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Politics & Government - 11 January 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

2007-01-11 21:36:34 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

The popular reactions on the killing of Saddam everywhere indicates this fact .With regard to WMD and terrorism it appears that Saddam was credible while Bush was lier.

2007-01-11 21:34:04 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

who agrees with him this time? why are the american ppl so stupid and getting themselves killed for an OIL HUNGRY president? can no one see him for what he is? why are you supporting him? because hes got good public speaking skills? he doesnt give a damn about anything except power and money and that comes with OIL now hes after somalia because of the oil reserve found there and is blaming al qaeda in somalia? HOW RIDICULOUS WHY ARE YOU PPL BLIND?

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2 minutes ago
IM SORRY if i called the AMerican ppl stupid clearly they r not i just got a bit emotional

and all of u who r against me ur only going to realise when ur fathers, brothers, husbands boyfriends go out to fight POINTLESS WARS and get BUTCHERED for no reason through no fault of their own GO down to the fron line urself and see what it is really like WOULD BUSH OR BLAIR EVER SEND THEIR OWN CHILDREN THERE? theres ur answer...double standards hes fine to send the american people but if he really cared

2007-01-11 21:28:38 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

That Cheney/Bush and clan should be prohibited in collecting any money from the investments from the Iraqi war? Military contracts etc. if they give them to their friends they should be arrested,like local politicians are arrested when they have given out government contracts to cronies. Money that we pay them for being in office is for taking care of us, not themselves? That is out of our pockets and if not satisfied with that position, then get out? Congress makes millions, and all of them do now. Congress gets pensions from our tax dollars and they don't pay into Social Security and they get millions in pensions for life after retirement. And dont say they dont. Because it is a fact. That is our tax dollars. We should make a law and enforce it. Then these thieves won't want that job anymore. Then we might get humble public servants, not bloated up pigs that just eat when others starve. Lawyers too get them for real. Make a law against campaign contributions too right?

2007-01-11 21:27:14 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

they must be having hell of a time to watch bush making all kinds of plans and spending the american dollars with no results.
what do you think? are you ashamed of your president?

2007-01-11 21:23:33 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Has it put more money in my pocket or not

2007-01-11 21:21:23 · 7 answers · asked by hay hoe 1 in Law & Ethics

2007-01-11 21:21:21 · 3 answers · asked by marzmargs12 6 in Military

I just saw the huge rally they had on cnn. Crazy isnt everyone has all these horrible stories about muder to innocent intelligent people. Its very sad and i was ignorant of the fact all this was happening. Maybe we should help spread the word about all this.

2007-01-11 21:15:39 · 6 answers · asked by Beaverscanttalk 4 in Civic Participation

The 16th amendment says CONGRESS shall have the power to collect income tax. The IRS is part of the department of treasury, which is part of the executive branch. Article 1, section 1 says that congress consists of the Senate and House of Representatives. Therefore, when you make a check out to the IRS, you're actually making it to the executive branch. Is it therefore a breach of the Constitution of the USA to send money to the executive branch when the 16th amendment specifically delegates it to CONGRESS?

2007-01-11 21:14:52 · 9 answers · asked by faafsd a 1 in Other - Politics & Government

people worship it. They seem to believe that the Demictratic state of mind wants us out of Iraq. Do you realize that Democrats want a timeline? They want freedom for Iraqi's to come sooner than later. What the news tells you is that we hate the war in Iraq... Us democrats should know that we do not! Democracy is the spread of freedom, not hatred. It's just that these bastards get you all going and you think you know what is going on.... Every political media explains nothing. They are hating each other for ratings.... Do you understand that they have nothing to do with politicians (which is what the news was created for)

They do it for ratings, And what you oppose within' these rating are like opposing a reality show. We can concentrate on the television, or we can concentrate on an actual task at hand... KEEPING FREEDOM!!!

If Bush supports money, f*ck it! That is what keeps us alive.. If there were no trade, China would not care about us!

Support trade.. It is our ally.

2007-01-11 21:11:09 · 11 answers · asked by NONAME 2 in Other - Politics & Government

If they dislike & hate our Culture, Religion, Tradition & way of living, why then they keep coming , calling us Infidels, our women Whores* & so on ???

2007-01-11 21:05:27 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

What would be the salary of the rich spoilt boy George Bush per year for making such a mess of our nation and would he continue to receive any payment after he leaves the White House?

