i would like to see the u.s. take a much more even handed approach in the middle east. if they would quit supporting israel and it’s apartheid regime, and work towards setting a realistic peace process, and holding israel accountable for it’s wrongdoings, (i.e.-blowing up peoples homes, seizing land to set up settlements and so on). you see, many arabs see the palestinian problem as the biggest issue in the middle east. and the relentless support for israel,( which the americans are getting nothing back, other than spies i.e. jonathan pollard). second, the middle east as a whole, the u.s. needs to stay the hell out of and we DEFINITELY need to change our foreign policies. because of our policies, we are creating the extremism in the middle east towards the west, where before was in very small numbers, and now is growing due the american operations in the middle east. let us not be deceived, america is not liked in more than the middle east. latin america hates us, the asians are not exactly fond of us and the europeans think of us as nothing more than morons. after we learn what diplomacy is and truly implement it (i know this is utopian), we need to most certainly focus on our domestic issues. the first being education and the economy. the outsourcing of jobs to foreign lands is alarming. in most developing or third world countries, children learn 2-3 languages including the mother tongue from the time they enter kindergarden and yet, we have kids that are fierce in video games and retards in school work. this worries me a great deal. i worry about our lack of health system. our economy…well that is a long story in and of itself. i could go on and on about what else needs to be done…this is just a few things.
but as for our position currently, we cannot stay and if we leave iran will fill that vaccuum and that is no good either. so either way, this is a problem. bush treated iraq as if he is in new orleans. he was warned before hand by iraqis that this will not go well and he did not heed the warnings, and now our military is getting killed and innocent civilians are being killed at an alarming rate. i can this for sure. we are going to create even more extremists because of our actions. and i do not believe the insurgents are “terrorists”. if we were invaded by another country for absolutely no reason and did to me what the americans are doing to the iraqis, i would fight back too. just some thoughts….your take may be diff.
21 answers
asked by
the arab