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Home & Garden - 29 March 2007

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Cleaning & Laundry · Decorating & Remodeling · Do It Yourself (DIY) · Garden & Landscape · Maintenance & Repairs · Other - Home & Garden

Heard they are great for the outdoors...mosquitos etc...where can I get one? How much do they cost?

2007-03-29 07:24:38 · 6 answers · asked by BlueEyes 1 in Garden & Landscape

It would make the room smell like a barbecue! Mmmm....

2007-03-29 07:17:45 · 4 answers · asked by rainfingers 4 in Decorating & Remodeling

I have the main phone (5 lines ) in the office and I spill some water in it not a lot bus just a little. And is not working. Just the intercom, you think I damage it. What can I do to fix it this phone is really $ and I dont want to pay for it. Please help me.

2007-03-29 07:15:58 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Maintenance & Repairs

we live in a village in a residential property

2007-03-29 07:14:17 · 7 answers · asked by HELEN L 1 in Decorating & Remodeling

I am tired of taking 5 minute showers!

2007-03-29 07:10:32 · 2 answers · asked by NayNay 1 in Maintenance & Repairs

Hi! I live in Canada (NE of Toronto) and we are moving to a new subdivision and having our new house built. Well, surprise surprise there is a big green electrical box on the front corner of my lawn. I think it will be on the other side of the sidewalk . We are located right next to a parkette. You would think they could of pushed it over in front of the park. Can you paint these boxes? Are we allowed? Any suggestions would be appreciated.

2007-03-29 07:10:05 · 5 answers · asked by Laurience 2 in Garden & Landscape

It is this great grass that doesn't need much water in full sun and it is not the fescue turf stuff that I can get at Home Depot.

2007-03-29 07:07:03 · 6 answers · asked by s 1 in Garden & Landscape

What are some good plants to plant in Indiana in a court yard that does not get much sun light?

2007-03-29 07:03:53 · 7 answers · asked by Dawn C 3 in Garden & Landscape

I have romary, coriander, but what else should i include?

2007-03-29 07:01:43 · 10 answers · asked by salmae24 2 in Garden & Landscape

I live in the Dallas area and applied Weed and Feed to my not so good looking lawn a couple weeks ago. How often should I be using it? It already looks sooooooo much better than it did. I had a ton of weeds, and now its starting to look like a lawn. I just dont know how often to use it and the bag isnt much help. It says occassionaly, or something to that effect.

2007-03-29 06:54:50 · 9 answers · asked by Win the West!!!! 4 in Garden & Landscape

2007-03-29 06:48:33 · 10 answers · asked by John W 1 in Garden & Landscape

I want to keep cats from peeing in it and I want to keep rabbits out.

2007-03-29 06:47:57 · 7 answers · asked by John W 1 in Garden & Landscape

I recently put in a wooden mailbox post in my front yard. I painted it with standard white outdoor (yes it's outdoor) paint. Now, a few weeks after installing it, I'm noticing a very light green color forming on the mailbox. I have no clue what this is, nor where it's coming from. Can anyone help me fix this problem?

2007-03-29 06:45:41 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Garden & Landscape

Right here goes, i have a combi boiler upstairs at the front of the house and i want to fit a shower in the bathroom which is downstair in the extention in the back of the house, the hot tap is ok but not as powerfull as the cold. If i have the hot tap on then put the old on the pressure drops on the hot. The boiler reads 1 bar. What can i do so i can have a shower running off the boiler?
I cant have an electric shower as it would be to complicated to install and would cost a fortune

2007-03-29 06:10:55 · 6 answers · asked by im2jaded04 3 in Decorating & Remodeling

I am a gardener and I want to generate some more work to a wider public.

2007-03-29 06:04:19 · 7 answers · asked by peter u 1 in Garden & Landscape

2007-03-29 06:00:04 · 10 answers · asked by Kabu 5 in Cleaning & Laundry

I have a long sidewalk in front of our corner house and want to get an edger to handle the grass growing over it. The gas edgers look nice but they're expensive. I saw there were a couple different types of handheld shovel-type edgers that I can use manually . Are those worth it or should I just go ahead and get a gas edger?

2007-03-29 05:43:15 · 2 answers · asked by transypat 2 in Garden & Landscape

2007-03-29 05:42:21 · 6 answers · asked by gardener 1 in Garden & Landscape

Hi, I need a hedge or bush that will provide some thick cover from the neighbors as I'm sitting on my front porch steps.

I need something that is EVERGREEN, and something that GROWS FAST IN FULL SHADE. The hedge or bush musn't exceed ten feet in height. I'm thinking of something about six to eight feet when matured, and nothing poisonous or thorny.

Any answers?

2007-03-29 05:33:44 · 8 answers · asked by jay_p 3 in Garden & Landscape

Some of my white work clothes are too delicate to use bleach, but they are getting that "greyish" look to them. What can I use with my laundry when bleach is too harsh?

2007-03-29 04:40:13 · 21 answers · asked by Jennifer 1 in Cleaning & Laundry

We are attaching this to the front of our house and we are wanting something simple. This will deck will have one step all the way around the entire deck. We only want a handrail against the one edge. We want this deck to be open so people from any side of the deck can just walk onto it. I'm hoping we have enough money for this.

2007-03-29 04:21:00 · 4 answers · asked by Go 24! JG is Awesome! 4 in Do It Yourself (DIY)

My husband and I would like to make our yard and the area around our front porch look nicer, but neither of us know much at all about landscaping and need the advice of good "green thumbers." We would like to spend an upcoming weekend making simple improvements that make a big difference in the overall look, and want to see how much we could do with $200 as a budget. A little more info: we have a LOT of mulched areas with NO "ground cover" (I think that's what you call it) and so weeds can get out of control (there is no "edging" either). Any recommended plants that would look nice and be easy to maintain? Or can we somehow make grass there? Any good flowers that would be durable? Our front yard has a good amount of sun during the day. Any help and ideas about spending the $200 to make a NICE improvement are GREATLY appreciated! :o)

2007-03-29 04:05:32 · 6 answers · asked by skeeteranne 2 in Garden & Landscape

I need some suggestions on flowers that do well in part sun. Also they will be potted ( live in apartment). Last year was my first time gardening, it didn't go so well. Any info would be great!

2007-03-29 04:02:01 · 5 answers · asked by ? 4 in Garden & Landscape

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