11 answers · asked by Luke 1 in Immigration

A few years ago, my husband got his wallet stolen (with his DL and SS card in it) in a border town in Mexico. We always joke about an illegal living in the US under his name, but it really is starting to worry me. Is there any way to check your Social Security Number to see what it is being used for?

2007-01-26 10:32:17 · 15 answers · asked by KS 7 in Immigration

By the way, my sister is not married yet but is over the age of 21..we have filed her petition on 2005..when exactly will it get approved??..and its only the form...im not asking for the visa..please help me.

2007-01-26 10:32:16 · 4 answers · asked by and.dance 2 in Immigration

Oh, wait, was he disbarred by the United States Supreme Court for commiting perjury and undermining the country's judicial system?

2007-01-26 10:28:45 · 10 answers · asked by Liberals_Celebrate_Abortions 1 in Politics

To drive Obama home from a party in a Bid to eliminate the compition?

2007-01-26 10:28:05 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics


2007-01-26 10:23:32 · 20 answers · asked by we_are_chicago 1 in Government

US stopped the communist from attacking all of Southeast Asia including Japan ,Formosa, the Phillipines, Indonesia, and even Australia.

2007-01-26 10:23:22 · 5 answers · asked by rallman@sbcglobal.net 5 in Government

We've talked, written, and given information to these people. Their HEAVILY scented laundry products fill our yard and home when they do laundry, causing headaches and nausea for myself, suffering from Multiple Chemical Sensitivity. We've tried everything for some peaceful resolution. We've asked them to use Unscented, or at the very least do their laundry either early in the day or late in the day. Nothing helps. They say they will be cooperative, yet the problem persists. Because of their actions, I can not go outside and enjoy our lovely backyard. I can't play with my dog, or even do yard work. The smells are sooo strong you can taste it. Others without MCS, have commented on how strong it is.
Please, any advice would be greatly appreciated. Most people can't imagine such a life. It's caused me to give up alot, but I won't give up my own back yard without a fight. Why can't people who want their clothes to smell, just spray on perfume, why do we all have to breath the chemicals?

2007-01-26 10:21:51 · 8 answers · asked by roseypicture 1 in Law & Ethics

So if you are against the war in iraq you are unpatriotic? That is what I hear from many people. It makes me think........OK If you are a parent and you love your child dearly....but he/she misbehaves, what do you do? ....See my point? A REAL PATRIOT IS SOMEONE WHO LOVES THEIR COUNTRY SO MUCH THAT THEY RECOGNIZE WHEN IT IS WRONG AND TELLS IT!!!! That is REAL patriotism!

2007-01-26 10:21:16 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

done in Iraq? I'm told by another answerer that there are only TWO companies who do the work Halliburton does. I find this rather difficult to believe! Considering all of the waste and fraud Halliburton has been credited with, are we to believe that there were absolutely NO OTHER companies who could do what Halliburton can?

2007-01-26 10:20:56 · 8 answers · asked by rare2findd 6 in Other - Politics & Government

After all they came HERE we didn't go there.
Management at my fathers company recently informed there Bosses that if they wanted to advance within the company they would be required to learn Spanish. One man stood up and asked Why can't THEY learn English?.
WHY should US Citizens be forced to learn Spanish? Last time I checked we didn't go to Mexico to steal Jobs and I'm sure if we did they wouldn't be learning English to accomidate us.

2007-01-26 10:20:13 · 47 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

Does this mean we condon Clinton's actions more than we do Bush's?

2007-01-26 10:19:55 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

2007-01-26 10:19:38 · 19 answers · asked by Soundguy 2 in Politics

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