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Politics & Government - 10 January 2007

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The Republican leadership has gotten away from what makes a Republican(smaller govn't, lower taxes, property rights,ect.)and is almost indistinguishable from the left. Bush has done nothing except rubber stamp every bill placed before him.

2007-01-10 17:09:40 · 3 answers · asked by lbsurfr 2 in Politics

what if your under the age of 18 and you get caught up by the cops and they find a unregistered firearm on you. what will be your penalties? im talking about a small hand gun....nothing illegal but just unregistered.

2007-01-10 17:09:21 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

2007-01-10 17:09:16 · 25 answers · asked by nightingale 6 in Politics

I know this is a touchy subject and I know this could be answered many times over. if it isn't allowed I will retract this question.

I'm wondering what older generation Russins that were in the military when Russia went against Iraq think of what the USA is doing. I know from History lessons that Russia was there for 10 years fighting. I'm not sure what country exactly they fought. I'd like to know if you are laughing at the USA which thinks they can change things there, or do you think they are just in their cause or fighting a loosing battle. I'm doing this to broden my knowledge of History and thought this is a great opportunity to hear from others that had been involved in kinda the same thing as the USA is going through now.
My thought was USA doesn't belong there.

2007-01-10 17:08:28 · 5 answers · asked by sandy 2 in Politics

keep quiet about the former president and that fat Yenta with the blue dress in the oval office. I mean where were all of the women rights advocates. If it were a Republican Pres. thoes things would be all over him.

2007-01-10 17:07:37 · 4 answers · asked by caciansf 4 in Government

please leave as much info. as you can or your opinion will help too.

2007-01-10 17:05:33 · 23 answers · asked by noerockz 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

1. No Muslim suicide bomber
2. No Islamic terrorist
3. No Islamic extremist

In the 10th century, during the golden age of Islam, the Muslims, Jews and Christian live side by side as neighbour happily. It all change after the Normans take over Jerusalam, they diminished the Muslim...

Sad world

2007-01-10 17:04:47 · 30 answers · asked by movexz 1 in Military

There is no such thing as '100% hate' to anything. Blue and red need to settle their differences.

2007-01-10 17:03:08 · 32 answers · asked by FLy 1 in Politics

Tony Blair always stood by the U.S. even when Bush screwed everything up. He's leaving this year. Do you think we will lose our best ally?

2007-01-10 17:02:11 · 3 answers · asked by JACQUELINE T 6 in Government

Bush graduated Yale with a C average, (The only way he got into Yale was as a 'Legacy admissiion, meaning his daddy went there.) He then went on the Harvard business where his grades are unknown. It is not known how Bush got into HBS, but one can assume the Bush family had everything to do with it. They couldn;t have been vary good, as he failed at every business in oil he tried. Daddy finally got him a piece of the baseball team, and he didn't screw up.

Kerry got into Yale on his own. His grades are not known, but he did get into Boston College Law School on his own.
, so his GPA must have been excellent. He graduated BCLS and became a top prosecutor in Middlesex county. He put away sevral extremely high profile criminals. His daddy did not do that for him.

BTW- A lot of wingnuts keep posting how rich Kerry is. His WIFE is extremely rich, and you can be sure there is a pre-nup. Kerry has been in publc service all his life, a field that rarely allows one to become incredibly rich, as

2007-01-10 17:01:32 · 7 answers · asked by bettysdad 5 in Politics

The United States has responded to the Islamic terrorists' threats - no debate there.

There have been many mistakes and miscalculations - again, no debate there.

We have no precedent to refer to for facts or history in a war against an ideology. There can be no expert opinions or advice based on past examples - there are no past examples. This is new terortory.

FACTS: The Islamic radicals now know that killing innocent men, women and children - unlike in the past - will not be without serious consequences.
Saddam is gone and a fledging democratic government has been established. The Iraqi people have voted in a free election.

My question is simple - what exactly and how can I expect the liberal mindset in this country to respond to the threat of terror in the future if they allow us to fail with our present policies?

