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Politics & Government - 10 October 2006

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

You know they will go after gun rights again. We in the heartland will not sit idle if they try another Waco.

2006-10-10 15:17:26 · 13 answers · asked by Meow the cat 4 in Other - Politics & Government

Just received in email, after all these months, and the fact she got $250,000 from the military, she has yet to get a headstone for her son's grave. She has been so busy crying "look at me" that she hasn't even asked the DOD for a free headstone.

2006-10-10 15:15:01 · 20 answers · asked by Meow the cat 4 in Military


2006-10-10 15:14:39 · 12 answers · asked by shut up dummy 6 in Politics

Blah. I have one thing to say, this country has laws, if you choose to abide by them you can be a citizen and lead a healthy happy life here. May take you awhile, may take some effort and money, but it is not impossible. If you choose to not abide by the laws then you have no voice, and that includes protesting. You look stupid being an illegal immigrant protesting that the country you snuck in to will not do something for you. And maybe mix in an American flag when you protest, at least it will make us feel you are somewhat grateful for gettings something from a country who owes you nothing....

2006-10-10 15:14:32 · 7 answers · asked by angela R 1 in Immigration

Just received in email, after all these months, and the fact she got $250,000 from the military, she has yet to get a headstone for her son's grave. She has been so busy crying "look at me" that she hasn't even asked the DOD for a free headstone.

2006-10-10 15:14:32 · 10 answers · asked by Meow the cat 4 in Other - Politics & Government

2006-10-10 15:14:09 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

You guys just make world getting worst..you sickbastards..!!

2006-10-10 15:12:01 · 6 answers · asked by big bear 2 in Politics

Both parents (never married) share legal custody of our child but I have physical custody(court documented). I was not "allowed" to take my son with my to another state without the other parents permission. I had no choice but to leave for a better life and left him with his grandmother (fathers mother) so i wouldn't be charged with kidnapping. How do I win my case to try and move him with me now that the grandmother told her son to take our son because she got tired of him not doing his part as a father, so she told him to see if he can handle it by himself - need legal advice!!!

2006-10-10 15:11:53 · 3 answers · asked by Jeffry 1 in Law & Ethics


2006-10-10 15:10:36 · 10 answers · asked by shut up dummy 6 in Politics

can anything stop the spread of nucler bombs ?and the burning of the things?

2006-10-10 15:10:19 · 7 answers · asked by CIVILIAN 4 in Politics

I don't think like that as I don't think it's appropriate to wish death upon people, unless you are atheist and don't know what's coming to you. I have only seen people wish death upon (and being non-biased here) our current leaders, and I think it is a disgrace. and I wonder if you are proud of yourself, but I really think you should get off your high horse instead of pretending YOU are almight and great and above anyone else in this world. Everyone is a person after you get through all the crap, what makes it okay for you to say that? If a Republican said it about a Democrat, you'd be screaming about how violent and repulsive they are, now come on, right? honestly?

2006-10-10 15:09:58 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

he was arrested for resisiting and obstructing,he also might be getting charged with threating a cops life.i dont know if he will do any time at all but if someone knows something please help,and if hes only charged with the obstructing,resisiting,will he do time please answer if you know something if not please dont its not a joke its vary serious we have kids to think about thank you.

2006-10-10 15:06:44 · 22 answers · asked by shyone 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

It can't be in the Bill of Rights so it has to be somewhere from the 11-27 amendments. Thank you.

2006-10-10 15:06:06 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

I need a web site where they could tell me about how america dealed with its problem when it first became independent. Like economic, the dividsion of land, ect. Anything and everything could help me. Thanks!!!

2006-10-10 15:03:13 · 4 answers · asked by Dominican angel 2 in Government

If Democrats raised taxes for corporations, people would call them tax-and-spend liberals, and if Republicans lower taxes for the rich, and their plan includes a savings of about $20/year for the poor, and they deregulate corporations allowing them to control wages, why do we call them tax-slashing heroes? If Democrats raised your wage $4,000/year but raised your taxes $1,000/year, for example, you would call them thieves. Republicans are failing to raise the minimum wage with inflation, yet minimal tax cuts make them great. A higher percentage of the income of the U.S. government comes from poorer people now... and yet you come out of it thinking they're saving you money. Let's start talking in terms of tax burden, not in "raising" or "lowering". Stop letting the rich and powerful define the terms of the debate.

2006-10-10 15:02:28 · 12 answers · asked by Aleksandr 4 in Politics

Which would you say a family ct judge would prefer? Keeping kids in foster care OR granting another family member legal guardianship??

