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Politics & Government - 4 November 2006

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

My boyfriend has been gone since Oct. 16th and ive gotten one phone call for 1 minute and 39 seconds.

2006-11-04 05:15:47 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

ok, how does this make sense? anyone making minimum wage clearly has an easy job - hmm, making french fries? yeah, real tough. checking people out at walmart? THAT'S DIFFICULT. wait, sweeping the floors at the high school - OH MY GOD MY BRAIN IS GOING TO EXPLODE.

don't people realize that raising the minimum wage is counter-intuitive in a rewards-based (mainly capitalistic) society? let's give MORE money to the people who are unwilling to go out and create real skills for themselves!!!

2006-11-04 05:15:36 · 10 answers · asked by General P 2 in Politics

Which one of these folks has been engaged in firefights in our Nations defense? Has any of them put themselves in harms way, in our Nations defense?

2006-11-04 05:14:37 · 9 answers · asked by rideitmark 2 in Politics

ok, how does this make sense? anyone making minimum wage clearly has an easy job - hmm, making french fries? yeah, real tough. checking people out at walmart? THAT'S DIFFICULT. wait, sweeping the floors at the high school - OH MY GOD MY BRAIN IS GOING TO EXPLODE.

don't people realize that raising the minimum wage is counter-intuitive in a rewards-based (mainly capitalistic) society? let's give MORE money to the people who are unwilling to go out and create real skills for themselves!!!

2006-11-04 05:14:33 · 15 answers · asked by General P 2 in Other - Politics & Government

Under political pressure from Republicans Bush posted many documents captured in the Iraq war on the web to help make the case that there was justification for Bush's war. In those documents were VERY DETAILED plans on HOW to build nuclear weapons from before 1991 when Saddam was his buddy.

Last night the White House finally shut down the web site after the New York Times asked about complaints from weapons experts that Bush was GIVING nuclear weapons plans to the terrorists.
The weapons experts were shocked by the public disclosures. Bush talks about fighting a war on terrorism yet he gives terrorists the most detailed a-bomb plans that have ever been published.

How could they put nuclear plans on the Internet without knowing that they were there?
The Republicans are putting the safety of the world at risk for pure political purposes!!!

Why are Bush & the Republicans HELPING
the terrorists get nuclear weapon information?


2006-11-04 05:14:17 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Earlier this week I saw a post on here where a woman was talking about hiring a private eye to investigate her daughters boyfriend. Somebody mention the link http://background-records.net/ as a good place to find info online. Well I checked out the site and entered my sisters boyfriends name and found out that he was convicted of assualt in 1996 and served 24 months in prison. I know this is him because the name, date of birth, and address are all the same. I am sure my sister doesn't know (and I am damn sure our dad doesn't know).......should I tell my sister or our dad? I don't know how to handle this situation.

In a few weeks I am going to be sitting at Thanksgiving dinner with my family. I can't go through that day holding onto this secret but I am afraid that my sister will hate me for telling her.

2006-11-04 05:13:47 · 12 answers · asked by Jennifer 1 in Law & Ethics

Do any of you understand that no matter who is in office NONE of them will present you or me.

Many are already gearing up for fundraised to get reelected. That is their only function is to get re elected.

They only work 100 days now, two years ago 139 days a year and most make $165,000 to do nothing.

Any good presentative who wants to do good ends up eating a lone and is know as a piria.

Throw them all out the good bad and ugly. Do not vote party vote person. Shake up the system.

2006-11-04 05:09:34 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections

Its November 4th, and I have yet to see any Remembrance Day poppies for sale in any of the shops within a couple of miles of where I live. I always wear a poppy at this time of year, but I can't buy one anywhere! Is this some kind of childish political statement on behalf of the shopkeepers?

2006-11-04 05:04:45 · 16 answers · asked by Mark J 2 in Politics

if you are not retarded or anything like that, it is shameful for you to be making the minimum wage. what is wrong with you? go out and harvest more skills for yourself! why are you so lazy?

2006-11-04 05:01:04 · 7 answers · asked by General P 2 in Politics

didn't the first "white" settelers to come here- come to escape oppresion. i ask because i am comming accross way to many racist people asking stupid questions in this section.

