I asked a question today WHY so many liberals idolize a man that lied and committed adultery - the responses made me sad for this country! A LOT of people cut down President Bush and others like your first response said, "who cares?" Character matters to me. I want a leader to be honorable, moral, AND able to lead and make good decisions to benefit this country!
2007-01-26 11:40:00
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
The United States Supreme Court gave no reason for disbarring Bill Clinton but disbarment often follows disbarment in lower courts. Clinton's law license was suspended in Arkansas for five years and he paid a $25,000 fine All this is past history and if Clinton chose to practice law, he would be able to do so. He would not be allowed to argue cases before the USSC but all other avenues of law practice are open to him. Get over it.
2007-01-26 19:02:51
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
He doesn't need to practice law. He commands millions from the sale of his books and speeches. Of all the current and living past presidents he is by far the most popular.
2007-01-26 18:49:10
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Good point.
-Lied to a federal grand jury
-Sold pardons
-Committed adultery in the oval office
-bilked people out of their lifesavings with Whitewater
-Was impeached
Lets elect hillary and let another clinton make a joke out of the whitehouse.
2007-01-26 18:52:47
answer #4
answered by infobrokernate 6
Oh yeah, I forgot that pesky little detail....being disbarred. But didn't that rapist also suborn perjury, intimidate witnesses and ignore his duties while trying to divert attention away from his crimes?
2007-01-26 18:44:26
answer #5
answered by Cherie 6
He was also suspended in Arkansas for five years, I believe. That five year term has expired.
I don't believe he practices law.
I worked very, very hard for my law license and have a special contempt for people who lose theirs.
I don't have a career as a public speaker or whatever else to fall back on.
2007-01-26 18:38:55
answer #6
answered by American citizen and taxpayer 7
Still living in the past?
Can't find any current issues?
2007-01-27 17:46:39
answer #7
answered by Bad M 4
What law career?
2007-01-26 18:36:11
answer #8
answered by cynical 6
Besides, the HOT chicks are in Liberal Arts.
2007-01-26 18:47:07
answer #9
answered by Garth Rocket 4
who cares??? Boring. Get a real issue.
2007-01-26 18:35:04
answer #10
answered by Anonymous