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Politics & Government - 22 December 2006

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

that the terrorist are telling them that they owe the midterm elections to them and are now demanding payback?


2006-12-22 08:13:34 · 16 answers · asked by JFra472449 6 in Politics

2006-12-22 08:13:14 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

You people really understand the true meaning of Christmas. Loving your neighbor, even if he broke a few unfair laws. We are all people.

To the anti-illegals, I hope you get coal in yur stockings.

My new year's resolution is to join La Raza and help make a difference.

What is yurs?

2006-12-22 08:10:30 · 20 answers · asked by Anti-illegals are out to get me 2 in Immigration

2006-12-22 08:10:28 · 25 answers · asked by tasha_putnam 3 in Elections

If a heroin dealer gives a junky some herion and he Over Doses, Should the dealer be charged with assisted suicide??

2006-12-22 08:00:27 · 18 answers · asked by aligrespeq 3 in Law & Ethics

But how does one explain such a huge security lapse?? One of the prime accuse muslims was working for the US army. He had taken numerous trips to Afganistan and his higher ups were aware of his connections with radical islamic groups there. This is something i heard in Nat Geo.
Also the fact that CIA had complete knowledge of the plan, but it was rubbished as impossible. How can they be so casual?? One of the most important agencies of the most powerful country in the world. How could they let it pass when 3 of the main accused were under close surveilance for almost a year prior to the tragic event??

2006-12-22 07:59:59 · 15 answers · asked by tornjeansandguitar 3 in Military

2006-12-22 07:59:51 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

I have a friend who threathens to take out a lawsuit against me .He claims that I am not supporting him in a situation I do not want to get involved in and in return because I said" count me out as a friend" he is completely 'counting me out and to show me how he is taking out a lawsuit against me". I have told him I will countersue": so far no papers have arrived for a claim . I just called him to wish him" Merry Xmas" . I left a message on his voicemail and it is his daughter's birthday so I said "happy birthday also". He just wants money from me now . I feel he is "extorting money". All in all the friendship is dificult to repair without awarding him some money to make him feel good. He has alot of money ,so I do not know why more money will make things better.
As the New Year approaches I do not want to have this thing lingering over me.
How can I offer and "olive branch of peace" without having to pay some money to make him feel better. I feel he is manipulating the situation.

2006-12-22 07:56:41 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

I'm thinking either General Wes Clark or John Edwards.

2006-12-22 07:55:31 · 25 answers · asked by Robert F 2 in Politics

I don't think people should be forced to be slaves but if you can't sell yourself to someone else then are you really free?

2006-12-22 07:54:57 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics


2006-12-22 07:54:19 · 3 answers · asked by Anthony M 4 in Politics

Do you feel that the New World Order is upon us? you know with one global currency, or one world government. A total police state, microchips and the whole nine. Or can you even begin to grasp this may soon to become reality?




2006-12-22 07:53:41 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

how can a guy who believes the easiest solution to a problem is killing hundreds of thousands innocent people, and still be considered a good christian. is it because he talks the talk, because he sure doesnt act like it.

2006-12-22 07:52:10 · 22 answers · asked by 2010 CWS Champs! 3 in Politics

Im usually 100% behind the government, and Bush is a pretty good president, not the best, but good (A hell of alot better than Kerry would have been) I supported CONGRESS voting to go into Iraq (Thats right, the President cant declare war, only Congress can).

So another question; why is Bush the one being blamed when it was mostly Congress and the UN that pushed for the war? The UN; which means alot of countries supported the war, along w/ alot of the American Public, remember in 2003?

But after we took out there 86,000 man Army, started a new government, captured there leader, and have killed 28,000-36,000 Iraqi Insurgents; AMERICAS JOB IS DONE. America fought for its own freedom against a world superpower w/ untrained farmers; Im assuming we can let Iraq fight against a few rebels w/ little military training, w/ their new Army we trained for them.

We went in; we kicked @ss, our job is done. Now its time for us to withdrawl.

2006-12-22 07:48:51 · 7 answers · asked by I Hate Liberals 4 in Military

This seems to happen on more than one front from movies such as Passion of the Christ to Fahrenheit 9/11 to Loose change to 9/11 being an inside job to Iraq to high ranking government whistleblowers written off as quack jobs. The funniest part is that these very people who have not even taken the time to watch or read about the very things they are disputing have the gumption and balls to call you vicious names like idiot, fool a terrorist among others I will refrain from mentioning. These very people who simply accept the first neo-con explanation of events thrown their way are the same people that think the patriot act doesn't apply to them and the same people that will be wondering how they ended up in this fascist state once everything is said and done. Why are they so quick to give up their freedoms and not question the very activities our fore fathers warned us to do to protect our freedoms? I am kind of rambling does this make sense to anyone?

