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Mental Health - December 2006

[Selected]: All categories Health Mental Health

Everytime when i am preparing to go to work, i will feel very energetic and in good mood but a sudden change when i am off work like at home etc. is anything wrong with me?

2006-12-03 18:20:54 · 15 answers · asked by Altail Impheton 2

Every morning when i wake i feel so empty and depressed. I hate the feeling when i wake up. I always feel like i want to cry and just disappear. I'm fine once i get up. It's just first thing in the morning. Does anyone else feel like this. Any solutions.

2006-12-03 17:33:58 · 13 answers · asked by colonel 2

would you prefer they got on your first? By the way, which is your first and which is your last?

2006-12-03 17:29:02 · 7 answers · asked by Mike.Shakes 1

been addicted it has been entirely purposefully, as if i need a time out from life, and i have quit when i really wanted to. not to say it hasnt been very physically and psychologically painful, for it does cause permanent mood problems. i have recreationally smoked crack for many years, it has only been recent that i had become a crackhead. i didnt know i was a crackhead at the time, i thought it was the same as heroin, that i was in control, and i was, kind of. anyway, after a year i kicked, and quite easily at that, and it has been several months since i've done it, but i keep getting these images of smoking crack that cause extreme physical urges. the truth is, crack isnt even fun. it causes me to become crazy and paranoid, but the desire is so strong anyway. . apparently lab rats will desire crack to their deaths. why do i desire a drug thats not fun? as opposed to heroin, which is physically more addictive more enjoyable, but doesnt cause me such immediate desire?

2006-12-03 17:23:07 · 5 answers · asked by jello 2

I was diagnosed as Bipolar/PTSD 2 years ago. I have gone thru 5 jobs in a year and a half. I applied for SS and was denied. I got a lawyer and appealed that decision. I have a hearing in 2 weeks. They say that a vocational expert will testify. Is she for me, or against me? Also, if I am approved, will my 13 yr old receive benefits? I am really nervous about all of this. I am afraid of going in front of the judge, and I am afraid that I will be denied. It has taken a very long time to get the hearing. I hae no insurance or medicaid so I have not been going to therapy. I see a doctor at the Christian Clinic and he prescribes my meds, but the only therapy they offer is two 15 min sessions a month. I dont even think that is enough tohelp anything. I am really confused right now and need some advice!! Thanks!!

2006-12-03 17:22:19 · 8 answers · asked by andieangel2003 2

What does it matter if I cut myself, or even if I kill myself? No one who's actually met me cares, so why should random people on the internet be bothered by it?

2006-12-03 17:15:54 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-12-03 17:06:53 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have suffered from severe depression for a long time now and am currently on Zoloft, which is working wonderfully, but it has completely killed my sex drive. This is pretty frustrating because I have a new boyfriend. Does anyone have any recommendations for an antidepressant that won't hurt my libido?

2006-12-03 16:50:28 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

This is for other carers of people with a mental illness. I want to know what i can do. I have been supporting a really close friend with borderline personality for over a year. She confides in me and tells me that everything in her life is making her feel overwhelmed, trapped and hopeless. i want to help, i wish i could take away her pain but i can't. It is just so frustrating to only be able to offer her positive hope that seems meaningless, trying to tell her that things will work out and that she can do this when she is in so much pain seems so redundant. I just wish i could do more. I know i can't but i wish i could fix everything for her. Does anyone else struggle with this and what can i tell her or do for her to help, when i can't change the situation. Help?

2006-12-03 16:43:58 · 7 answers · asked by colonel 2

What if there's no one that would miss them anyway so they wouldn't even be hurting anyone else? But even if there is, people always say that suicide is selfish because it hurts the people who are left behind, but isn't it even more selfish to ask someone to stay alive and be absolutely miserable just so you won't have to cry?

2006-12-03 16:34:47 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

i am thinking of dalton trumbo's "johnny got his gun." i am also thinking of my grandmother whose body was falling apart and my aunt who was agonizing with breast cancer that mercifully spread to her liver and mercifully killed her quickly. whose is so naive to urge living on no matter what? only religiouis zealots i guess. life is for the young and possibly for the very rich. life is an endless struggle to ease the suffering. life is best for a baby who is smiling and laughing. it is the same for all animals. aging changes all that. there are odd exceptions but rarely. do you see it differently?

