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Politics & Government - 6 September 2006

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

How can you ignore this??

did the terrorists humiliate you this way ??

rape your daughters??

yet american soldiers do it ALL THE TIME in Iraq...

America Q-U-I-T preaching your blo ody freedom and democracy

2006-09-06 06:16:08 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Evidentally, Miller brewing company feels it's AOK to spend 30k they retained from customers like us purchasing their products to sponsor an illegal alien protest and march.

Contact Miller and let them know what you think of their new "open borders" marketing policies;

Here are the products in the Miller line you may want to avoid...(hat tip Michelle Malkin);

Miller Lite
Miller Genuine Draft
Miller Genuine Draft Light
Miller High Life
Miller High Life Light
Sharp's non-alcohol brew
Red Dog
Icehouse 5.0
Icehouse 5.5
Icehouse Light
Southpaw Light
Leinenkugel's Original
Leinenkugel's Light
Leinenkugel's Red Lager
Leinenkugel's Honey Weiss
Leinenkugel's Apple Spice (seasonal)
Leinenkugel's Berry Weiss
Leinenkugel's Oktoberfest (seasonal)
Leinenkugel's Creamy Dark
Leinenkugel's Big Butt Doppelbock (seasonal)
Leinenkugel's Sunset Wheat
Henry Weinhard's Private Reserve
Henry Weinhard's Blue Boar Pale Ale
Henry Weinhard's Classic Dark
Henry Weinhard's Northwest Trail Blonde Lager
Henry Weinhard's Hefeweizen
Henry Weinhard's Summer Wheat

Hamm's Draft
Hamm's Special Light
Olde English 800 Malt Liquor
Olde English HG800
Olde English HG800 7.5
Magnum Malt Liquor
Mickey's Malt Liquor
Mickey's Ice
Milwaukee's Best
Milwaukee's Best Light
Milwaukee's Best Ice
Foster's Lager
Foster's Special Bitter
Peroni Nastro Azzurro
Pilsner Urquell
Sheaf Stout
Sparks Light
Sparks Plus 7%
Sparks Plus 6%
Steel Reserve Triple Export 8.1%
Steel Reserve High Gravity
Steel Reserve High Gravity 6.0
Steel Six

2006-09-06 06:16:05 · 18 answers · asked by Zoe 4 in Immigration

I am trying to learn politics but straight away I'm confused. Tony Benn said he wants an election not a coronation but he's labour not Tory.

2006-09-06 06:13:29 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

poo poo...smelly :)

2006-09-06 06:13:10 · 5 answers · asked by professoravin 1 in Law & Ethics

2006-09-06 06:12:29 · 11 answers · asked by lethallolita 3 in Politics

someone very important in my life has a situation that is vital for our future. we were staying with someone for a week about 1 and half yrs ago waiting for our home to get done, well the owner of the house fell asleep with something on the stove well the fire department was called ,well that someone special left to go to work. well the police officer asked me who that someone special was. so he ran there name and found out she was on probation, she just go out of prison 4in and 4out, well they came back with her probation officer and did a probation search of the garage where we were staying, they found bullets to the owner of the houses gun and a refrig. that didnt have a lock on with alcohol in it. so her p.o. violated her, she doesnt have dirty u-a's or anything bad. i have a notorized letter from the owner of the residence stating everything in the garage was hers. what should she do she is scared she is going to have to finish off her 4 yrs . but i think the judge will reinstate?

2006-09-06 06:11:59 · 4 answers · asked by sleezieslashes 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

Hey y'all

Just been looking through the Blair posts, and ive seen a shocking short-sightedness with some people.
Yes, Blair has done his time, and its good hes going to stand down, but i ask you, who do you want to replace him? Brown, who the electorate has not voted for? Cameron, the Chameleon? Mingus and the Liberal-Democrats?

Just interested in your responses guys

2006-09-06 06:11:15 · 3 answers · asked by thomas p 5 in Government

I have an appeal to a motion to suppress and I need to send the DIRECTIONS TO CLERK to the Dstrict Court on the Eleventh Judicial Circuit and I need the address for that. Can you plese help me with that?

2006-09-06 06:10:16 · 2 answers · asked by zachyra 2 in Law & Ethics

So far no one has provided proof it was Bin Laden responsible
for 9/11. RECENTLY, there were a new video release of Al-Quaida telling americans to convert to islam. this does not add up. CIA created Al-Quiada and Taliban, it also created 9/11.

One day it creates extremist, the other it tell you to fear them..

