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Politics & Government - 30 November 2006

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

So I want to talk to several people concerning a possible business venture, but I don't want my ideas stolen, leaked, etc. What specific measures can I take to ensure my ideas aren't used by those I console with?

Would a confidentiality agreement work or not? If so, how could I develop one without over-involvement by a lawyer?

Let me know any possible avenue and if possible give links that discuss this issue. Thanks.

2006-11-30 15:26:24 · 5 answers · asked by Rick 4 in Law & Ethics

He also contradicted Bush by saying Iraq is in a state of civil war
What kind of attack will the White house launch on Powell
1 swiftboat him
2 series of lies like they did to McCain in 2000
3 attack his patriotism
4 Lie about his Job performance and say thats why he was fired?
5 all of the above

Post Wire Services today 11/30

2006-11-30 15:25:54 · 14 answers · asked by gdeach 3 in Politics

I got a speeding ticket in Woodbridge, NJ for doing 52mps in 25mph zone. Cop tells me I was doing 52 and can step out of the car and check his radar. I did. I saw "50". He said It's 50+2, total 52. He didn't explain what that meant. I did not wanted to argue with him. It's 4-point ticket and so I got the court date for dec. 14. What do I tell the judge or prosecutor? Please help! I'm really fed-up.


2006-11-30 15:25:45 · 8 answers · asked by Nirav 2 in Law Enforcement & Police

2006-11-30 15:24:17 · 13 answers · asked by vinod_lovesbodybuilding 3 in Politics

Now he wishes he fought back becuase of the dreams he has of backing down. He could have had only his finger in the pocket. this happened at 4:00am at Dunkin Donuts. He has a wife and 2 kids. I know I would of ripped the guys eyes out! was he right in giving up his car?

2006-11-30 15:20:02 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

seriously because im joining the navy. going to boot in ten days. i trust my girl, but i know a lot can happen over long periods of separation.

2006-11-30 15:15:57 · 18 answers · asked by someguyacrosstown 6 in Military

I don't mean this as some joke or whatever. But are we actually being watched by the government (and maybe governments of other countries)?. There is google earth, but do you think the US government could have something like that but with actual live images, like a web cam, so they could zoom into any place on the planet and see what's happening below?

And what about our computers? Do they have access?

2006-11-30 15:13:32 · 16 answers · asked by Alyssa 1 in Government

Differences and similarities between the 2 courts.

2006-11-30 15:12:23 · 3 answers · asked by Gantz 2 in Government

America was so shocked, tramatised by the terrorists bringing down the Towers in New York That President Bush had to do something. To say not again. What could he have done to get that thought across instead of going to war.?

2006-11-30 15:11:32 · 21 answers · asked by swamp elf 5 in Politics

you have contracts given to minority just because they are minorities for the sake of equality...but that isn't fair to people who never did anything wrong...you have many muslims complain about civil rights abuse anytime we do anything that involves them...but our safety doesn't matter...you have people display Jesus in a jar a piss...but no one dares draw mohammad...why do the rights of the majority come second to minorities and their "freedoms"...what about the peoples soveriegnty...in Mass. the law makers are blocking a public vote on gay marriage...why can't they let the majority vote on it...are minorities choice more important than majority choice...it seems this is the stance of many liberals and the laws that keep popping up in the name of civil liberties while the majority lose their power...doesn't this kind of move seem more like a dictatorship represented by the few rather than a democracy by the people...it seems americans are being held hostige by their own stupidity...

2006-11-30 15:10:21 · 3 answers · asked by turntable 6 in Law & Ethics

I am interested in hunting whitetail deer with a handgun, but have no idea on what size I should even start looking at....Some factors are best chance to kill, price of guns, and price of ammo? Should I look at a scope also?

2006-11-30 15:09:40 · 13 answers · asked by sektor1102 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

They have no immigration laws. How many of you who believe in this are willing to go to each place and debate it?

2006-11-30 15:08:41 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

Does anyone know where I can get an mp3 or equivalent of the paratroopers' song from Band of Brothers (the episode where they find the concentration camps, I believe, or just one of the later episodes)? I don't mean just a recording of that part of the video, i mean maybe a professional performance of the song, or preferably a real-life recording of soldiers singing.

2006-11-30 15:05:56 · 2 answers · asked by Jon 1 in Military

I hurt myself on the job and when I did I had to go in and have emergency surjery to have my pitutary gland removed. After it was removed they told me I had diabtes something I never had. When I left my company they stopped paying for the medication I was on. Now that I have diabetes my life has changed drastically and my body keeps changing all the time. Can I go back becuase of what I've been through and how everything is changed for me. I need to stay on this medication for life.

2006-11-30 15:04:28 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

What are some elements, which can give rise to Probable Cause?

2006-11-30 15:01:18 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

Dont get mad. Just tell me if all of these thigns are true !
That's all I ask.

The United States

It refuses to sign a treaty banning land mines.

It refuses to sign the Kyoto Accords, limiting greenhouse gasses.

It uses cluster bombs -- bombs consisting of dozens of tiny land mine-like bomblets -- which continue to kill, usually children, well after a war is finished.

It has 30,000 tons of chemical weapons.

It has the world's largest stockpile of nuclear weapons. It refuses to sign the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty.

It refuses to renounce the first strike use of nuclear weapons. It won't commit to refraining from using nuclear weapons against non-nuclear weapon states.

It is the only country to ever use nuclear weapons.

2006-11-30 14:54:45 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

negative aspects

2006-11-30 14:50:22 · 6 answers · asked by gaurav w 1 in Politics

2006-11-30 14:49:53 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

Do you think we could ever get our large corporations back over here?

It seems like we're getting to be more and more like Britain (selling away all of our companies overseas).

What's your view on NAFTA and outsourcing, etc...?

2006-11-30 14:46:42 · 2 answers · asked by Picard Facepalm 5 in Law & Ethics

2006-11-30 14:45:52 · 1 answers · asked by crj347 1 in Law & Ethics

2006-11-30 14:45:38 · 7 answers · asked by dagamejordanman 1 in Government

The carnage in Iraq was umimaginable 4years ago. Saddamania was the rage and it seems being anything else was out of step. Its obvious the invasion did not liberate Iraq but immersed it in more misery.With benefit of hindsight shouldn't the US have considered other optionsto kick Saddam out? Was dissolving state institutions like the army and de Baathifying public service not turned out to be an albatross? Did the invaders actually bring social justice to replace Saddam's brutal repression? Can the world truly say the Iraqis are better off today security wise than they were under Saddam? May be the French and the Germans understood the internal dynamics of Iraq and the wider regional implications than US and the coalition of the willing. Iraq is a mess and likely to remain so for a long time if eventually ther ll be anything left of it.

2006-11-30 14:42:12 · 10 answers · asked by latestarta 1 in Military

There hasn't been a terrorist attack on US soil since 911. If Bush receives a lot of the blame for Iraq shouldn't Congress share some since they authorized it and the American people as well because polls reflected an overwhelming majority of US citizens wanted Saddam removed.

2006-11-30 14:41:59 · 13 answers · asked by internet browser 4 in Politics

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