2006-12-22 07:48:43 · 5 answers · asked by The Truth sayer! 1 in Politics

What is the correct website for sefton central conservative association? The .com ending is not the right one

2006-12-22 07:48:42 · 5 answers · asked by loopylooloo 3 in Politics

Oh how about we do this~~!!!
It is time to get tough on the Illegal Immigration problem. I suggest the following

1. Vote out ALL incumbents.

2. Deport ALL illegal ALIENS that come to the attention of the police.

3. Arrest ALL employers of illegals and confiscate the wages.

4. STOP providing welfare and other than absolute EMERGENCY medical services.

5. Cut off ALL federal funding to any college providing services to illegal ALIENS.

6. Reverse the insane policies of telling the police they can't ask for immigration status.

7. Dismantle TSA and use the funding to increase the Border Patrol.

8. Put a BOUNTY on illegal ALIENS. $1,000.00 for everyone turned in to the police. All property owned by illegals would be confiscated cars, homes, furniture, guns, TVs, computers, ANYTHING purchased in the US. The money for the bounty would be paid by the sale of the confiscated personal or business items owned by illegals. It would also pay to deport the illegals IMMEDIATELY back to Mexico or the Central or South American country that they come from.

Any Judge, politician or city or state official that does not adhere to the above must be RECALLED IMMEDIATELY.

Over a period of time you would be surprised just how many illegal ALIENS would be found and deported. If they knew that any citizen could put them under arrest and receive a bounty to have them deported not many illegals would want to return.

2006-12-22 07:47:33 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

i have adriveway but not a droped kerb is their any law which prevents me from useing my drive

2006-12-22 07:44:34 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

The right-wing nutjobs say it's the liberals. The left-wing nut jobs say it's the conservatives. Meanwhile, there is genocide in Darfur and the UN is sitting on it's fat can, Osama Bin Laden is still hiding in Pakistan, the Iranian madman is arming nukes and has threatened us and our allies, and Kim Jong the mentally ill is making long range nuclear weapons and pushed it so far that even their sole ally, China, is getting pissed off.

Politicians play games with us and pit us against one another, saying "The Republicans are evil and hate the poor" and "The Democrats are weak communists who will cripple the economy", plus the personal attacks, and the slander of trolls here on Yahoo Answers with dumb questions like "Why is Bush the Devil?" and "Why are all liberals (expletive deleted)?"

Calling all moderate conservatives, liberalsm and independents:

Are you willing to work together to succeed?

2006-12-22 07:43:37 · 18 answers · asked by askthepizzaguy 4 in Politics

Consider this scenario. The National Front (an extreme Nazi-style right wing group) blow up a mosque. There are 500 mortalities and many hundred wounded including women and children. Around 70% of these people are 2nd or 3rd generation immigrants - i.e. people born in the UK. Would this be classed as an act of terrorism, or as a hate crime? Would the National Front be listed as a terrorist organisation?

2006-12-22 07:43:27 · 5 answers · asked by Mordent 7 in Law & Ethics

2006-12-22 07:40:57 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

i.e. abandon Israel and surrender in Iraq.

How many people should we let die in the name of isolationism?

2006-12-22 07:39:43 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I think so. It does take greater courage to admit mistake, and it's an honorable thing.

Adding more troops because "whoever died could not die for nothing" is like an idiot who puts all his money to the stock market after he lost half of his fortune.

2006-12-22 07:38:54 · 10 answers · asked by Dizzy 1 in Military

2006-12-22 07:38:50 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

Because of the crime associated with them (excluding morality and health issues)?

As I see it, the black market was created by the government when it chose to ban instead of regulate recreational drugs. The crime associated with it would then be a derivative of that decision, and easily thwarted with goverment regulation (you don't see bootleggers running around anymore, do you?).

Many people also say that it's because people are on drugs they commit crimes, but alcohol has been present in just about every crime ever committed, but it is still legal (never mind caffiene or sugar). Why the gap in the drug/crime association?

2006-12-22 07:36:00 · 2 answers · asked by arch_uriel 2 in Law & Ethics

A public hanging of the President on Capitol Hill would be the best Christmas present I could receive.

2006-12-22 07:35:57 · 19 answers · asked by wa54hoo 1 in Government

..........and if so, when?

2006-12-22 07:33:10 · 16 answers · asked by mstrywmn 7 in Law & Ethics

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