NPD = narcisistic personality disorder. (Do a websearch for the details.) My wife appears to have this disorder, according to the licensed therapist. We are going through a divorce that appears to be caused by this condition. We have two young kids - ages 5 and 7. She does not see the destruction and harm she is doing. She really thinks everything is okay. I've always thought it was "normal" for her. All the experts - therapists, lawyers, priests - have all told us - especially her - that she has no grounds for a divorce and she is acting irrational. Living in CA, a no-fault divorce state, nothing can stop her from disolving the marriage. However, a mental disorder can stop her from getting any form of visitation or custody of the kids. Not good for NPD. Experts say it will be a bad backwards slide after the divorce for her. Experts are also agree that my kids will need therapy b/c of the negative impact NPD parents have on their kids and their psyche. Any advice will help.
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