Don't bother telling me that Bush is a lier, we don't belong in Iraq, etc...That's all in the past. I'm directing this question to now and in the future

2007-01-10 17:01:27 · 11 answers · asked by LeAnne 7 in Politics

2007-01-10 17:01:17 · 11 answers · asked by ranchoghar 1 in Politics

If Saddam is an evil, so what about Bush? An angel? Give me a break, Bush caused thousands of civilians died in 4 years, more than Saddam in 30 years.

Lets take count on Afghanistan and Iraq casualties, and compare to Kuwait and Iran did by Saddam.

Bush is the winner.

2007-01-10 17:01:12 · 8 answers · asked by movexz 1 in Politics

Does anyone know what color Reagan's eyes are. I'm doing a portrait of him for a school project and want to know what his exact eye color is.

2007-01-10 17:00:54 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

Also, at the time the Boulton Paul Defiants were being considered for the RAF, were there any protests raised about the unusual gun platform?

2007-01-10 16:59:17 · 1 answers · asked by Santa C 3 in Military

What say you.

2007-01-10 16:57:44 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

If you cut a half inch off your arm hair with sicssors and waited 6 months or so - how would that same hair know that it has been cut and grow back to the length of the rest of the arm hairs say about an inch or so.

2007-01-10 16:55:06 · 15 answers · asked by caciansf 4 in Other - Politics & Government

Outside the embassy : A protester displays a glove calling for US troops to leave the Philippines as she takes part in a demonstration outside the US embassy in Manila, condemning the US government and Philippine President Gloria Arroyo for allowing a US Marine convicted of raping a Filipina to be transferred to embassy custody while his case is being appealed.

2007-01-10 16:54:21 · 8 answers · asked by spike_mae 1 in Military

2007-01-10 16:52:15 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

kill your own father or mother if she was a liberal against the government?

2007-01-10 16:51:17 · 11 answers · asked by Mr. I Don't Care 1 in Politics

Or it is just another example of hysterical right-wingers who still don't understand what a failure Bush has been.

GRETCHEN CARLSON: You talk about the hostile enemy, obviously being Iraq, but hostile enemies right here on the home front. Yesterday Senator Ted Kennedy, proposing that any kind of a troop surge should mean there should be congressional approval of that. A lot of democrats not coming to his side on this. But obviously this is not going to be an easy sell on Capitol Hill, even if it’s not an easy sell to the American Public.

BARTLETT: We don’t view Ted Kennedy as hostile enemy but we do view him to be an open and often critic of the war. He has been from the outset. I don’t think that’s anything new.

2007-01-10 16:51:13 · 7 answers · asked by Longhaired Freaky Person 4 in Politics

I have a case whereby I think I have a good recourse to sue and win from an insurance company which breached their contract with me

2007-01-10 16:51:11 · 1 answers · asked by Alex H 2 in Law & Ethics

2007-01-10 16:50:52 · 6 answers · asked by Kikyo 5 in Politics

Now the reason for our troops in Iraq is to establish a democracy. Why only Iraq ? There are lot of other countries where there is no democracy, like Kuwait, Qatar, UAE, Saudi. Why we are concerned about democracy in Iraq alone ?

2007-01-10 16:50:20 · 15 answers · asked by inin 6 in Politics

or cities ( Blue ) against oke doke country folk ( red )

2007-01-10 16:50:13 · 7 answers · asked by Mr. I Don't Care 1 in Politics

first we had the iraq study group to find out what went wrong and how it can be made right. then they come back and say what went wrong and how it can be made better so bush does the opposite.and the american people and its democraticly politicians dont want to send anymore troops to iraq but bush is going to do it anyway . so wheres the democracy bush keep going on about. so whos the

2007-01-10 16:46:49 · 26 answers · asked by rocco s 2 in Other - Politics & Government

And draw funny faces of him?

2007-01-10 16:46:01 · 7 answers · asked by Mr. I Don't Care 1 in Politics

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