I've got a problem. I don't know if I have arachnophobia or not. I used to not mind spiders, whenever i was a little girl I used to love when they came into my room, i would be like cool i'm going to keep you as a pet, until one nite whenever i was in bed watching tv a HUGE spider the size of my teddy bear's head came scurrying at breakneck speed over my radiator onto my bed and over my chest. I couldn't move, I was too scared finally when the spider crawled off me and onto my pillow I slowly walked upstairs to get my parents. Ever since that happened every nite before i go to bed i check under the bed, under the wardrobe and behind it, behind all the radiators and behind the computer table. Whenever I see a spider I can't move. All I can do is sit there and watch it and I start to shakeand my hands and forehead go clammy and most times my face will turn white and blotchy. To make matters worse i think my room is infested with baby spiders. I don't want to be a drama queen,but help?
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