2006-12-03 16:32:36 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-12-03 16:31:23 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

ok I have been dateing my boyfriend for 2 and a half years now, but I think that there is something mentally wrong with him. He is always depressed about his life and talks of suicide from time to time. He is what I find out now to be a compulsive liar, and a sex addict. He tends to say things he don't mean all the time and change moods quickly, he is also very influenced by his friends as if he has no mind of his own. He even told me a coupe of times that he is going to flip out and either hurt himself or someone close to him one day, because he so stress (over nothing). He even told me like 3 times that he wanted me dead, that revenge on his behalf for something that happen long ago between which is not even that serious would be death to me, he said the only way he can get even is if I die, if he kills me? What is wrong with him?

2006-12-03 16:16:45 · 17 answers · asked by bandmember18 1

I was diagnosed as bipolar last year but couldn't tolerate any of the meds. I'm on an antidepressant now, but am still having some pretty severe mood swings. Are there any bipolar meds that don't have very severe side effects?

2006-12-03 16:11:59 · 10 answers · asked by Rhondayvoo65 1

How do I make sure I don't pass the pain on to others?

2006-12-03 16:04:22 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have been going out with my dream man and I noticed that I have been not happy with him, but having fear of leaving him since, I am not sure I can find other man who is like this guy. I really love him and I found myself that I might be addicted to him. This is so-called Bad relationship . I know that and I am looking for any help to improve this. Our relationship started so good and I have never had such a man in my life. I swear to God.

2006-12-03 15:48:01 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

i find it so hard to open up to people, but i really need to talk to someone about things that are going on in my life. ive tried to deal with it myself in the past, but it doesnt work. i dont know how to get over my fear of people judging me and not understanding.

2006-12-03 15:41:55 · 9 answers · asked by eve is it 2

I've been one for 5 years now and life is pretty unbearable. The hillucinations and reality seam to mix to the point where I can't tell what is real or not. I think people are after me, but can't tell if it's hillucinations or not. Anyone else with schizo care to comment?

2006-12-03 15:37:01 · 3 answers · asked by lvillejj 4

People with personality disorders commonly experience conflict and instability in many aspects of their lives, and most believe others are responsible for their problems.

Signs and symptoms of cluster A (odd, eccentric) personality disorders may include:

Paranoid personality disorder

Belief that others are lying, cheating, exploiting or trying to harm you
Perception of hidden, malicious meaning in benign comments
Inability to work collaboratively with others
Emotional detachment
Hostility toward others
Schizoid personality disorder

Extreme introversion
Emotional distance, even from family members
Fixation on your own thoughts and feelings
Emotional detachment
Schizotypal personality disorder

Indifference to and withdrawal from others
"Magical thinking" — the idea that you can influence people and events with your thoughts
Odd, elaborate style of dressing, speaking and interacting with others
Belief that messages are hidden for you in public speeches and displays
Suspicious or paranoid ideas
Signs and symptoms of cluster B (dramatic, emotional) personality disorders may include:

Histrionic personality disorder

Excessive sensitivity to others' approval
Attention-grabbing, often sexually provocative clothing and behavior
Excessive concern with your physical appearance
False sense of intimacy with others
Constant, sudden emotional shifts
Narcissistic personality disorder

Inflated sense of — and preoccupation with — your importance, achievements and talents
Constant attention-grabbing and admiration-seeking behavior
Inability to empathize with others
Excessive anger or shame in response to criticism
Manipulation of others to further your own desires
Antisocial (formerly, sociopathic) personality disorder

Chronic irresponsibility and unreliability
Lack of regard for the law and for others' rights
Persistent lying and stealing
Aggressive, often violent behavior
Lack of remorse for hurting others
Lack of concern for the safety of yourself and others
Borderline personality disorder

Difficulty controlling emotions or impulses
Frequent, dramatic changes in mood, opinions and plans
Stormy relationships involving frequent, intense anger and possibly physical fights
Fear of being alone despite a tendency to push people away
Feeling of emptiness inside
Suicide attempts or self-mutilation
Signs and symptoms of cluster C (anxious, fearful) personality disorders may include:

