The United States assumed territorial control over Guantánamo Bay under the 1903 Cuban-American Treaty, which granted the United States a perpetual lease of the area. The current Cuban government rejects the Cuban-American Treaty on the grounds that it violates article 52 of the 1969 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, and therefore considers the U.S. presence in Guantánamo to be an illegal occupation of the area. Article 52, however, declares a treaty void only if its conclusion has been procured by the threat or use of force in violation of international law
2007-01-11 21:01:11
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
The are aof Gauntanamo Bay is an illegal occupation by the American military, but what are Cuba going to do about it.....nothing. As "trenchcat-mafia" said above "the US are waiting for Castro to die". What a load of rubbish, the US have tried over 600 times to kill Castro and have not succeded yet. They never will. The Americans with all there power will never be able to kill him.
The Cubans do have one trick up there sleeve if it all goes wrong. There is a large dam above the Base. They will not use it first as this would be taken badly by the Americans, but it is enough off a detterant to persude the Americans to hold back.
Cuba is a beautiful country and not full of terrorists. I have been there many times and have never been made too feel more welcome. I hope that when the time does come, that Cuba is "leaderless" that the Americans do not move in and take the country, as it would spoil this unique country and it would become another sugar-coated, fast food outlet for Americans.
2007-01-12 06:05:40
answer #2
answered by rgrahamh2o 3
I am hopeful Cuba will have Guantanamo returned. I can not believe the US lease is legal. The defacto Cuban government at the time was under US control and the imperial expansion of the United States saw Cuba and other former Spanish terrories as
colonial possessions. They are going to have to make that happen however, but no, the treaty for the perpetual lease is not legitimate.
2007-01-12 06:52:00
answer #3
answered by planksheer 7
A 1934 treaty reaffirming the lease granted Cuba and her trading partners free access through the bay, modified the lease payment from $2,000 in gold coins per year, to the 1934 equivalent value of $4,085 U.S. Treasury dollars, and added a requirement that termination of the lease requires the consent of both the U.S. and Cuba governments, or the abandonment of the base property by the U.S.
God Bless You and Our Southern People.
2007-01-12 08:06:36
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Guantanamo Bay is a long standing American territory. Even though it is Cuba we own it. Consider it like an embassy. This base is one of the most strategic possessions we have and do not expect us to give it up anytime soon.
2007-01-12 04:55:36
answer #5
answered by Bryan 7
Good point. The US forced the satraps in control of Cuba after the Spanish-American War to give them a perpetual lease. It was an imperial land grab -- but what can the Cubans do against American force of arms today?
2007-01-12 05:15:18
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
The United States is waiting for Castro to die of either natural or un-natural causes so that they can take Cuba over under their reigns also. The United States is really working this "New World Order" strategy for sure.
2007-01-12 05:01:29
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I seriously doubt it. That said, the Democrats might try to.
2007-01-12 04:53:35
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
it was given to us a very long time ago
2007-01-12 04:52:07
answer #9
answered by k dog 4