Bush graduated Yale with a C average, (The only way he got into Yale was as a 'Legacy admissiion, meaning his daddy went there.) He then went on the Harvard business where his grades are unknown. It is not known how Bush got into HBS, but one can assume the Bush family had everything to do with it. They couldn;t have been vary good, as he failed at every business in oil he tried. Daddy finally got him a piece of the baseball team, and he didn't screw up.
Kerry got into Yale on his own. His grades are not known, but he did get into Boston College Law School on his own.
, so his GPA must have been excellent. He graduated BCLS and became a top prosecutor in Middlesex county. He put away sevral extremely high profile criminals. His daddy did not do that for him.
BTW- A lot of wingnuts keep posting how rich Kerry is. His WIFE is extremely rich, and you can be sure there is a pre-nup. Kerry has been in publc service all his life, a field that rarely allows one to become incredibly rich, as
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