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Politics & Government - 26 November 2006

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

My son was basically taken over by intimidating people like his grandfather who did not want him to have it too hard and encouraged him to ignore authority and be lazy and get all he can sexually from girls etc. He was an aweful influence. But teenagers will cater to intimidation especially if it encourages them to rebel more against the parents who are trying to make them fly right. So he was doing what he could without anyone being able to check him on it and it all started at 18 years of age. There are meany kids out there whose parents cannot control them even when they try because there is nobody out there with backbone willing to say boo to another person's child! Parents are not always to blame!

2006-11-26 15:45:28 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

2006-11-26 15:41:39 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I just got a fix-it ticket for $30.. when my car was parked if front of Wal-Mart by chicken **** renta cops tonight. If it is a law since when was it in effect....If so were can I log on for more info.

2006-11-26 15:40:44 · 14 answers · asked by Edie Bear 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

Up until the time I was about 23 or 24 I had never even gotten drunk. I never smoked cigarettes, did drugs or anything. I guess I got curious and was hanging around the wrong person and I tried pot and ecstacy. I probably smoked pot on approx 10 different occasions and maybe did the ecstacy 4 or 5 times until I realized I just didn't want to be involved in drugs and they weren't for me. I never did any other drugs, no acid, no cocaine, no heroine, nothing else. I never touched anything again after that brief period. If I answer completely truthfully during a polygraph test will the fact that I did these drugs disqualify me? even if I'm honest about it?

2006-11-26 15:34:50 · 17 answers · asked by Christine B 2 in Law Enforcement & Police

I find that the reason my son is in such a predicament is because too many people that made sense never talked to him. Is this the way we should be raising our kids, just each of us thinking that it is the parents job to do it all? How did we get that way?

2006-11-26 15:33:46 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

I hear crap about god and all that, but where is the seperation of Church and state? Oh, and if it is all about god then why do we need to be liscensed to get married? Permission is granted by the US government? Well if it's all about god then does that make the US god?

2006-11-26 15:32:02 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

And if he is caught...it will be right before his final term ends...the blaze of glory that could save some face for him. Either way, I win. If he's not found with Bush in power...you lose...that's it.
I personally think that 9/11 was a set up...that Bin Laden will never be caught, and that the whole Iraq war is about oil and contractors...I think 'terrorism' is a wonderful illusion perpetrated on the American media through it's TV culture, and that it's military and president are the biggest terrorists on the planet.
Sorry about the rant...
Anyways...there's the bet.

2006-11-26 15:29:37 · 17 answers · asked by Happier in China 2 in Politics

either invest, or whatever device that may help

2006-11-26 15:28:43 · 6 answers · asked by pavel a 1 in Politics

weather i get f1 visa for us without toefl in I-20 it is mentioned that the person will take special english course at there university is there any person like me and got the visa and tell which embassy u have gone (chenai, mumbai,etc)please reply me its urgent........

2006-11-26 15:28:23 · 2 answers · asked by raju r 1 in Embassies & Consulates





Feeling dumb? You should.

2006-11-26 15:27:53 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

2006-11-26 15:26:44 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Please base your answers on facts, not just free insults. I really would like to understand.

2006-11-26 15:25:50 · 16 answers · asked by newcalalily 3 in Politics

approve the opinion the terrorists were happy that the democrats won this past election?

I seen some people say don't you watch CNN blah blah blah blah.

2006-11-26 15:22:26 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

my husband is currently overseas and he is sending me money in an allotment but here's the thing. he is only sending me housing allowance, not family seperation. aren't i entitled to that??

2006-11-26 15:21:40 · 14 answers · asked by xo_mary.mary_ox 1 in Military

At 32 years old,he is 5' 6" tall 135 lbs, in jail for going 60mph down wrong side of road destroying a private fence and flipping this car 4 times to total it. He may have been trying to outrun police with drugs. This son has been intimidated by a grandfather when he was quite young to think that he doesn't need to pay bills, study, keep his nose clean, maintain a steady relationship, work hard, obey traffic laws or pay fines and that all the money he earns is his to keep. He went from that influence to younger larger builds of men intimidating influence, some larger persons who had kids by multiple women, did not pay child support and did drugs. So my son got into drugs and seemed to adore that lifestyle. He is waiting trial on the driving to endanger charge and destruction of property charges. He has been there 6 months so far in jail awaiting trial. What can be done to help him grow up? He has a 6 year old son by an ex wife who condoned his drug usage with her cousins.

2006-11-26 15:19:14 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

love is blind to color, faith, sex and the social heirarchy. if christians dont want us gays and lesbians to get married (which is a christian ideollogy) why cant we have civil unions that allow us to have the same rights as heterosexual couples? I mean God isn't going to punish christians who aloow civil unions. his number one rule is to allow us to have free will, so why would he stop us from using it? well this is a polotical and rligious question, but it needs to be discussed.

2006-11-26 15:17:34 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

It is my belief that the candidate who spins the best False promise ( to be polite ) gets the vote. Candidates have good intentions when they get elected ,on those good intentions, and then turn into ranting and raving children whether they agree ( personally ) with the question before the house. ( party peer pressure ) Are they not supposed to work for the voter, It's OUR money there playing with. Do we not deserve better? 1-Canada, 1-Nation

2006-11-26 15:17:26 · 6 answers · asked by bill 1 in Politics

Would you comply?
In the Bible, it talks about the Mark of the Beast being a mandatory issue, but lets pretend that this is a different issue for the USA.

2006-11-26 15:16:45 · 7 answers · asked by Jimmy1575 2 in Law & Ethics

I don't understand the logic of American Foreign Policy....
how is it that to preserve freedom, you have to kill people? And don't give me any of this 'we have to fight them over their crap'...or lame JKerry cliches like 'Win the Peace'.... grow up. George Bush is the biggest recruiter of terrorists in the world....not OBL....whom they will NEVER catch while Bush and the neo-con Saudi-friendlies are in power...I think it will be the hypocricy of American Foreign Policy that will lead to their downfall as an international superpower. Thank goodness China respects the sovereign rights of other countries/ideologies....it will make for a much more peaceful world....than the Excited States of Hysteria.

2006-11-26 15:16:42 · 10 answers · asked by Happier in China 2 in Politics

Tax cuts for the rich?

I consider slaves people who don't get paid for the amount and quality of their work... Much like most middle class American factory workers.

2006-11-26 15:15:26 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

Why do you worry more about "high-tech crimes ?

2006-11-26 15:09:02 · 4 answers · asked by 20*~♥~ NuBianQu33n~♥~*08 2 in Government

2006-11-26 15:08:16 · 28 answers · asked by h M 1 in Elections

I know we have become a more of a emperorership lately (mostly through Bush) but i hate it when other countries put the US down.

Lets look at some examples of things we've done.

In World War I, Germany still had a chance at winning and probably would have done so eventually if the US had not stepped in. It is said France and Britian (especially because of the naval blockade germany had put on them), were 1 month from defeat.

If that had happened we probably would never have had World War 2 because europe would be speaking german.

World War 2: we pretty much single handedly defeat Japan, and we come to Europescall for help again to stop Hitler. Rather or not britian could have held out forever and turned the tide,,,, who knows.

We won the cold war. Russia self destructed but we helped most of all countries.

And what do we get out of it? people love america so much that they want to destroy us because we have what they cant have.

pittifyull world.. I dont know

2006-11-26 15:05:08 · 14 answers · asked by clomtancy 5 in Military

2006-11-26 15:01:17 · 3 answers · asked by pamela 2 in Law & Ethics

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