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Mental Health - June 2006

[Selected]: All categories Health Mental Health

for having perscription drugs in someone elses name but still talks about everyone else, like his **** doesnt stink?

2006-06-27 06:26:56 · 6 answers · asked by ERIK C 2

.extraordinarily insecure with who I am physically. It affects everything I do on a daily basis. It’s on my mind 100% of the day. When I sit down, I think about the rolls that might be hanging over my pants or I might have a double chin showing with the way my chin is positioned. I have to get up from my desk and look at myself in the bathroom mirror at least, and I’m not kidding, 10 times a day. When I’m at home, it’s worse – because I have all the time in the world to look at myself. I am so sad always and do everything I can to try and make myself feel better about myself. Exercise, diet, read books… EVERYONE tells me I am ridiculous for thinking I’m so ugly and fat, but I do not 100% DO NOT believe them when they tell me I’m wrong. I don’t understand why my boyfriend stays by my side because I am constantly questioning him if I look like I’m gaining weight.. or asking why he loves me since I’m so ugly… I hate feeling this way; but I CANNOT control it. What can I do?

2006-06-27 06:20:23 · 10 answers · asked by T S 1

I mean, I recently decided to give up crystal and cigs.
but it really sticks to my mind. So I want to know
when will these cravings end?

2006-06-27 06:18:25 · 10 answers · asked by ju-ju bean 2

2006-06-27 06:09:21 · 10 answers · asked by nene 1

2006-06-27 05:56:45 · 3 answers · asked by Dianne B 1

My friend has got bi-polar and she is having difficulty controlling her mania any advice?

2006-06-27 04:52:15 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

i hurt people when i don't mean to.

2006-06-27 04:44:31 · 25 answers · asked by sammy 2

Was it a good or bad experience?

2006-06-27 04:39:08 · 3 answers · asked by Me 5

It's been said; "schizoprenia is nobody's fault", but "it is brought on by a chemical imbalance." Yet therapists stress the importance of a positive attitude for recovery. If you had nothing to do with the illness, how will "changing your attitude work wonders to help you?

2006-06-27 04:37:50 · 9 answers · asked by aaron 1

I found out on a website and I didn't know if it was right or not

2006-06-27 04:37:42 · 18 answers · asked by Simo 1

Ok I had a "best-friend" since high school. (we were friends for 12 years). I loan her money so we can go to Disney together (about 1,000) when she didn't have money to go out I pay it doesn't matter to me. Anyway one day she told me someone told her I was talking bad about her, and I asked her who did it, and she can't answer it. The next month she become like crazy she started to insult me and talk bad about my family and friends. I never understand why she did it. At the end she tried to sue me cause I was "trying to kill her" (something that is not true of course) and she didn't have any proof about it. When we went to court room she said to the judge I was lesbian and I was in love with her (something that is not true, I love guys a lot and she knows that) and I don't know how more lies she said about me in the court room. Of course the Jugde didn't believe her and the case was dismiss. I just want to know why she did all that to me, I never did anything to her. What do u think?

2006-06-27 04:34:31 · 5 answers · asked by Sweet Papayita :) 3

How can I make myself feel safer?

2006-06-27 04:32:14 · 34 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is your experience good or bad??

2006-06-27 04:26:58 · 4 answers · asked by Me 5


What do you think of yourself?

2006-06-27 04:24:21 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-06-27 04:16:39 · 6 answers · asked by vijay 1

ray is super bright a really great kid,if I do not mention that his ADHD people just don't realize it,talking with other parents helps me out so much plus I always seem to learn something new as well when I speak with others,please feel free to e-mail anytime,chicomargie@yahoo.com

2006-06-27 04:13:40 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

That perhaps I know the color to be red, and maybe you see it as blue, but know that it is called red, so that we can both relate to it? Because the images we see through our eyes are upside down because eyes use a lense and then our brain turns the image round so that we see it the same way, then maybe we all see colors differantly, but understand them to be the same.

2006-06-27 03:17:34 · 24 answers · asked by chrisnewcars 3

different parts of my body like my arm, leg, back , neck and even my face .

its kind of an electric shock sensation which drives my sleep away before it comes

i do some weigth lifting at the gym and is that the reason that my mucles are relaxing or is it something serious

i am afraid that these shocks wil make my body parts useless and handicap.

i feel heavy around my neck, shulders and head(brain)

please give em some website to refer if u guyz have any

i am facing these problem frm past 3 to 4 day every night

thanks u

2006-06-27 02:56:36 · 8 answers · asked by essa a 1

Why or why not?

2006-06-27 02:27:02 · 19 answers · asked by tangerine 7

Mine was fantastic

2006-06-27 02:21:41 · 17 answers · asked by gayathri t 1

I can not remember any long-term events. Yesterday is even a blur. I cant remember any holidays, my old school, my dog that died two months ago (I cant remember ever being with it) or any event that would be normal to remember. I remember THAT things happened, usually, but not things actually happening. Its like living my life in limbo, a very hard thing to do. Is it repressive memory cus I want to remember this stuff and ive tried my hardest to remember? I need pictures of events to remember them, otherwise I will have no memory. Perhaps this is normal in most people and Im being silly, but it scares me to think that I wont remember my wedding or kids being born etc. Can you help?

2006-06-27 01:52:52 · 13 answers · asked by Alexander 2

I tend to be one and I think my overlying laziness is to control the underlying perfectionist just waiting to burst forth and "Martha" the whole frickkin world.

2006-06-27 01:52:15 · 10 answers · asked by Ragdollfloozie is Pensive! 7

Just lost interest in everything...dont know why.
Is it the state of the world or other people's apathy?

2006-06-27 01:26:33 · 10 answers · asked by Gone 5

2006-06-27 01:19:18 · 4 answers · asked by chan-chan 3

without ever experiencing any unpleasant side effects or withdrawl symptoms?

2006-06-27 01:03:55 · 3 answers · asked by need2know 3

i take 40 mg celexa it is not working iam going new york in a few weeks. and i need to have my head right. iam calling my dr this moring when they open but all i have readed is that ill have to come of this to something new. I know ill hit the bottom fast. i all so have real bad panic. i was taking 3 to 5 mg of klonopion not evey day. now she put me on xanax. i dont feel ant thing it is not working. this was not my dr she was out of town last week. iam going to call today. please help if you can

2006-06-27 00:50:43 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have seen many answers concerning different medications , especially drugs which can be very dangerous if taken by sheer experience of the others or " best answer ".I refer to antidepressant/beta blockers/tranquilizers.These medications can only be given by highly trained specialists
Should we answer these questions taking in consideration that we are all different ?

2006-06-27 00:41:16 · 11 answers · asked by d260383 5

can you see me through my computer because i really think you can. I mean really can you because i really think you can. im really paranoid now that you can see me through my computer because i really think you can like i really do think you can see mye. is my computer just a hole in the wall where people look through and you can see me? i really thiknk you can.

2006-06-27 00:18:42 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

without drinking medicine ?

2006-06-26 23:11:31 · 7 answers · asked by dimension 2

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