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Politics & Government - 21 December 2006

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

I am a fairly new officer and I have heard of programs designed to help police officers financially, but I really cant find much info on the internet. Any veteran cops know of any good sites?

2006-12-21 07:02:54 · 3 answers · asked by georgeh1981 3 in Law Enforcement & Police

A former policeman that that was arrested in August 2005.

2006-12-21 07:02:19 · 1 answers · asked by Mary M 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

Democrats are wrong... they are smart, dems are dumb...they are good looking, dems are not at all attractive. NOW, can we get back to some substance?

2006-12-21 06:56:32 · 28 answers · asked by hichefheidi 6 in Politics

I totally believe we need to do away with or make some major changes in the welfare system!!! What steps do we need to take the get the ball rolling?

2006-12-21 06:56:19 · 23 answers · asked by whattdo? 2 in Government

Bush's logic is: What we've done is working so well, let's double the troops so we can double the payoff!

2006-12-21 06:54:41 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

why do people think that they can come to our country and not learn our language? if i went to iraq you best believe i would have to learn to speak their language and now they want to come and take away our religions and our holidays.. i say f*ck that you want to celebrate your holiday then go home! I will look you in the face and proudly say MERRY CHRISTMAS! i dont want to go to an airport and see a big sign that says happy ramadan. what next are we going to be wearing smocks instead of hollister, robes instead of walmart... f**k that go home!

2006-12-21 06:53:58 · 10 answers · asked by southrnbell21 2 in Law & Ethics

What the HELL is going on? Send troops for war against terrorist, then charged with murder? Not one screwed up politician can give an intelligent answer to such stupidity! PISSED, AND I SAY GET THE HELL OUT!

2006-12-21 06:52:51 · 19 answers · asked by edubya 5 in Politics

2006-12-21 06:52:09 · 10 answers · asked by Jenn 1 in Civic Participation

2006-12-21 06:49:22 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

You have to WORK or go to school in order to GET a vacation.

2006-12-21 06:49:09 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Taking in consideration of all the Bush supporters willing to join the military to show their support, and Iran Building Nukes. Should we strike Iran Now, or wait until after Christmas?

2006-12-21 06:47:48 · 12 answers · asked by AD 3 in Politics

Most of the people I have met who insist America is the greatest nation on earth never actually set foot in another country. Do such people really have the knowlege or creidibility to write off all other countries as inferior to the US?

2006-12-21 06:46:49 · 28 answers · asked by OctopusGuy 1 in Other - Politics & Government

I had to post this as a question Brain, but you’re wrong. On March 3, 1991 Saddam signed a U.N. mandated cease fire which suspended U.S. aggression in Iraq. He then went on two years later to violate it by ordering his intelligence services to kill Bush 41 in Kuwait City. A new war would have been legal then and there, and you do not need an additional resolution in order to enforce a previous resolution. Furthermore, Iraq fired anti air weapons almost on a daily basis at coalition pilots enforcing the no-fly zones; another violation of the U.N. resolution.

Second, there are four conditions under which a nation sacrifices it’s sovereignty to another nation or the international community as a collective whole:
1.Continued aggression against neighboring states and violation of their territories.
2.Violating the non-proliferation treaty.
3.Harboring wanted terrorists.

Saddam’s Iraq met all four of these conditions and demonstrated his ability and willingness to continue to meet them. You mentioned that I was right about us finding that Saddam’s chemists either lied or told the truth about their own WMD program, guess what; we couldn’t have known that had we not invaded.

Finally, Saddam’s continued rule in that country led to it’s internal destruction, they were using copiers to make currency, Saddam’s divide and rule policy led to terrible confessional hatred, and his crime family was allowed to maintain control of a county most aptly described as a concentration camp above ground and a mass grave underneath it. It would not have remained an un invaded country for long; Iran, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia would have invaded to take control of their clerical proxies and oil, so I don’t know how you make the claim that American intervention was immoral. Thanks for the discussion, and have a happy holiday.

