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Politics & Government - 13 September 2006

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

I think anyone who cares about the US should want to get all the facts from that day. Why is the government not releasing all the information it has - like the Pentagon videos? The people have a right to know.

2006-09-13 07:46:23 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

we all know that prime accused of the 9/11 war is BIN LADEN & he is in afghanistan
then why US is not attacking afghanistan

2006-09-13 07:43:31 · 14 answers · asked by shanky s 1 in Politics

my husband has a warrant for his arrest for stalking his ex-wife. there is no evidence whatsoever. she just filed the claim and said this happened back in june. we only see her when we take the kids to her on every other weekend. we have a lawyer blah, blah, but he still has to go to jail and post bond. the police in the town that we live have some sort of money ring going on and have picked people up in the past on hear-say. this is not right at all! what else can we do?

2006-09-13 07:42:24 · 9 answers · asked by amandy245 2 in Law & Ethics

Evicted tenant in Mississippi. Received no rent and found out more than a month later in jail for selling crystal meth with intent to distribute. Tenant released now wanting his stuff we put in storage,will not pay money he owes, so want give his stuff back is that legal? My inturpatation of law says legal

2006-09-13 07:41:28 · 9 answers · asked by kesmith4 1 in Law & Ethics

How much do all you really know about what it takes to immigrate to this country? I will give you a scenario. A woman meets a man (or vice versa) and falls completely in love with him/her. They decide to marry but he is in this country illegally. How hard do you think it is for the immigrant to become a legal permanent resident?

2006-09-13 07:40:16 · 22 answers · asked by whoareyou 3 in Immigration

Ye of short term memories, remember just a few short months ago when so many politicians were out ranting and raving that Bush (the Fed Gov) should be doing something about gas prices? How Bush just doesn't care about hard working people and how he should release the strategic oil reserve to ease prices? All those people look pretty dumb now, don't they, now that crude and gasoline supplies are higher than expected for this time of year and prices of both are off 10%+ from their July highs? Doesn't this just show that supply and demand do work and the artificial manipulation of of the system is a bad idea? Those people calling for Bush to do something then were so obviously just looking to get some quick points on their approval ratings.

ps I'm not saying gas at $2.70 is great, but I'm just pointing out the system works.

2006-09-13 07:39:51 · 5 answers · asked by obviously_you'renotagolfer 5 in Politics

Situation - If a man (Bob) is in an accident and goes into a coma can the people that took his belongings keep them? I believe it was written and signed for this person to take the belongings while Bob was in the coma, but is it legal to not return these things to Bob once he recovers. I think the coma was 2 weeks or months. Is there a statue of limitations for a situation like this? (Illinois) I think it's been 7 or 8 years but I wasn't sure if it was too late to do something about it, if anything can be done. I tried looking up this information for someone but I'm having trouble. Thanks for any help.

2006-09-13 07:38:13 · 9 answers · asked by ? 2 in Law & Ethics

I hear alot of people these days saying they are against the war but fully support the troops and therefore want to bring them home. For parents and others who personally have loved ones stationed in Iraq, I can see how this sentiment can be true. However, for others such as Ted Kennedy (and even everyday people) I don't see how this can be true. Since a recent poll says 95% of our military supports George Bush and also support completing the mission in Iraq, wouldn't we be going against the wishes of the soldiers by bringing them home before the mission is done? Is that support? I think liberals have learned some since they spit in the faces of our soldiers from Vietnam, and now they say they support our troops, but if they want to force the soldiers to do the opposite of what they feel they were called to do, is that really support or just lip service?
Your Opinions? Both Sides.

2006-09-13 07:38:10 · 23 answers · asked by chuck3011 3 in Politics

Why do we hate so much? Have we not learned from our past? It's understandable that people are against illegal immigration, but how can people deny a human being their humanity. How can we have video games where the goal is to shoot people sneaking across the boarder? Every human has dignity; we can disagree with someone yet still respect their humanity can't we?
Did we forget about the Chinese exclusion act of the early 1900’s? People did not want the Chinese to immigrate, headlines writhed with stereotypes, “the Chinese take our jobs, they are criminals, they won’t learn our language, and they can’t assimilate.” Soon the Chinese were banned from entering the US, although they still came illegally. This still makes me sad. How can Americans be so cruel to people?

