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Politics & Government - 25 December 2006

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

2006-12-25 13:42:07 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

SAN ANTONIO, Texas (Reuters) - U.S. Hispanic groups and activists on Thursday called for a moratorium on workplace raids to round up illegal immigrants, with some saying they were reminiscent of Nazi crackdowns on Jews in the 1930s.

I read this on Yahoo, and frankly, think these people are nuts. Since when is arresting law breakers like Nazie's?

What is everyone else's opinion on this?

Mine is that the arrests where long over due and that the company officers should have been arrested too.

2006-12-25 13:33:53 · 10 answers · asked by Common Sense 5 in Immigration

They are all in such a mad dash to gain control over it in some way shape or form? How much do you trust the US gov with its control over the internet? What should and shouldnt you be able to find on the internet because I bet the gov has removed something you say shouldnt be able to be removed and you dont know about it. Of course I am schizophenic so that makes my point totaly irrelivent.

2006-12-25 13:33:18 · 2 answers · asked by magpiesmn 6 in Politics

First of all, the liberals are well known for courting special interest groups and Rosie is well known to be anti Bush and ...well...you know. Im just curious if the real reason why Rosie has never come out in support of Ms.Pelosi is it would give that family values thing that was trumpeted in the Clinton elections a whole new spin. Also the feud with the Donald was on top of the news and she couldve used the public support which Ms. Pelosi could offer. The idea of not wanting to rock the boat has some merit but I just wonder if the reason why would be the conclusion drawn by lots of people. I for one, would truly like to see how good Nancy really is at Clintonspeak and that surely would be the ultimate challenge. One could also make the argument as well that it would explain alot of the peculiar power grab behavior of Ms. Pelosi as well. In all fairness to Ms Pelosi the assumption...MAY...not be correct, but given the Clintons destruction of Billy Dale would truth really matter?

2006-12-25 13:29:59 · 14 answers · asked by koalatcomics 7 in Politics

Do liberals think they know more than the brave men and women on the ground?

2006-12-25 13:24:53 · 22 answers · asked by FRANKFUSS 6 in Military


2006-12-25 13:24:33 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I dont really understand how they can hide so much from the public. Doesn't anyone know something about this area? Any information besides highly classified projects what about the rest...

2006-12-25 13:22:40 · 21 answers · asked by hellomoto 2 in Military

The KKK, Skinheads, National Alliance, CCC, SAW, Neo-Nazis, Neo- Confederate Groups, Aryans, Bob Jones University, etc.! Compassionate Conservatism seems to harbor these organizations. Bush even spoke at Bob Jones U., a known racist Institution, but took years before he would agree to speak before the NAACP( A known credible, racially prolific, justice seeking organization that was founded by both Blacks and Whites!). When are we going to get tough on them?

2006-12-25 13:22:28 · 7 answers · asked by The Idealist 4 in Politics

My friend was born at an address which land belongs to his grandmother. His grandmother died 25 years ago and the title deed was lost. There are no will to the land. He did not claim till he realised and checked that that land is still vacant till now.

All he has is his birth certificate which reflected on that address although his grandmother has more land properties other than that address.

How do my friend start doing the claim and is there a good chance to claim the land?

2006-12-25 13:19:40 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

I'm doing a project on the 1968 Democratic National Convention, and in my research have reasoned the only really significant divide in the Democratic party was over Vietnam. What I want to know is: why did we go into vietnam in the first place, why was LBJ so determined to stay in Vietnam (as in how was it politically advantageous to have that position, both when he came into office and in 1968), and how would leaving Vietnam affect him and/or Humphrey politically? I generally know the Domino theory idea, but I really think there are other reasons. Things were looking dim and so many people thought that we should pull out despite domino theory. I think there was some political reason LBJ and Humphrey wanted to stay. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

2006-12-25 13:16:02 · 5 answers · asked by Kevin S 3 in Politics

Recently, I purchased an at-home-gym which is incredibly similar to the Total Gym. However, it only came with a thin pamphlet and I was wondering if anyone knows of any dvd workout videos for this product and where I may order one? Thank you!

2006-12-25 13:14:34 · 3 answers · asked by Shiba 1 in Military

Although I definitely support our troops overseas, regardless of the cause, I still find keeping up with the political state of the union very confusing.