Avoidant personality disorder

Hypersensitivity to criticism or rejection
Self-imposed social isolation
Extreme shyness in social situations, though you strongly desire close relationships
Dependent personality disorder

Excessive dependence on others to meet your physical and emotional needs
Tolerance of poor, even abusive treatment in order to stay in relationships
Unwillingness to independently voice opinions, make decisions or initiate activities
Intense fear of being alone
Urgent need to start a new relationship when one has ended
Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder

Excessive concern with order, rules, schedules and lists
Perfectionism, often so pronounced that you can't complete tasks because your standards are impossible to meet
Inability to throw out even broken, worthless objects
Inability to share responsibility with others
Inflexibility about the "right" ethics, ideas and methods
Compulsive devotion to work at the expense of recreation and relationships
Financial stinginess
Discomfort with emotions and aspects of personal relationships that you can't control

2006-12-03 15:21:27 · 18 answers · asked by Marcus 2

I am completly serious, I will talk to myself costantly and argue with people in my head, like I will argue with my frind in my head because of something that they said, and I hadn't even seen them at all that week, or lets say I do something really bad I will start to think of what my parents will say and then I will get into and argument with them in my head.

I am getting realy worried.

2006-12-03 15:05:33 · 21 answers · asked by squirrely 3

am i being abducted by aliens they say it is sleep paralysis but i dunnoooooo it feels supernatual

2006-12-03 14:46:29 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have trouble with horrendous mood swings. I am a 47 year old female. They had diagnosed me as bipolar, but lithium, depacote, nothing worked, but I gained weight like crazy. I didn't really fit the profile for bipolar other than mood swings (no spending sprees, no promiscuity, etc.). The doctor tried Risperdal and it worked! I felt normal for the first time in years. Then they took a prolactin test, it was 37.7, and normal is 1-20, so he took me off and put me on Seroquel. I am on a therapeutic dose, no relief, still mood swings like crazy and MORE weight gain. Some days I eat nothing at all, and I still gain (and still act crazy). I would like to go back to Risperdal if that number is not completely out of the question. At least if I have to be 30 pounds heavier, I don't have mood swings with the Risperdal. Anyone have any luck with these or other drugs for mood swings, and what did you do about the weight gain? I feel HORRIBLE!

2006-12-03 14:40:11 · 8 answers · asked by spelldine43 2

I Did all kind of lung tests and airway tests but no findings i think it is from my anxiety? i am doing an asthma test on Tuesday and was wondering if GAD Causes chronic shortness of breathe ?

2006-12-03 14:34:01 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I've flown several times in my life but I am scared to death of it. I always think I'm going to die or blow up!! Well I guess I would die if I blew up, lol. My point is I am flying to NYC (to move) from Vegas and I don't know if I can do it. Any suggestions on meds *legal* I can take that will calm me down? I HAVE to move and I don't want to drive. Please Help :(

2006-12-03 14:15:32 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

now i have agrression,anxeity,ad depression...could this stim from tht

2006-12-03 14:11:20 · 3 answers · asked by Lilmisssassy 4

2006-12-03 14:05:00 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-12-03 14:01:05 · 12 answers · asked by someguy 2

Ok, so I don't believe I'm suffering from severe clinical depression...but I often get in really depressed, sad moods for short (sometimes a little long) periods of time. I feel like most of the time it has to do with my sense of feeling uncertain about my future, if I'm a worthwhile person, feel like I'm gonna end up lonely, like I should be doing the things other people are doing but know I can't...often comparing myself to others and feeling like I'm missing out, etc. Sometimes I think it's because I am fortunate to have a comfortable life that I have the luxury of worrying about such stupid issues and then getting depressed about them. I feel guilty about feeling depressed and lonely and uncertain bc I know there are so many people who have life threatening issues to worry about. But sometimes I can't help it...I feel like life is passing me by, like I've missed out. For example, I'm in college and wish I had the experiences I see cool, athletic guys having. Anyone feel me?

2006-12-03 13:53:02 · 7 answers · asked by toobland21 1

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