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Mental Health - December 2006

[Selected]: All categories Health Mental Health

Like I spill my drink all over myself (I missed my mouth) and practically tried to rip the freezer door off at my brother's house. They have a wierd fridge with no handles and I was trying to open the wrong side. I always leave my camera or purse laying somewhere so I have to do things like talk to myself to make sure I am remembering what I am supposed to be doing, like am I supposed to be putting my coat on now? Sometimes I get my foot caught in my purse handle and there it goes following me. It is horrible. I get so nervous. I am on meds for it but I don't know what causes me to be so nervous I feel like a total drip instead of a cool person. I wish I was a calm collected person . I don't like to work because I'm afraid I will act stupid or make too many mistakes. I don't feel grown up and I feel inferior because I don't usually work and the longer I don't have a job the more inferior I feel. What do you people think causes social anxiety/stupidness?

2006-12-24 19:28:13 · 14 answers · asked by confusedmom 1

I have read a lot about Borderline Personalities. The relationship with my gf has always been weird (which WAS what I liked about it) but now it's just...whoa! and I am wondering (no need to suggest anything; I have read a lot of info and accounts) if anyone can share an experience w/ anyone they knew was (by diagnosis) or strongly suspected was. What went down?

2006-12-24 19:18:52 · 4 answers · asked by randyken 6

I have eidetic(photographic) memory and it is moderately developed. All though I cannot use it to read books at great speed yet, it is a useful tool. For the past couple of weeks, I have been experiencing "technical difficulties" when using this skill. Instead of the information coming to me then, it is appearing in my dreams. I am reading and visualizing the information again in the dreams. From calculus books I read weeks ago to philosophy, biology, and geography books I read at least 7 years ago. Why is this happening. I am aware you cannot make a completely valid opinion seeing as you cannot examine and profile me through the computer, but what do you speculate the problem is? Also, as I remember events from years ago( I do this often), I see them in vivid picture, yet at times, I am seeing them at nightime, even though in real life, I viewed them in the daytime. Why is this?
Thank you for your opinions.

2006-12-24 18:15:47 · 6 answers · asked by Professor Sheed 6

everyday all i wonder about is why am i thinking. what is creating me to do it. i don't think its god cause we are supposed 2 control our own thoughts so dont answer me with that. does anyone else think like this

2006-12-24 18:14:00 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

what were ur stories. i take 450 mg. a half in the morning, 1 in the afternoon, and 2 at bedtime. what is it for and when will it help?

2006-12-24 17:58:38 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

i take 2 mg and i have heard they are not true xanax. alarazapam is on the bottle. when will this help to calm me?

2006-12-24 17:57:19 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-12-24 17:28:09 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Particularily the troops that go to life-threating places like warzones. Why would they want to risk their lives in the first place?

2006-12-24 17:17:43 · 9 answers · asked by Kurious 2

What if someone has failed at every relationship, every friendship, has a seriously bipolar family who are all gone, is divorced, can't hold a job and realizes that he might be totally useless to the world. He sounds devastated, what can he do? He is 40.

2006-12-24 17:15:43 · 12 answers · asked by Ade 6

I'm not trying to be mean to anyone or anybody in particular...I was just wondering because my cousins only wish this Christmas was to not be mentally challenged...See my cousin was diagnosed with moderated to severe...I don't know what you would call it but he is slow..I wish that his wish could come true this Christmas..So what do you think..I'm crying just thinking about it.

2006-12-24 17:07:21 · 10 answers · asked by goodies100 5

I don't know why, but I feel that every Christmas I've spent without my family from Italy, I feel depressed, but this year, they came, and I still feel depressed. Idk why. Do I need help?

2006-12-24 17:05:17 · 24 answers · asked by desanctismarco 1

Lately, I will only sleep good for about the first 5 hours, but then after that it seems like my mind keeps on thinking about things, or sometimes I will have a song in my head. It gets really annoying because it interferes with my sleep and I'm not able to clear my mind. What can I do to sleep better?

2006-12-24 16:54:04 · 10 answers · asked by Sonya 5

I am 26 and in decent health.

