Do you think, if the vets had a service a bit like the NHS services, there would be so many unwanted, stray animals roamimg the streets?
I know that the PDSA, RSPCA and more organisations help pay vet bills if you claim benefits form the Department of Working Benefits, but usually you need to register with the charity before you need the vets, otherwise they wont help towards the cost of the bill. I had both my dogs insured, and after 5years of never using the insurance, i cancelled it....but a few months later my golden labrador had an emergency cesarean, costing £815 which i had to pay even though im a single parent but i hadnt applied to the pdsa 1st! i paid it weekly, which i dont mind cos i love my dogs.
Some people are given an animal, without considering how much it might end up costing, then if it needs the vet & there is no money to pay the bill, the animal suffers,or often dumped, tortured or just killed! If there was a free service would there be as many stray animals?
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