.extraordinarily insecure with who I am physically. It affects everything I do on a daily basis. It’s on my mind 100% of the day. When I sit down, I think about the rolls that might be hanging over my pants or I might have a double chin showing with the way my chin is positioned. I have to get up from my desk and look at myself in the bathroom mirror at least, and I’m not kidding, 10 times a day. When I’m at home, it’s worse – because I have all the time in the world to look at myself. I am so sad always and do everything I can to try and make myself feel better about myself. Exercise, diet, read books… EVERYONE tells me I am ridiculous for thinking I’m so ugly and fat, but I do not 100% DO NOT believe them when they tell me I’m wrong. I don’t understand why my boyfriend stays by my side because I am constantly questioning him if I look like I’m gaining weight.. or asking why he loves me since I’m so ugly… I hate feeling this way; but I CANNOT control it. What can I do?
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