2006-12-24 16:32:08 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

I heard that to cure depression one must rid him/herself of the root cause of their depression. I feel like I Know what is causing my depression but should it be? I don't want to disclose the details of that so I will leave that be. But my point is, is it better to let go of the provocation of the depression or should one try and "deal with it?" I apologize for the ambiguity but this is the best I can do in my descriptiveness. Thanks

2006-12-24 16:12:25 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

please give some advice in what they could do to conquer it

2006-12-24 15:53:51 · 14 answers · asked by kraziemissie91 2

I found two empty bottle of 2 mg Ativan at her house today. One bottle was for 90 pills and was filled on October 21st.... the other empty bottle was for 2 mg Ativan and was for 135 pills... this one was filled on October 26th. Both bottles have the same doctors name, have different prescription numbers, but one was filled by Rite Aid and the other was filled by mail. Both bottles say "No Refills on them.

Why would a doctor prescribe two seperate prescriptions of Ativan, within a week of each other for such large amounts and have both bottles say "no Refill".

She now has a new bottle of Ativan dated yesterday of 90 pills prescribed by the same doctor.

I am only asking because she has had mental issues which have been worsened by my Fathers death 2 years ago... so she has been tranquilizing herself alot. We are concerned that she may be pulling a fast one somehow to get more pills.

Is this possible to do?

2006-12-24 15:43:51 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-12-24 15:39:27 · 2 answers · asked by Judy J 1

My father died 2 years ago and my mother still is having a hard time coping.

She is seeing a psychiatrist that is prescribing her 6 mgs of Ativan (2 mg 3 times per day).... She is often times so out of it, she stumbles and seems doped up.

I am worrying about her being around my children because of this.

Is 6 mg a day too much? Why would a psychiatrist prescribe a drug that will tranqulize her, 3 times a day?

2006-12-24 15:35:11 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

natural remedies prefered.....

2006-12-24 15:25:01 · 12 answers · asked by browneyedgirl26 1

why some people are incest and others arent?

If anyone has studied phycology, then help with the question.

2006-12-24 15:04:22 · 20 answers · asked by Curious 1

Pretend that one day you were hit by a car and you went to heaven/hell. Then god tells you that you are allowed one phone call home. You are not allowed to tell the person to pass something on (for example: Dad, tell mom I love her). Who would you call and what would you say?

2006-12-24 14:52:23 · 13 answers · asked by adari94 2

In recent months I have started to recall details of an important and long-ago relationship. Up until recently I thought that I had never even met this person.

2006-12-24 14:47:48 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ok...my parents just got a divorce.. I'm stuck at home being mommy to their kids and cant live my own life...when i talk to them they dont care.. then they ruin my holidays...my mom leaves and stays out all night and my dad mopes and cries all the freaking time... i dont know what to do...

2006-12-24 14:40:56 · 19 answers · asked by EmUhLee 2

Do u think it is wrong worrying about dieing??or how im going 2 die??

2006-12-24 14:33:15 · 9 answers · asked by <@>:**MIrAndA**:><@ 1

I am a high school student diagnosed with schizophrenia. In some aspects im not like other schizophrenics. For example, i have good hygiene and I am able to go to public places. I do take medication called risperdal but it doesnt help at all with my auditory hallucinations. I can't stop thinking about things i dont want to think about and i keep thinking that other people can hear those things im thinking about (I think people have some kind of brain telepathy to read my mind). I do not want to go to a mental institute because i do know that it is not that serious. But can someone tell me a way to cope with these thoughts or at least get rid of them because they are ruining my grades because i cant concentrate at all with all these thoughts going on through my head....

2006-12-24 13:49:32 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

He says would u rather me kill myself? and i said no and he said then leave me alone!!

2006-12-24 13:42:29 · 14 answers · asked by summer t 1

or are the basicaly the same?

i am loanly but it feels the same as being sad.

i have gone from violent, to horney, to homacidal to loanly in under 6 hours. not good!

2006-12-24 13:16:34 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

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