2006-10-10 15:01:17 · 4 answers · asked by sarayamodel 1 in Law & Ethics

that is my past that my agency make me use the false passport coz i was 20 yrs old before and this is my situation and i telling the truth ,i meet my husband in korea and i go home in the philippines make married there in the philippines with my real name and i was pregnand with my oldest babys . I cannot remember my false passport ,i lost it.and i came back in korea i used my truth passport living with my husband and i got two kids of my husband now ,and then we apply immigrant visa they asking me my false passport and the name ,birthdate,and number of my false passport.my husband is military and i wanna stay foreever with my family and i will die with my family .my husband living in january in the state and i wanna go together with my husband and my two kids.how can i anwer my problem ,i lost it my false .can you help me ? im with my true passoport here in korea .

2006-10-10 14:59:15 · 4 answers · asked by Gena S 1 in Immigration

Every alien group (legal and illegal) appears to WANT to learn English except Latinos.
If Latinos are catered to by having everything in Spanish, why should they learn English?
Isn't it discriminatory towards others (Polish, Italian, Greek, etc.) that the government makes THEM learn English but not the Latinos?
Why aren't Latinos talking about the rights of others instead of focusing solely on themselves?

2006-10-10 14:59:12 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

Do southerners think the american flag during the civil war is racist? It has 13 stars (for the 13 colonies) and it is triangular with two points. This is the flag of america then, (the south made their own flag to separate from the rest of america) Do they now think that flag is a thing against southerners and try to ban it? They do fly that flag in a lot of the northern states. Why don't all southerner get together and call that flag an abomination to the culture of the south and ban it? Grow up people!

2006-10-10 14:58:26 · 13 answers · asked by AveGirl 5 in Civic Participation


2006-10-10 14:58:16 · 4 answers · asked by shut up dummy 6 in Politics

could the answer be: no oil
could the answer be: wasted our resources in Iraq which posed no danger to us

2006-10-10 14:57:24 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I have a neighbor who walks by, and always looks in my windows. Not that I am exposing anything, but recently, she had asked me to move my stereo equipment because it was too close to her wall (we live in a townhouse). That creeps me out, because she had to really look to see where the equipment situated. Thoughts?

2006-10-10 14:57:09 · 19 answers · asked by Mark P 2 in Law Enforcement & Police

found in troops and civilians after
war in Afghanistan?
"At the Uranium Weapons Conference held October 2003 in Hamburg, Germany,professor Katsuma Yagasaki, a scientist at the Ryukyus University, Okinawa calculated that the 800 tons of DU used in Afghanistan is the radioactive equivalent of 83,000 Nagasaki bombs. The amount of DU used in Iraq is equivalent to 250,000 Nagasaki bombs."

2006-10-10 14:55:55 · 4 answers · asked by sandolina 2 in Politics

United Nations Really does what? I really mean, If the United Nations Tells a third World Country to do something and they Dont, They Get someone to attack them. EX. ( Iraq ) but If they told the us to do something, they dont have to listen to them. So really, Do they Have any General Command in the world?

2006-10-10 14:55:54 · 12 answers · asked by Undiscovered 2 in Military

I live in CA and the landlord next door and I both agree that we need a new fence. The existing fence is made of wood. I want to replace it with a cinderblock wall but my neighbor wants to stick with wood. He rents this property out and wants to spend as little money as possible. He will not back down. If he erects the fence without my approval am I responsible for half of the costs even if I never agreed to it?

2006-10-10 14:54:48 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics


2006-10-10 14:54:36 · 8 answers · asked by Logical Democrat 2 in Politics


Which states in the union allow for gay marriage or civil partnership?

2006-10-10 14:54:27 · 12 answers · asked by southernboy 4 in Other - Politics & Government

I would like to know what the Top 10 states in the U.S. have the most drunk driving collisions, and what Iowa ranks. Thanks alot!!

2006-10-10 14:53:44 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

My husband and I have been married for 4 years and have been blessed with a beautiful baby boy, who turns two next month. We live in a very small retirement town and work dead end jobs. So my husband had decided to join the Military, He says it is to better our lives, But I am not so sure about that. I will support him in what ever he decides, But I am scared out of my mind! I know we will make more money, have better medical, and be able to travel. But I am such a home body and I have always lived so close to my family. The thought of moving into unknow territory really scares me. What is it like being a Military wife? What is it like to live on a Military base? Anything would be very helpful. Thank you

2006-10-10 14:53:43 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

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