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Politics & Government - 10 October 2006

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OR recreational sex with multiple partners
OR recreational abortions (just for kick & giggles)
OR hugging trees

2006-10-10 11:03:04 · 14 answers · asked by E LIB o NATOR 2 in Politics

help!can you mach them up correctly?good luck =]

A. Republican
B. Judiciary Act of 1801
C. Judiciary Acts of 1789
D. LaSalle
E. permanent alliances
F. temporary alliances
G. Spain
H. France
I. Britain
J. Federalist
K. Edmond Genet
L. Alexander Hamilton
M. Attorney General
N. Sedition Act
O. three
P. one

1. Political party that favored a strong central govn't
2. Political party that had food faith in common ppl.
3. Established a Supreme Court w/ Cheif Justice
4. Allowed President Adams to make last min. appointments of judges
5. Act passed inattempt to stop press criticism of John Adams
6. French foriegn minister whose actions added to the ruin of US neutality in was bt. France and Britain
7. Cheif US law enforcment officer
8. The country that Republicans supported during war btw. France and Britain
9.Writing/ speacking w/ intent to put the President in disrepute
10. Washington discouraged in farewell address
11.Proposed that national bank be created
if wrong let me know..

2006-10-10 10:58:52 · 9 answers · asked by what 2 in Government

My husband was left 50%of the house of his late mother. His brother got the other 50%. His mother died only two weeks ago. The brothers have a sister with special needs, she is 50 and has lived her life in care homes. The one brother had a call today from the social services to tell them that their sister had to leave the home in two weeks time. They have never done this before. They asked for her to live temporarily (so they say) at the home of their late mother. Can the brothers be made to allow this to happen? is the sister now their responsability? what does the law say about this? can they refuse for their sister to live at the house?

2006-10-10 10:58:05 · 8 answers · asked by KERRY B 1 in Law & Ethics

2006-10-10 10:57:26 · 5 answers · asked by Christina G. 3 in Law & Ethics

I just want to buy a cup of coffee and they are in their stimulating our economy in a big line and causing me to be late to work.

2006-10-10 10:56:32 · 26 answers · asked by MЯ BAIT™ 6 in Immigration

I am sick of people claiming that "Bush started the war" Do they really not remember the terrorist attacks? Or do they just want to hate on Bush as usual?

Another one is "We declared war on Afghanistan, not Iraq". I don't remember declaring war on Afghanistan! We declared war on terrorism, and I think we should continue to fight it in EVERY country, including Iraq.

Oh yeah, and "Our soldiers are dying for a lost cause". Well, would you rather our citizens die for a lost cause? It is sad the soldiers are dying, but they voluntarily enlisted, and that is what they are getting paid to do. And for all the soldiers who enlisted before the war, just to get a free college education? That's what you get for taking advantage of our country.

There should be no reason to protest the war. Compare 9/11 to Pearl Harbor. Did ANYONE in the country protest our attacking Japan? No! (they might not have liked the nuclear attack, but that is a different story)

2006-10-10 10:56:20 · 19 answers · asked by ihatehippies 3 in Politics

besides inherit clintons massive surplus and 8 years of economic growth........

2006-10-10 10:55:40 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

if they arent good looking,,,why would americans watch?

2006-10-10 10:54:24 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

gimme a number......just so we know there's a limit

2006-10-10 10:52:10 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

2006-10-10 10:51:07 · 10 answers · asked by ? 2 in Politics

i have to make up a speech because i signed up for minister of communication in my school . who ever is good at making up a speech please,please answer this question.thanx and !! l♥v u all !!
i hav never really done a big speech in front of the whole school and i really need your help.

2006-10-10 10:48:44 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections

2006-10-10 10:45:24 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

When will Americans realize the strength of its diversity. We have an opportunity to unite like we never have before and we don't. We don't have to stand for anything as long as we unite. We are slowing giving in to the communist beliefs of other countries and adopting them into democratic system.

2006-10-10 10:43:15 · 21 answers · asked by lydia 2 in Other - Politics & Government

Fashioned into a 'shorty'wetsuit 9mm thick that covers all your vital organs would you wear them 24/7? What if they were warmer on a cold night or underseas (-32 deg F) and still protective of the 'vitals' ? Oh, how hot would they be in the desert?! or a squadcar?!? Hm, now comes innovation! Ask Du Pont what the hold up is!!

2006-10-10 10:41:27 · 4 answers · asked by K9 4 in Military


2006-10-10 10:39:55 · 21 answers · asked by hayleyluv 1 in Immigration

Today, when I got home I parked the car in the beginning of the fence.. ok...so no big deal right? So when I was about to leave from the house with my brother, I see a man sitting from outside the fence next to the car. I was kind of shoked at first, you just don't expect to see someone sitting outside.
I tell my brother of the man, and he goes up to him and he say's that he crossed the border (I live in Texas and the Mexican border is close) he wasn't carrying nothing only a suspicious looking wrench tool the weird part was that somehow out of nowhere he shows up at our house!Out of the many other streets, homes, towns closer to the border he ends up at my house.He said he wanted money, but instead we gave him food (sandwich, soda & apple)
Why was the man carrying a wrench tool? Why didn't he just knock on the door? why wasn't he carrying anything?We have this pile of dirt outside and he said he wanted to work.
Let's just say he looked suspicious...

2006-10-10 10:37:51 · 7 answers · asked by ♥ mars♥ 4 in Law & Ethics

Was hit by an IED and now has mental problems .

2006-10-10 10:37:41 · 6 answers · asked by armyguylookin2 1 in Law & Ethics

He has proven himself to be a liar and do you honestly feel he was right to invade Iraq they sure don't want us there and Where Is Bin Laden now that's who we need to get 1st also what about the war on terror right here at home sexual predators terrorizing our children, gunmen killing them at school,terror in the neighrborhoods from drug dealers let's start at home and spend our money helping our kids

2006-10-10 10:35:51 · 19 answers · asked by katlady927 6 in Other - Politics & Government

This is just one of many deceitful ways the minions of a self-proclaimed 'evil' deceive millions of innocent people into the possession and bondage of a demonic and unnatural(alien) entity.

As born we are only a single people whole(y) as manifested by nature. We are then forced into their indoctrination and assimilated by the unknowing acceptance of our mutation into an unwhole(y) being that is part natural, part 'person' and in reality only an abomination.

2006-10-10 10:34:12 · 2 answers · asked by Truyer 5 in Law & Ethics

Giving money to those who won't lift a finger to support themselves is just encouraging bad behavior. It's a proven fact that Socialism doesn't work. The Rich liberals all have their money hidden off shore where it can't be taxed, but it's supporting countries that are opposed to the USA. Why are the Liberals so criminally delusional.

2006-10-10 10:33:10 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

2006-10-10 10:33:08 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

and help police the world,
defend there own country,
and whatever else armies do,
but can they be trusted.
first,u.n forces,then,own army,then,own nukes?

2006-10-10 10:31:06 · 31 answers · asked by Jimmer 2 in Military

Republicans are tickled to send 18 year old kids to serve and die in Iraq. Yet if you even breathe a word about an emminent domain action, they start foaming at the mouth about how unfair it is to be paid fair market value for property that will be used for the public's good.

In both cases, there is a sacrifice being made for the overall good of the people. Yet Republicans only whine about the action involving PROPERTY!

How hypocritical of conservatives. No problem with sacrificing children's lives, but outraged about selling a piece of property. Is this the clearest evidence yet that Republicans put money over people every time?

2006-10-10 10:30:52 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

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