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Pets - 24 September 2006

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Birds · Cats · Dogs · Fish · Horses · Other - Pets · Reptiles · Rodents

What is the easiest way to incorporate fruits and veggies into their diet? I know a variety is best but mine (I have 2) simply ignore the parsley and thawed frozen veggie mix I give them. Also, what are some veggies that you think they would like or would be the best to start out? Thanks :)

2006-09-24 18:31:04 · 10 answers · asked by Liadan 3 in Birds

My female cat is about 5months old and never sprayed and it has been missing for 11 days! I posted up flyers on the gates of my gated neighborhood. I also checked the shelters! Nothing! I don't know what else to do. Do I just wait and see if someone calls? I'm extremely sad. :[

2006-09-24 18:25:33 · 11 answers · asked by lindaalicious 3 in Cats

its a ten gallon tank with filter light hood ect...

2006-09-24 18:23:24 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Fish

I have been told that they will eat other beat fish.. but are they ok with any other type of fish? Or will they eat them too? Are they suppose to be alone to keep them from harming each other??

2006-09-24 18:22:40 · 7 answers · asked by ♥cutemamma♥ 6 in Fish

My cat loves the counter, only his second favorite place to play is the fireplace. I wake up every morning or come home from work to find black pawprints all over the counter. I allow my cat, which is always kept inside, almost unlimited freedom. The counter is one place I forbid. I have tried double-sided tape (it's more of an inconvenience for me than him), water in cookie sheets lined around the counter edges (there are only so many sheets), squirting with a water gun (I can only monitor it so many hours a day, and he waits until I'm away), yelling and even light smacks to his rear. He knows it is forbidden, but he does not stop jumping up there. I have always been a dog owner, and he is my first cat. We get along great until I catch him on the counter. I have zero experience in cat discipline. Someone, PLEASE help me figure out a way to get through to this knucklehead.

2006-09-24 18:22:02 · 21 answers · asked by starfish9399 1 in Cats

2006-09-24 18:11:43 · 16 answers · asked by Brad M 1 in Dogs

I've changed the pages for my streetcatcam (now its a link instead of on the home page) and I'm hoping people can check to see if it works ok. Its a street cat rescue website with live streamng video.
Thanks so much.

2006-09-24 18:08:16 · 5 answers · asked by Phoenix 1 in Cats

Please be nice, don't believe in anything inhumane.

2006-09-24 18:03:08 · 19 answers · asked by xmom 1 in Cats

Hi! I'm almost fifteen years old and I have been taking english hunter/jumper riding lessons for a little over two years now. I live very close to an amazing equestrian center that's so secluded where I ride and it has about 480 boarding stalls. It's less than a five minute drive there from my house most of the time. I have an aunt who lives about an hour away and has owned horses since she was a teenager and is a riding instructor that could help me with ownership questions. I may not even need her help with some things, though I would always accept it, because I've done a lot of research. I've visited my friend doing her horse's routine, read about 15 magazines, done lessons as I mentioned before, showed a couple times, and I've done various research online creating a word document about 66 pages so far of research on buying, care/chores, deciding to buy, and time management. It includes personal situations for me. I've loved horses since i was three and I think I'm ready, am I?

2006-09-24 17:57:26 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Pets

i just adopted a puppy (10 months) from the pound and there vet fixed her before she could leave. but now she seems to have diarrhea and still not eating that much. i just got her on friday the 22nd. but i am just worried about her. please help if you can. i dont know how long it takes to get her back to normal.

2006-09-24 17:50:00 · 11 answers · asked by kiki1977 4 in Dogs

I hear rabbits tend to go to the toilet in one spot. However our rabbits seem to go anywhere even in their food bowl. they have a litter box which they do crap in but the also like just sitting in it. How can we train them to go potty in one place?

2006-09-24 17:48:13 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Pets

I listened to what everyone had to say, and I've made alot of changes, including taking streaming video off front page, and replaced it with a video clip of the kittens. I also made the pages narrower (I think) and added some video clips to the "kitties need a new hood" page....I'll add more soon. I'm still having problems with colors, doing lines and boxes, but hopefully will figure it out soon. For those of you who don't know anything about me, I just started a new street cat rescue website with live streaming video.
Please everyone, let me know what you think of the changes.

2006-09-24 17:43:14 · 3 answers · asked by Phoenix 1 in Cats

It looks like white flakes are peeling off of it's skin? Isn't it that it's growing or something?

2006-09-24 17:43:05 · 10 answers · asked by izzy_009 1 in Reptiles

He hasn't gone for at least 8 hours...is this normal? He's 12 weeks old and fully litter box trained.

