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Current Events - April 2007

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2007-04-12 13:34:38 · 19 answers · asked by Doodnauth P 1

Dont get me wrong what Imus said was terrible. But does the Bible not teach forgiveness? I mean to get someone FIRED for saying something stupid. Man I would get fired daily.

2007-04-12 13:31:03 · 21 answers · asked by MARCUS 2

guarantee that they will be able to stop it at home if the terrorists ever decide to come knocking? what can stop them? racial profiling? and what would keep them from trying if they think they have any chance of success? would they feel encouraged by baghdad? don't you think success is crucial there to deter any further attacks?

2007-04-12 13:30:16 · 4 answers · asked by Mr E 1

Does it frustrate you to walk in to any government office and see your tax dollars being wasted?

2007-04-12 13:16:37 · 10 answers · asked by Rodney W 1

Is there anyone out there who is as enraged about the price of gasoline as I am? We were told that this time the price rise was due to the Iranian hostage situation. But then the hostages were released and the price began to rise even more quickly! I have written to my representatives and senators and have not received any answers.

Is anyone else out there tired of living in the United States of Exxon? Our congresspeople need to realize that it is the voters who put them in and can take them out of office. We need to stand up and vote them out if they are not going to listen to us and do something about the current situation.

They could make it easier to build new refineries. They could make it easier to drill in Alaska. They could regulate the price of gasoline (heaven forbid that the CEO of Exxon's year end bonus would be reduced to 10 million!).

The current state of affairs is really heading our economy for difficult times.

Is anyone else angry about it?

2007-04-12 13:09:07 · 18 answers · asked by Jay A 1

A voice of the people or a camera-hungry fraud?

2007-04-12 12:51:59 · 20 answers · asked by purelygeneric 1

2007-04-12 12:42:32 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Al Sharpton jumped on the Duke lacrosse rape bandwagon super quick. From the moment the story hit the wires, Al Sharpton was already on a plane to Durham with his megaphone.

I'm not saying that Sharpton doesn't have a right to voice his opinion. But his characterizations of the lacrosse players contributed greatly to the media craze that happened, and I think he should be held partly responsible for the pain and suffering it caused the players, who had to suffer through hateful speech and defamation of their characters for an entire year.

Al Sharpton will go anywhere where he can drive a wedge between the black and white communities. He will do anything to force himself into the spotlight, even at the cost of other people (as we see in this case).

Don't get me wrong. I think someone should speak for the black community. I just think a racial muckraker isn't the right person for the job. He causes more harm than good.

Shouldn't he apologize for his role in defaming them?

2007-04-12 12:38:49 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

Free speech?

Knee jerk reactionaries who can't see the speck in their own eyes?

PC sensibilities?

Al Sharpton /Jesse Jackson and company?

Don Imus when he gets a more lucrative contract offer on satelite radio based on a upswing in his name recognition as a result of the flap down the road after a unpaid vacation?

News services who see a spike in ratings by unrelenting coverage of this "important" new event?

The "victims" of his insult who will enjoy a outpouring of sympathy and attention, along with all the probable $tory and TV deal$ foisted on them?

Too bad we can't demand some other firings over insulting behavior, starting with the Executive branch of the White House.

So...Who wins here with the Imus "situation"?

2007-04-12 12:26:27 · 20 answers · asked by Middy S 2

I have two words for Sharpton: TAWANA BRAWLEY.
Sharpton owes the white police officer an apology for ruining his career and reputation after the girl lied about being raped.

I have one word for Jackson: HYMIETOWN.
Jackson owes the 3 Duke University students an apology. He was so quick to offer this LIAR Crystal Gail Mangum a free college education. I bet he's still going to give her a free education.

It's time for people to get on THEIR butts now. They're racists...much worse than Imus.

2007-04-12 12:25:28 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous

He said "nappy-headed". That's it. And apologized. And yet people have been complaining since, and now he's fired. (On a side note, I don't know who he is apart from he donates to a lot of charities, and don't care.)

So why do people care about something like that, but completely ignore the far, far, FAR worse things you'd find in rap lyrics, that aren't apologized for, and are just as offensive(if not more)? Is not the constant use of the "n-word" or constant objectification of women far, far worse than one man saying something slightly offensive and apologizing?

2007-04-12 12:03:44 · 18 answers · asked by Sleepy 2

I'm sick of all these whining bleeding heart liberals complaining about Bush's "War of Terror" and how he's only invading Iraq for oil and money through Halliburton! So what if Cheney is really running the show! So what if he did nothing during Hurricane Katrina! So what if he's spying on the public and torturing prisoners in Abu Gahraib. At least he is fighting against terrorists! Did anyone forget 9/11? Bush should be made president for life and all our tax $$$ should go directly to his pocket! The capital in Washington D.C. should be moved to his ranch in Crawford, Texas! Yeah, Bush! Go! Go! Go! U.S.A. U.S.A.!!!! Kill! Kill! Kill! He should be praised, not condemned for his actions!