Why are we still in Iraq? What are our interests there and why don't we let the Iraqis solve their turmoil internally?

2006-12-25 13:11:55 · 11 answers · asked by Shiba 1 in Military

I've read a whole bunch of people have been issued violation notices for bogus violation reports, dosen't anyone at yahoo check to see if they are for real or not??? They sure seem to be aimed at conservative posters. HMMMMM?????

2006-12-25 13:10:11 · 16 answers · asked by SGT. D 6 in Law & Ethics

Should they be held liable and sued for it? Is it a privacy issue? In Nevada for example, some would say it is because it is a "Community Property" issue. Each lanlord or rental company has a right to access their property, even though you are paying them rent. It doesn't matter if you have a criminal record or not, some are plain nosey and are thieves. They can enter and remove your belongings without any repercussions. Each landlord has their own fifedom, doing basically what they want to and dare you to bring charges. Input please.

2006-12-25 13:07:42 · 17 answers · asked by Sassy 3 in Law Enforcement & Police

If a spouse calls 911 and police comes , then how is the arrest process goes from there ? If the victim says to police that he/she was attacked by other and the other spouse also says the same or similar thing then how Police decided whom to arrest ? how the process goes from there?

2006-12-25 13:06:28 · 9 answers · asked by ron s 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

Semper Fi-Once a Marine Always A Marine

2006-12-25 13:04:19 · 9 answers · asked by kitzy 2 in Military

If we carried signs; refused to fight; 18 year olds refused to sign up for the draft; we had mass immigration to Canada...do you think we could bring our troops home?

How much influence did these people have on Nixon to bring the troops home?

2006-12-25 13:01:24 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

Every since people have started going against what the gov't does we have been afraid to win a war by all out force. We dropped an atom bomb on two non military targets in Japan to show our power and make them surrender. We stompped the Brits by fighting like the Indians and not standing eye to eye to fight. Now we are afraid to get the job done for fear of what the world and even our own people will think. MAN UP AMERICA AND TO HELL WITH EVERYONE ELSE. We are the biggest the baddest and the toughest country on the planet. If we weren't than why would all the other countries come here to hold thier UN meetings? I don't see them doing it in Britian or France. No it's here!!!

2006-12-25 12:57:40 · 21 answers · asked by masterhowie069 1 in Government

to you who serve in the United States armed forces...
thank you very much and have a merry Christmas

2006-12-25 12:53:21 · 6 answers · asked by takeemout01 5 in Military

They accused the Department of Immigration and Customs Enforcement of "racial profiling," or selective enforcement against Hispanics, for arresting 1,300 workers on immigration violations in December 12 raids at meatpacking plants in six states.

"We are demanding an end to these immigration raids, where they are targeting brown faces. That is major, major racial profiling, and that cannot be tolerated," said Rosa Rosales, president of the League of United Latin American Citizens, at a news conference.

U.S. Hispanic groups and activists on Thursday called for a moratorium on workplace raids to round up illegal immigrants, with some saying they were reminiscent of Nazi crackdowns on Jews in the 1930s. "This unfortunately reminds me of when Hitler began rounding up the Jews for no reason and locking them up," Democratic Party activist Carla Vela said.

How about the fact they were breaking the law? Or is it more important that Democrats get the Hispanic vote ?

2006-12-25 12:51:56 · 24 answers · asked by Akkita 6 in Immigration

I've heard that we have been called lazy fat and stupid by some. I think we are overweight, we are not at all lazy and we are no more or less stupid than any other peoples.

2006-12-25 12:49:34 · 14 answers · asked by evilive 4 in Immigration

Guess this explains it?

2006-12-25 12:47:34 · 25 answers · asked by halfbright 5 in Politics

This man is a scumbag...when will America bring him to Justice?

2006-12-25 12:44:45 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Are there any other people out there that think both parties are being played against each other by another group? I was born in the U.S. and have lived here over 30 years, and I would be a liar if I told you that I've never met a decent Republican OR Democrat. C'mon, people, we are being divided and conquered! We have to work together again to save our nation! Thoughts?

2006-12-25 12:42:55 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

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