they load the family into a 2005 Suburban, spinner rims, tinted windows, leather upholsterphy, tricked out chrome trim, & a whole lot more. This vehicle must cost around $30,000.00. Plus the damn thing is a gas hog.
Seeing this, I wonder, did her washing machine break. Well that would be my first guess.
Then I would make my politically correct assumption. She and her family milk my social services system. They live in a home with 20 other family member, half of whom don't have papers to be in this country. Those half members receive social benefits. The husband works but claims head of household without the wife to claim all the EIC credit for income tax. The wife recieves food stamps for not working and claiming herself disabled, boom Social Security benefits...$600.00 per month.
This goes on and on. As an American, I am sick and tires of these leaches. Let's kick out the ones with no papers and send them back to wherever their sorry a_s country exists....
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