2007-01-11 21:02:44 · 4 answers · asked by Koala 2 in Other - Politics & Government

2007-01-11 20:57:55 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

This confuses me, in reality Saddam didn't do anything to the Americans, so why do so many of them seem to hate him? Odd isn't it. Personally, I neither like nor dislike him. The IRA, I do hate because they destroyed my home city of Manchester in 1996. As the Americans funded the IRA I hate them, but not Saddam because he didn't do anything to me.

2007-01-11 20:56:37 · 28 answers · asked by Mr Slug 4 in Politics

2007-01-11 20:55:25 · 15 answers · asked by Rejoy G 1 in Politics

2007-01-11 20:54:39 · 5 answers · asked by Coco H 1 in Immigration

who agrees with him this time? why are the american ppl so stupid and getting themselves killed for an OIL HUNGRY president? can no one see him for what he is? why are you supporting him? because hes got good public speaking skills? he doesnt give a damn about anything except power and money and that comes with OIL now hes after somalia because of the oil reserve found there and is blaming al qaeda in somalia? HOW RIDICULOUS WHY ARE YOU PPL BLIND?

2007-01-11 20:53:34 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

this question is for non bihari. what u think abt Bihar. if u get the chance to visit/settle in bihar.will u ?

2007-01-11 20:52:16 · 8 answers · asked by panklaj 2 in Government

Attended a discussion at the Frontline Club in London last nite and heard a Syrian (I believe) expatiating on the wrongs of westerners who ascribe `evil` as an Arab phenomenon.

After all, he said, you had the Nazis who exterminated the Jews and the Pope who put thousands of Protestants to death.

The Iraqis are not singular in the practice of evil.

My question: Who the f*** cares?!

Western governments, not content to sit back and allow genocide to prevail in their own countries, have involved citizenry in intercine wars in the Arab world.

Some western nations even have signed pacts with certain Arab countries, which precludes them getting involved with Israel, and thus intensifying the dangers to the small country.

Jon Snow, chairing it all, seemed content (as usual) to allow the whole thing to go on and on.

After all, when all is said and done, he`s in for a sumptuous meal at the club grill room.

I got a sandwich at Tesco.

2007-01-11 20:50:31 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

Hillary lost a numerous amount of support when she commented on her pro status of torture of the terrorists to get the truth. My question is the truth about what? Like the Nazi thing vare are you friends who are your allies? I mean really with all the technology? we have infilitrators in their camps and we have the info, so what about her statement? what was she doing priming the citizens for a vote? Was she trying to impress the public to say she was a real he man and could make a good President because she is like a man? We have all heard the stories of lifting her skirt and that she has a set. But really? She is just as much a liar and a manipulator and obvious as well. If she is trying to play the public right now we are so spurned I think she should be better to try and play lottory she has a better chance of winning that than the presidency.

2007-01-11 20:49:35 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

There nothing we can do about Sunnis or Shiites, have been enemies for over 3000 years. Why does Bush think he can change this. Any Government that is place there will turn on USA, because Sunnis & Shiites hate Americans more than each other. My plan is let them have their Civil War move troops to the border of Syria & Iran. That way Iran & Syria cannot invade Iraqi. It will also save Americans Troops lives, they could actually see the enmies. Less movement by Troops and Security Forces. Let Iraqi Forces take care of the interior of Iraqi.
Military have better understanding of rotation of Troops, define amount of Troops securing the border area. Less strain, better moral, because their mission is more profound.

2007-01-11 20:47:33 · 10 answers · asked by art_raiders 2 in Military

I'll be working in a retail company in kuwait and i was offered a 400kd salary. Do you think its enough?

2007-01-11 20:47:09 · 2 answers · asked by Careless 1 in Immigration

Also what age do i have to retire?

2007-01-11 20:45:38 · 9 answers · asked by Swannie in da hud 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

I hear alot of people on here and in the real world whinging and moaning about the state of immigration in this country and i know that the vast majority of true British people want an end to this welfare state that lets in anyone from any country and gives them a house, car, benefits etc.

So why don't we all vote UKIP or BNP at the next general election...They'll sort this country out.

The actual election turnouts are so bad in this country that if everyone went out and voted we would be able to turn this country round in no time.

So stop moaning and do something about it!!!!

2007-01-11 20:41:29 · 22 answers · asked by Melinda 2 in Immigration

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