2006-09-24 17:40:26 · 11 answers · asked by lilgiggle33 3 in Cats

Ok, Anyway i was eating a bologona sandwhich and the cat came up and clawed me twice the sandwhich came out of my hand and she ate it while i was screaming in pain how do i stop this, This also applies to other meat. So uhhh she makes ya bleed BAD. And now i aint giving her away shes my baby my 100 Doller Baby.

2006-09-24 17:37:33 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Cats

anyone know of product to get cat smell out of carpet?

2006-09-24 17:32:25 · 7 answers · asked by winkcat 7 in Cats

i have seven rats in my home. i love them to death, but they stink so bad. i keep my house clean. i'm not to sure about using air fresheners or other plugins. the boys are the ones that smell the worst. i just need to suggestions or anything actually. i'm embarassed to have people over because of the smell. does anyone know anything that can help alleviate the smell that is safe for my ratties. i don't want any of them sick. i also don't want something that smells like it is just "covering up" the smell. i do keep them refreshed and cleaned regularly. so no worries there. is there some kind of small animal litter that i can put under my rats regular bedding that can help with the smell. i'm just wondering on how to get rid of subdue the smell the cages give off.

2006-09-24 17:26:27 · 14 answers · asked by werewolfpixie 5 in Other - Pets

I've recently been sent an email that states that all but 9 of the commercial dry dog foods are killing our dogs. It further states that animals that have been put to sleep are rendered and then put into the dry dog food as by products and the drug used to put the animals to death doesn't break down but is merely diluted into our dog feed and we are literally killing or at the very least damaging our best friends by using any of the dog food labels that are processed this way and there are only 9 brands that are safely processed.

2006-09-24 17:21:24 · 8 answers · asked by Bernie 1 in Dogs

I bought the tank for my daughter, and wanted to get a live plant but pet store (2 people) recomended against it so I bought a fake plant which I know will just accrue algae... I thought it would/could provide oxygen, and not sure if they could nibble @ it for nourishment or not. Would it make the fish happier, (ok I know that was a strange last question, but Im thinking about their habitat. Any thing else I should put in the tank for a neon or algae eater? Thanks for your comments.

2006-09-24 17:21:09 · 11 answers · asked by **twin** 4 in Fish

I found a shitsu dog and she smelled really bad. I took her to the vet because I thought she had mange. The vet told me she was just very malnutritioned and dehydrated. She gave me some anti-biotics and special food. Her hair has been growing back but she still smells. Shes had 3 baths in 2 weeks. Any suggestions?

2006-09-24 17:12:29 · 8 answers · asked by aperfectpeach 2 in Dogs

2006-09-24 17:05:39 · 21 answers · asked by imm 1 in Fish

i gave her flea bath and fleadrops been going on for about 4 months

2006-09-24 17:02:49 · 20 answers · asked by workin_man66 3 in Dogs

his vet said i should but i dont really understand the use of it, can someone explain me?

2006-09-24 16:56:56 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Cats

does anyone know how to tell what exactally your dog is? we have a dog that is suppose to be half newfoundland and half bordercollie but he doesnt have any characteristics of a border collie and does anyone know anything about newfoundlands?

2006-09-24 16:54:45 · 14 answers · asked by gigglezdelight 2 in Dogs

I picked up a helpless kitten about an hour ago on a back country road. I saw it this morning when my husband almost hit it while driving. When we came back through this afternoon, it's sibling was dead in the road along with a hawk. I didn't see the first kitten then, so tonight I went back and there it was crying out beside the dead kitten. I didn't have any catfood but a couple slices of ham. So I lured it to me. It attacked my son when he picked it up, bit him on the thump pretty hard. I put it in a box to bring home and a cage once we got here. I really would like to keep this kitten but I don't know how to make it tame. It won't let me close enough to pet it. I have small children so I'm concerned. I don't even know for sure if it's male or female. Does anyone have any thoughts on getting a wild kitten used to humans?

2006-09-24 16:52:14 · 26 answers · asked by tasmitty67 1 in Cats

2006-09-24 16:51:31 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Cats

2006-09-24 16:47:58 · 13 answers · asked by pumpmar 2 in Cats

The puppy I will be getting in a few days is 8 weeks old and a female.I need some tips and pointers about training,any possible health issues etc. I heard they can be quite hard to train.

2006-09-24 16:46:43 · 5 answers · asked by Darthtater 2 in Dogs

2006-09-24 16:44:21 · 2 answers · asked by sgtpepperslass 1 in Fish

My cat is a year old in 2 weeks, we believe she is about 4 weeks pregnant, before being pregnant she was pretty shy ( being tortise-shell ) but acting affectionate 4 the pass few weeks. Would she hide away from us or would she allow us to be there?

2006-09-24 16:41:13 · 8 answers · asked by shortietrixie 1 in Cats

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