2006-12-21 06:45:51 · 2 answers · asked by billy d 5 in Law & Ethics

Iraq harbored and financed terrorist organizations. Every intelligence agency in the "free" world (dictatorships don't count) said he had WMD's.
The Hussien said publicly on numerous occasions "Death to America"!

2006-12-21 06:44:12 · 25 answers · asked by Ransom 4 in Military

Ok now I get how a basic gun works w/ the pistons firing it off, and the force from the bullet winding the bolt back and all of that. But how do bigger/mounted guns work? Like anything bigger than a .50 Cal (I'll just use the 50 as an example).

I know that the trigger lets the bolt loose, it pulls the bullet down through the Chambering Ramp, the forward force makes the piston slide forward and hits the bullets primer; shooting the bullet forward. Then the force from the bullet brings back the bolt and the whole process restarts. So I understand the actual firing. But;

-How does the bullet get to the Cartridge Guide?
-How does the shell get out of the gun? (You always see them coming out onto the ground, what makes them come out of the gun)
-And what exactly does the Operating Rod do? I cant really see a point but it probably has a major role

So three questions; 10 points for 3 answers. Thanks for your time.

2006-12-21 06:41:47 · 5 answers · asked by I Hate Liberals 4 in Military

2006-12-21 06:37:42 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

you know bullet proof vests

2006-12-21 06:37:36 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

it's about system analyst in Information system study.And after using feasibility phase i know that to computerized the system will not cost justified.so how?

2006-12-21 06:37:18 · 3 answers · asked by shirley x 1 in Law & Ethics

Mine is simply this:

Step 1 Stop the flow, shutdown the border do whatever we have to do to prevent illegal aliens from invading this country. This could mean troops at the border, vehicle barriers, border fence, survaliance drones...all the above? Every other step is absolutely worthless without this step.

Step 2 Mandatory deportation of illegal aliens in united states correction facilitys, unless involved in terrorist activitys. This includes illegals with felonys.

Step 3 is cracking down on employers no exceptions, with a $10,000 fine per illegal alien upon first crackdown. If the employer is caught with illegals working again, THEY LOSE THERE BUSINESS LICENSE! Mandatory deportation of illegals working for employers in step 3.

Step 4 Lastly deportation upon discovery of false or missing documentation. This includes minor traffic offenses.

Each and every one these steps plays a critical role in decreasing illegal alien entry in the US. Finally securing our country!

2006-12-21 06:32:32 · 26 answers · asked by Ryan T 2 in Immigration

Does the US have the right to dictate OTHER'S policy?

2006-12-21 06:30:25 · 18 answers · asked by hichefheidi 6 in Politics

Our shifts consist of 7.5 to 9.5 hour shifts each..does anyone have any problems or conflicts and how are they approached for solving?

2006-12-21 06:28:23 · 4 answers · asked by basport_2000 5 in Law & Ethics

This is classic Bush.
No plan yet, just more troops.
More young men in harms way, without a plan for their use. MISSION UNKNOWN.
The generals are again backing off against their best judgement. They know that troops are NOT the answer.
Diplomacy is.
You can't force Iraqis to behave like Americans, if that is what Bush thinks.
God knows what he thinks.
Is this stone cold insane, or what?

2006-12-21 06:27:52 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

2006-12-21 06:27:17 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

2006-12-21 06:26:27 · 21 answers · asked by Daniel b 1 in Military

I am worried about letting my son see his father. We had been together on and off for 3 years (my son is almost 2). We recently split up, he insists on keeping my son after not seeing him for awhile. I'm afraid he won't bring him back to me when I ask him to. He's threatening to go to court over custody. I'm not saying he can't see our son, I just don't trust him. What can I do if he doesn't return him, call the cops? We have no custody established (yet). I found this on PA law- "If the parents are unmarried, the child is the child of his/her mother. In order for the father to assert rights to the child (including rights to custody or visitation), paternity must be admitted or established in court." Does anything help me NOW before there is any custody established?

2006-12-21 06:26:06 · 10 answers · asked by MILF20 1 in Law & Ethics

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