First aspect I want to say - America makes it almost impossible for people to immigrate legally. before Sep 11 any immigrant could have got SS , DL, and after that- they think anybody who immigrant is Osama Bin laden so they : dont give D.L no SS, and they decline students, professional workers and business people from being here legally. Im sure for exapmle, Mexicans, wish to be here legally- just that the difficult immigration laws wont let them be.
A second thing, We Americans were born to a wealthy country and a great modern environment, why aren't we more compassionate to realize not all people in other countries around the world are as lucky as we are, we were just lucky to be born here but others weren’t, why not share and welcome other people who want to make better lives for themselves? Why do we Americans are not welcoming people from other countries who are simply less fortunate then us?
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