2006-09-06 06:10:07 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

In Pennsylvania several years ago, I was cited with Disorderly Conduct and Public Drunkenness and paid a fine.
I am now applying for a job that asks if I have ever been convicted of a felony or misdemeanor, and I'm not sure how to answer.
Any ideas?

2006-09-06 06:09:07 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

In Pennsylvania several years ago, I was cited with Disorderly Conduct and Public Drunkenness and paid a fine.
I am now applying for a job that asks if I have ever been convicted of a felony or misdemeanor, and I'm not sure how to answer.
Any ideas?

2006-09-06 06:07:53 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

I found one that i like and i got it from one of those off brand used car lots. I put 7 Grand down on the vehicle, and they were suppose to get a bank to finance the other 13 grand. I gave them the money, and they gave me the car. I signed all the paper work but they told me some bullshit like i couldnt get any paperwork because they had to be paid by the bank first. That was exactly a month ago, now i just called them because i never heard from them, and i aske them had my license plate came in, and they said no, and im like why would it take a month to receive my plate. I got my temporary plate, temorary registration, and insurance. THe girl on the phone let me know that im suppose to come pay the dealer ship my first payment, im like what the hell! Do I have to return the vehicle? this is not going to help my credit which was the purpose! I dont want my money back, but can they report it stolen? i didnt steal it! Im not making no payments unless its to a bank to help my credit.

2006-09-06 06:07:34 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

all those detainees are being held yet some of them have committed nothing against america.

where is the proof AMERICA????

2006-09-06 06:07:24 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

i cant wait to see JimWs spasims lol

2006-09-06 06:05:46 · 11 answers · asked by S H I R A Z 3 in Politics

How many actually know? Or is it the assume thing again?

2006-09-06 06:02:32 · 16 answers · asked by Juan Kassoff 3 in Military

i have asked some Q's and I have gotten some great responses. But i have also gotten some really bad ones, too.

2006-09-06 06:02:26 · 6 answers · asked by brandog29 1 in Government

Why does our governmant do this. I am lookin far and wide for a way to afford my medication. I'm 26 and just started my own buisness. To have to take another job just for coverage right now would really kill my progress. I just don't have the time. I am not ant- immigration by any means, but I have to say that I'm anti-illegal because if they are affecting the medical care system..that is unacceptable. Elderley people have problems getting meds as well..pathetic

2006-09-06 05:59:29 · 19 answers · asked by hittykkiod 1 in Immigration

i asked what the lib agenda was, and the vast majority said to destroy america,,,now im wondering how will destroying america benefit libs?

2006-09-06 05:58:16 · 25 answers · asked by bush-deathgrip 1 in Politics

I fully support getting rid of Bush and this ineffective Republican Congress but sorry but I feel we might be taking things too far with our full support of certain illegal immigration issues. I myself have a Mexican gf and I have not ill will against legal Mexican and Latinos. But certain legislation especially in California and certain city's almost seem to PROMOTE illegal immigration. I would really hate to agree with the Republican's but are we really a little soft on "illegal immigrants'?

2006-09-06 05:56:58 · 11 answers · asked by choyryu 2 in Immigration

There's an arguement going on as to whether the Iraq citizen's who choose to defend themselves from "yes" the American soldiers are actually "terrorist" and not "insurgents"!How can we call these people "terrorist" when they are "defending " themselves?Do you think the problem is because the US soldiers are having trouble in deciding who is which? What can we do to change this?I think this is a "big" problem! Ideas? Thanks

2006-09-06 05:56:01 · 9 answers · asked by noditz57 3 in Politics

..americans actually realise that there's no way, no possible way, that those towers could have fallen over by two planes alone, that there's no way, no way in hell it could have been possible, that it's the first time in history such steel structures have collapsed like that by the supposed means, and you're actually going to realise that your leaders are just liars, like everyone else in the world understands???

2006-09-06 05:54:39 · 46 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

You dismiss my solid arguments because I generalize. What choice do I have? It would be impossible for me to say, liberals tend to do this, except for Lisa Smith and Bob Preston and Sally Fckwad. I do not have the time to evaluate 300 million citizens individually. I will continue to generalize. Look, if the shoe fits, well you know the rest. And if the point I make is a size 12 and you are an 11 1/2 that is close enough, put the dam shoe on!

2006-09-06 05:52:05 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

2006-09-06 05:51:38 · 25 answers · asked by 'Rickaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy 3 in Other - Politics & Government

2006-09-06 05:51:09 · 8 answers · asked by james w 3 in Law & Ethics

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