2006-09-13 07:37:43 · 14 answers · asked by pinacoladasundae 3 in Immigration

If someone almost causes you to wreck or makes some kind of illegal act, can you get their license plate number, and call the police? Or take their license plate number to the police station and file a report against them? Someone almost made me wreck by pulling in front of me when we were at the stop light. I was pulling up to the red light, and someone almost made me run into and over the curb, because they decided they wanted to try to jump in my lane.

2006-09-13 07:35:56 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

Apparently some aliens landed one night at Bush's ranch in Texas and wanted all the cattle he had, because live stock on their home planet had dwindled drastically due to disease. They gave in return the precise location of various oil deposits, and Bush who was with Dick Cheney and some other government officials, at the time, decided that it was best to keep the whole thing quite, and told the Secret Service to cover up any evidence that there had been aliens in the area.
Anyway the full storey is in my new book, " The dumb-a ss conspiracy theory" which will be available from most book stores from Friday 15th. Will you buy your copy soon?

2006-09-13 07:35:02 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections


2006-09-13 07:34:16 · 13 answers · asked by gokart121 6 in Immigration

That is, what percentage of them actually fight?

2006-09-13 07:33:28 · 8 answers · asked by Curious 'bout stuff 1 in Military

When you just have insults, does that mean you're out of arguments?

2006-09-13 07:33:15 · 20 answers · asked by gokart121 6 in Immigration

Honest people are afraid.They do not have the resources and financial power to contest the elections.They are threatened, maimed and even killed. The police is hand-in-hands with mafias and dons. We are forced to vote and elect only from the corrupt politicians.

2006-09-13 07:32:50 · 178 answers · asked by indianborntowin 2 in Other - Politics & Government

2006-09-13 07:32:09 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics


2006-09-13 07:30:53 · 11 answers · asked by BATISTA 4 in Law Enforcement & Police

Just want your opion, I will never do this!

2006-09-13 07:28:17 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

The government drug tests military personnel, employees, and law enforcement agents. I can't figure why they wouldn't drug test individuals that are getting free money while they drug test hard working people.

2006-09-13 07:26:10 · 23 answers · asked by steelersfan 1 in Government

Please understand, I have no agenda with this question, I am not trying to start a fight or prove a point.

I have noticed a trend that people cannot seem to identify with their chosen political party without having to resort to the "well at least I'm better than the sissy scum-sucking Dems/evil oppressive Pubs" tactic.

I am interested in hearing from people that can understand and identify with both sides of the issues, that DON'T think the "other side" is evil incarnate, but have chosen a side anyways, and why. For example, I am interested in learning:

-Why you have chosen to identify with a particular political party (WITHOUT resorting to bashing of the alternative)
-Are there any issues you are "on the fence" about, or that you outright disagree with the stance your party has chosen?
-Do you think the leaders in your particular party are furthering that party's ideals, or are they furthering their own agenda first and foremost?

Thoughtful answers only, PLEASE

2006-09-13 07:24:46 · 17 answers · asked by entoaggie 2 in Other - Politics & Government

According to his biographer, he is agnostic. What is it about that group of people that he should want to appeal to them.

2006-09-13 07:22:50 · 9 answers · asked by wjscottjones 1 in Other - Politics & Government

2006-09-13 07:21:52 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

if so, what makes you think that your kids or grandkids arn't going to be ashamed of your prejudices?
Every generation thinks that their diffrent and that their prejudices are justified.
So what makes you the exeption?

2006-09-13 07:21:30 · 8 answers · asked by Mr.happy 4 in Politics

And why are we excluded from the green card lottery? What is the point of Blair's toadying when this is how we are treated?

2006-09-13 07:21:12 · 7 answers · asked by airmonkey1001 4 in Embassies & Consulates

The media was very quick to go after the Bush administration about the leaks in the Valerie Plame case. Though they also went after the one reporter (Novak) who reported the leak they did not report on the overall problem of the press itself broadcasing and sensationalizing classified information. If they are going to come down hard on Bush for this (and if it was so imortant and damaging to Mrs. Plame), they should also come down hard on themselves for the whole thing.

2006-09-13 07:20:38 · 3 answers · asked by chuck3011 3 in Politics

would you plz explain those for me in easy words,just a short explanation.

also i wanna know about some democracy problems.thank you

2006-09-13 07:19:17 · 2 answers · asked by The dude 5 in Politics

And how fruity are these people to believe "god" gave them that land 2,000 years ago? Aren't all arabs semites? I like arabs, so how can I therefore be an anti semite, for calling Israel a terrorist nation?

2006-09-13 07:17:27 · 10 answers · asked by stephaniemariewalksonwater 5 in Politics

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