"First of all, when we read first this short story for the first time we could be annoyed because this story is strange, a bit irrational and there is a lot of suspense ! Besides, we don't know exactly what's happened to Anna. Where did she go? Did she join her fiancé whose name is Vladimir? Was she really followed by a demon? Had she a lover? So many questions we could not resolve... But when wo look closer - or rather, when we read closer - this short story can be interesant: indeed, it informs us about customs in the 19th century : for instance, in those times, to have a son in America was considered a blight in a Jewish family (like having a convert or a suicide) and the historical context is respected, I think in particular to Ellis Island,it was the island where slaves were sent when they arrived in New York's harbour. Moreover, despite the fact os this story is irrational, it shows us the difficulty that people who come from another country can know when theyarrive in a country"
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