2007-04-12 12:00:49 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

While it is good that Nyfong is facing charges and possible disbarrment, why is the accuser being allowed to escape justice?

If anything, I really hope that this case make people realize that not all accusers are innocent and not all accused are guilty. In this day and age, such assumptions are made 99% out of 100%.

That woman needs to face the consequences for virtually destroying three lives, and I find it unconscionable that she's isn't going to. In other words, she should be punished far more harshly than Nyfong should.

2007-04-12 11:54:30 · 8 answers · asked by llexpat 2

Many prominent public figures have condemned Don Imus, who called a group of women "nappy-headed hos," but strangely, none of those same people have condemned the Duke lacrosse rape accuser, who placed the permanent stain of "accused rapist" on a group of innocent men.

Racial double standard?

2007-04-12 11:50:33 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

and vulgar depictions ? Why is this despicable slander of women , not only accepted - but not even acknowledged for the vulgarity it is ?

2007-04-12 11:41:12 · 10 answers · asked by missmayzie 7

depicts black women as ...you-know-what ? Does this mean we all get a reprieve from vulgarity on the public airwaves in the form of "music" ?

2007-04-12 11:35:48 · 4 answers · asked by missmayzie 7

Since they were found INNOCENT?!!!!!

2007-04-12 11:00:20 · 23 answers · asked by GLGKG 1

I believe the should!!! They just butted their noses into this situation and accused men they don't know that they raped a stripper.

I'm all for supporting people and stuff, but they need to get their facts straight sometimes!!!

I think they need to apologize to those boys!!!!!

2007-04-12 10:53:10 · 20 answers · asked by seriously, yo 2

Does every one feels anoyed these days with what's going on in Iraq? Now they bombed the Iraqi Parliament. I think that is gone to far. What can we do to reverse this.

2007-04-12 09:19:53 · 7 answers · asked by angelikabertrand64 5

Al Sharpton demanded apologies and firings of Imus, now that his accusations against the Duke players have been proven false, when do we get an apology from him for those lies? Is anyone in the media even trying to be equal and fair? How many times does a man need to be caught lying to be called a liar?

2007-04-12 09:12:18 · 45 answers · asked by Anonymous

Carlos Slim Helu: http://money.cnn.com/2007/04/12/news/newsmakers/slim/index.htm?section=money_latest

2007-04-12 08:07:13 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

I don't ever remember space exploration being described as a search for livable planets.

Thanks for scaring me, Yahoo! News.

2007-04-12 06:54:15 · 12 answers · asked by Winette 5

Nappy Headed Ho

2007-04-12 06:50:06 · 13 answers · asked by Dick Richards 3

got more than you rap song on the radio on my lunch break. All this drama over Imus and I was just insulted much worse on black radio. In other words, again, besides all the publicity, Al has accomplished nothing.

2007-04-12 06:35:02 · 5 answers · asked by withluv7 3

In politics, media, sports, etc... Why do we even care about race one way or the other? It is skin pigmintation...

2007-04-12 06:32:23 · 23 answers · asked by nom de paix 4

When the case first became public, he was quick to hit the airwaves calling them rapists and criminals.

Now that it has proven to be all just a bunch of lies on behalf of the accuser, why doesn't he issue a public apology with the same strength that he used to denounce them?

2007-04-12 06:12:08 · 84 answers · asked by Eric 4

I do not think he should lose his job over his stupid comment about the Rutger's Women's Basketball Team...I think those girls should just loosen up and grow a backbone...when someone says something like that the more you harp on it the worse you are going to feel..they are doing themselves an injustice to keep this in the news for so long....Don Imus does not deserve to lose his JOB over something so idiotic...

2007-04-12 05:26:25 · 15 answers · asked by vne4ever 2

There wouldn't have even been as much fallout as apologizing.

2007-04-12 05:11:44 · 11 answers · asked by Palerider II 2

A little racial chauvinism? Which is worse, having your hair commented on by a radio host or being persecuted (not prosecuted) for rape by a DA!!!

Racial chauvinism is the old way; anything that puts the welfare of certain people over the People as a whole is disgusting. All racial chauvinists are scum. If your proud to be white or proud to be black, you're all the same in my book...

2007-04-12 05:09:03 · 11 answers · asked by nom de paix 4

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