2006-11-04 04:58:59 · 14 answers · asked by me not you 1 in Immigration

Clinton's war in Somalia cost us 31 men, and Bush's war in Iraq has cost us 2,826 men and is still counting...

Sounds like Clinton was better for our military then Bush, or do you like our troops killed?

2006-11-04 04:58:13 · 14 answers · asked by John S 4 in Politics

Who gives you witty, clever answers? Who calls you names, rather than humor you, if they don't like your question? Or is it a wash?

I don't want to leave out the Libertarians - but they always seem to give wise answers. (In my opinion.)

2006-11-04 04:53:56 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

2006-11-04 04:53:53 · 10 answers · asked by fireburn 1 in Politics

I was charged with a DUI with consent (not on my record). I have 6 months probation, 10:00 curfew and random drug screens. Do you think my PO will drug test me on my first visit with him 4 days after sentencing?

2006-11-04 04:53:23 · 21 answers · asked by kknights81 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

i got 3 speeding tickets in a week and needs some advice

2006-11-04 04:52:32 · 19 answers · asked by latinor3 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

Given that Blair will soon be interviewed by the police, under caution which treats him as a suspect, a position I have always held him in, is it right that the AG should be his close advisor and, at the same time, advise for or against proscecution, based upon the grounds that lack of faith in the two main political parties may not be deemed to be in the public interest.

Though proved corrupt and unfit for public office, should they just get off, and if so, what authority will the Government have as an example to others.

While this is my question, just let me add, to get you going, as it were, given that the murder and mayhem in Iraq will escalate far beyond the control of any authority if Saddam Hussain is found guilty and hanged, will it be, therefore, deemed not in the public interest to proscecute him further ???

We shall, I fear, see the two faces of justice here, one for him and one for myself.

2006-11-04 04:51:31 · 6 answers · asked by manforallseasons 4 in Other - Politics & Government

Los Angeles already have a mexican-born mayor. How long is gonna take to have a mexican president????

2006-11-04 04:48:06 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

what a joke.

2006-11-04 04:43:03 · 19 answers · asked by General P 2 in Politics

Will the Muslims twoist the story to blame the Israelis for the shootings yesterday of the women who tried to protect their men hiding in the mosques?

2006-11-04 04:41:56 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics


Very eloquent denouncement of the cynical desperate lies of our national embarrassment. We, the American people, have had enough. Let's hope the next two years go by quickly, until we can replace the lame duck with a *real* leader.

2006-11-04 04:41:51 · 4 answers · asked by silentnonrev 7 in Politics

Swift Boats for the Truth derailed Kerry's Presidential bid in 2004 backed by Republican's money and garbage can ethics, but when Dean started fighting back, the Republicans acted as if they had been ambushed at the OK, GO AHEAD AND PLAY BY YOUR RULES CORAL. Fact, Republicans love two things, money and power but we can not expect them to admit it, but we can fight back and play by their rules, even if others are afraid to do so.

2006-11-04 04:39:44 · 4 answers · asked by zclifton2 6 in Elections

If someone sues someone for libel and wins, do they really deserve finanical damages too?

2006-11-04 04:37:38 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

This girl has said I raped her some 10 to 14 ish years ago, i never did, no sex of any kind,she has said this to coworkers in a casual passing several times. so what do i do, ignore it , challange her, or possibly file a slander suite? acording to her time frame , she would have been a minor and i live many states away , i've been stressing big time ,i know it didn't happen, but in todays leagal world the your guilty of a sick thing like this before you can defend yourself. So what do i do?

2006-11-04 04:36:49 · 8 answers · asked by error file not found 404 2 in Law & Ethics

I heard on net that Saddam is inches away fronm conviction so BUSH team will announce this on Sunday to get a bump in votes on Tuesday.
this makes him look more like he has done something and we are winning
it will prompt a huge uprising in Iraq and USA people will be afraid and then not want to change horses midstream.
Bush can declare victory ( again)
It will rally the base

2006-11-04 04:36:29 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections

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